Business Operations Forum UNIVERSITY CONTRACTS & TAXATION January 20th, 2010 INTRODUCTION ~ John Fitzgibbon, Finance ~ Art Evjen, Business and Support Services ~ Michele Zollna, Accounting Office ~ Susan McFarlane, Administration Systems Management Coming Soon 2/10/10 - Travel (Course Number: 000225, Session: 0027) 3/17/10 - TBD (Course Number: 000225, Session: 0028) 4/21/10 - TBD (Course Number: 000225, Session: 0029) Service Agreements Service Agreements Contracts (including Purchase Orders) MOUs All require signed documents Service Agreements An email exchange IS NOT a valid agreement An invoice and a Payment Authorization DO NOT constitute a valid agreement A verbal agreement IS NOT a valid agreement Service Agreements Examples of Activities that require a Service Agreement Guest Speakers/Lecturers Accompanists Music Performers Sign Language Interpreters Video Recording Services Sound Mixer Services DJ Services Sports Announcers ANY Compensated Service performed by an external entity Service Agreements Examples of Activities that require a Service Agreement or Contract ANY Compensated Service performed by CSUMB ANY CSUMB Resource made available that will generate compensation or revenue ANY Permit for external entity to enter property and work Service Agreements Internal Entities (Employees) shall not engage in service agreements or contracts for CSUMB Not Independent Contractors Tax Implications Conflict of Interest Service Agreements Risk Evaluation Vendor Data Record (VDR / STD Form 204) Vendor ID created – Unique Vendor ID # Agreement / Contract (Signed by Dept and by BSS and Vendor) Signed Purchase Requisition Signed Purchase Order Services are Performed Invoice with PO stamp and signed by authorizing official Cover Memo if Special Instructions are needed Payments must be Vouchered – Checks cut on Thursdays Service Agreements Critical Elements Dates, Duration, Termination Scope of Work Timeline and Deliverables Compensation Terms and Payment Schedule Payment and any Reimbursements CSU General Provisions Other Terms and Conditions Service Agreements Signatures (At least three) Vendor should sign our agreement first Signed by Department Authority Check on Protocols for your Department Signed by Director of Business Support Services Delegation of Authority Service Agreements Fully Signed is Fully Executed Initiating Department should receive an email with a scanned pdf file of the signed document Purchase Order will be held until a signed agreement is obtained A requested payment without an agreement will be returned Provost Reminders to Academic Affairs Guests Compensated for Official Business Prior to Arrival: MOU with Scope of Work, Dates, Compensation $, Reimbursable $ Signed by Guest, Chair, Dean and CSUMB Business Manager Travel and Lodging must be arranged by dept staff Do Not personally pay expenses and then seek reimbursement Consultant Work Agreement must be approved by Provost prior to work Budget and Funding source Route the agreement at least 7 days prior to work starting Any exceptions require written justification from the Dean TAXATION TAXATION ON GOODS & SERVICES CSUMB is responsible for: ~ Paying taxes on the purchase of tangible GOODS. ~ Reporting SERVICES received to the Federal and State and local government. Taxes may be withheld. Sales Tax versus Use Tax ~ SALES TAX is imposed on California vendors or out-ofstate vendors who have a business location in California. NOTE: The invoice should reflect sales tax on tangible purchases for goods. If not, then Accounts Payable will compute sales tax and add to the amount paid on an invoice. ~ USE TAX is accrued by Accounts Payable (AP) if sales tax was not been paid on tangible goods. Mainly Use Tax is accrued on out-of-state purchases where the vendor does not have a business location in California e.g. What is Sales Tax? ~ CSUMB is not exempt from sales tax, in most cases. ~ Sales tax is imposed on tangible personal property. ~ Sales tax rate is determined by the point of delivery. ~ Sales tax is paid to the vendor. ~ Sales tax is reported and paid to the BOE by the vendor. BOE = State Board Of Equalization What is Use Tax? ~ CSUMB is responsible for accruing use tax on tangible purchase of goods from vendor when sales tax has not been charged on the invoice. ~ Use tax accrued is reported and paid directly to the BOE by CSUMB. ~ Departments need to determine what is taxable and budget for it. Software Purchases, License & Maintenance Agreements ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mandatory maintenance agreements are taxable. Optional maintenance agreements are not taxable. Custom software, license & maintenance agreements are not taxable. Canned software, license & maintenance agreements are taxable if delivered via tangible media i.e. diskette, cd-rom. Canned software, license & maintenance agreements are not taxable if delivered electronically or loaded by the vendor. Canned software optional maintenance agreements on tangible media that is a lump-sum, all inclusive billing is taxable. Go to for more information PLEASE HELP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND PROCUREMENT in determining if a purchase is taxable or not. ~ The invoice does not always provide enough information for AP/Procurement