Measurement Lesson

Lesson Plan
Teacher Candidate: Ashley Redd
School: St. Lawrence
Grade: 1, 2, 4
Subject(s): Mathematics/Language Arts
Total # of
Students: 4
Date and Time:
Observed by:
# Students
with IEP’S: 4
Lesson Summary (Purpose and Connection to Previous and Future Learning): Students will practice using inches and
feet and converting inches to feet.
Common Core (CC) Standards
Subject - Domain/Strand:
Mathematics Standards for K–5
Main Focus – Cluster/Topic
Measurement and data
CC Standard/Content Statement:
Measurement and estimate lengths in
standard units.
1. Measure the length of an object by
selecting and using appropriate tools
such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks,
and measuring tapes.
2. Measure the length of an object
twice, using length units of different
lengths for the two measurements;
describe how the two measurements
relate to the size of the unit chosen.
3. Estimate lengths using units of
inches, feet, centimeters, and meters.
4. Measure to determine how much
longer one object is than another,
expressing the length difference in
terms of a standard length unit.
Subject - Domain/Strand:
Reading Standards K–5
Main Focus – Cluster/Topic
Key ideas and details
CC Standard/Content Statement:
Subject - Domain/Strand:
Main Focus – Cluster/Topic
CC Standard/Content Statement:
R2.1 – Ask and answer such
questions as who, what, when,
where, and why.
R1.7 – Use illustrations and details
in a story to describe its characters,
setting, or events
R4.2 – Determine a theme of a
story, drama, or poem from details
in the text; summarize the text.
Learning Outcome(s):
Students will be able to accurately measure objects in
inch and foot increments.
IEP Objective(s): Students will be able to understand
mathematical sequences of inches and feet when measuring
objects provided by the teacher with at least 80% accuracy in 4
out of 5 trials.
Differentiation:(Explain how your instructional procedures address inevitable variances in student learning, including the needs of those who
are struggling and advanced; indicate the level of instruction and strategy/ies.)
___Whole Group Multi-level Instruction: (e.g. multi-modal presentation, adjusting questions, anticipation guides)
Talk about measurements and measure Jack’s Beanstalk.
___Small Group Based Strategies: (e.g. tiered activities, mixed readiness collaborative activities)
Work on filling out Jack worksheets.
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___Individual Based Strategies: (e.g. adaptations, learning centers, contracts)
Fill out the Apple worksheet.
Assessment Strategies
Scoring Guidelines
Students will be shown four pictures (apple, tree, pencil, and car) and they will have to respond
with rather they think they would use inches or feet to measure the objects).
Formative assessment:
Teachers will engage students in a measuring activity based off Jack and the Bean stock fairy
The teacher is looking for
correct response of 3 out four
Teacher is to identify students
who still need additional help
with the task.
Summative assessment:
Teacher will have students measure themselves with cut out apples (teacher and peers are able
to help). Students then will be given a worksheet where they will write in the measurement of
themselves in apples and compare the measurement with other objects in the room.
Students will fill out apple sheet
with an 85% accuracy, receiving
minimal help from teacher.
PLAN OF INSTRUCTION (include approximate time allocations)
Introduction ( 15minutes) (before lesson - including explicit connections to lesson(s)/concept(s) taught before, the instruction that will take
place to assess and build students’ prior knowledge) The teacher will use simile and metaphor as a conversation starter asking for the student
interpretation of the usage. Then apply the pre-assessment.
Students will be asked if they have used a ruler, yardstick, or tape measure to measure before. They then will be shown four pictures an apple, tree
pencil, and car and will be asked if they would use inches or feet to measure it. Before doing this, the teacher should help students understand
the differences between inches and feet (help students visualize it by having the length of an inch and foot cut out in string). The teacher is also
able to introduce the concept that 12 inches= one foot, for older students.
Instructional Procedures (45minutes)(during lesson - including the steps you will take to scaffold dense text or difficult concepts
during the course of the lesson)
- Discuss measuring
- Read Jack and the Beanstalk
- Ask questions about who, what, when, where, and why.
- Use the cover and illustrations of Jack and the Beanstalk to talk about setting and events.
- Summarize the text.
- Measure the bean stock using a cow, harp, goose, and eggs
- Have student record the responses on worksheet
- Measure students using cut out of apples
- Have students work on apple worksheet
Conclusion (10 minutes)(after lesson - including explicit connections to future lesson(s)/instruction) When all groups have finished come back
together as a class and go over what the students highlighted and explain why they are what they are.
As a class, review that 12 inches = 1 foot. Show that the objects in the lesson (the cow, the harp, the goose,
and the eggs) may be measured on Jack’s beanstalk. For example, the cow, the largest object, may be
measured with six leaves, whereas the goose, a smaller object, make be measured with two leaves.
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Academic Language:
( Identify and justify why the selected language demands are central to the lesson and how you addressed
introducing academic language while attending to students’ varied levels of language development.) During introduction the students will be
exposed to the words metaphor and simile, the words will be written on the board along with being discussed in the classroom.
Inches, feet
Materials/Resources and Technology Standards/Connections:
For Teacher(s), Instructional: poem handout, smart board, poem pulled up on smart board, markers
1. Green Paper
2. Glue
3. Green Ribbon
4. Jack and the Beanstalk