to make the determination. ~ Departments need to also understand the tax laws. Don’t forget to include the Description!!! Please Check Applicable Boxes Procurement Card Update - 12/16/2009 What’s Certain ~ Taxes We are NOT Tax-Exempt! • California Sales Tax • • Based on point of receipt/delivery (Seaside = 9.25%) If delivered and charged less than 9.25%, we still pay the difference (happens “behind the scenes”) • Use Tax (happens “behind the scenes”) • • • ~ Purchases made outside CA that would be taxed if in CA Must still pay tax; full amount to appear on your financial reports Based on Seaside rate (currently 9.25%) Budget Accordingly ! SERVICES – Reporting & Taxation EMPLOYEE VS NON-EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE – Is hired at HR, fills out a W4, receives a payroll check. Salary earnings and tax withholding are reported via W2 to the Federal Government and the State. Fringe benefits are also reported by HR and Accounts Payable, and included on the W2. FRINGE BENEFIT or perks are defined as “something additional to regular pay”, which an employee receives from an employer. FRINGE BENEFITS Examples of areas susceptible to reportable fringe benefits are: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Some expense reimbursements i.e. meals less than 24 hours, nonreceipted lodging, state per diem, tips Moving Relocation Expense Moving Relocation Mileage Reimbursement Overtime Meal Compensation Uniforms Professional/Nonprofessional Dues/Memberships Gifts Employee discounts Non-cash services EMPLOYEE VS NON-EMPLOYEE NON-EMPLOYEE – Independent Contractor Services including Honoraria, Guest Lecture Fees, Performing Artist, and Professional Service Fees i.e. consultants, lawyers, accountants, architects and doctors etc. Need to set up a contract, complete required tax forms and STD. 204 (Vendor Data Record) form. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR General Definition An independent contractor is engaged in a distinct profession and is in the business of providing services related to the job being contracted. Independent contractors have control over the work being performed, set their own hours, pay for their own business expenses, and provide their own equipment, liability insurance, and office space. Employee or Independent Contractor IMPORTANT: A CSUMB employee cannot also be hired as an independent contractor by CSUMB (there may be exceptions-contact HR). Misclassification of a worker as an independent contractor can result in serious financial penalties in a State or Federal Audit. How to determine if Independent Contractor? ~ ~ ~ Must determine prior to hiring if the individual can be classified as an independent contractor. Use 23 Determination Factors to help classify as an independent contractor. Contact Wes Scheibly or Art Evjen to help make this determination. Do not sign any contracts since you are not authorized to execute any contractual agreements on behalf of the University. Contact Art Evjen. IMPORTANT Must determine if California resident, non-resident or foreign since need to verify residency status and/or Visa status prior to hiring. NON-EMPLOYEE STATE TAX (FTB) ~ ~ ~ Resident – no California tax withholding. Non-Resident – California tax withholding (7% of all payments that exceed $1,500 accumulative per calendar year). Non-Resident Alien (foreign) – California tax withholding (same as non-resident). RESOURCE: The World Theatre is an expert on campus on processing independent contractors. NON-EMPLOYEE STATE TAX (FTB) Non-resident business or non-profit, if granted a waiver or reduction by the State (FTB), must provide us with a copy of the Withholding Exemption Certificate (Form 590). A personal letter stating doing non-resident business or is non-profits is not sufficient to waive the withholdings. NON-EMPLOYEE FEDERAL TAX (IRS) US RESIDENT: Reportable payments – Non-employee compensation to US Residents, where payment is not to a corporation, if paid $600 or more in a calendar year: Must complete a STD. 204 form to know if 1099 reportable NON-EMPLOYEE FEDERAL TAX (IRS) Examples of what is 1099 reportable: ~ Non-employee compensation ~ Commissions ~ Gross proceeds paid to attorneys ~ Rents ~ Royalties ~ Interest ~ Dividends NON-EMPLOYEE FEDERAL TAX (IRS) Who does not get 1099-MISC? ~ Employees ~ Corporations except attorneys or medical/health care providers ~ Businesses purchased tangible goods ~ Payments of Rents to Real Estate Agents ~ Exempt Organizations IRC 501(c)(3) NON-EMPLOYEE FEDERAL TAX (IRS) FOREIGN - Non-resident Alien (NRA) Possible Federal Tax withholding (28% or partial) depending on the Tax Treaty between the US and the Country. ~ ~ ~ Withholding determination Case-by-case basis VISA status Country Tax Treaty Contact Art Evjen if considering contracting a NRA NON-EMPLOYEE FEDERAL TAX (IRS) Federal Income Tax Withheld of 28% If individual does not furnish a TIN (taxpayer ID) SSN – social security number XXX-XX-XXX EIN - employer ID XX-XXXXXX Must complete STD. 204 Who To Contact TAX COMMITTEE ~ Chair, Michele Zollna ~ Co-Chair, Mickey McGuire x4302 x4224 CONTRACTS ~ Art Evjen x3394 Employee vs. Independent Contractor Determination ~ Payroll, Wes Scheibly x3586 ~ Procurement, Art Evjen x3394 ~ STD. 204 Form, Eva Salas x3751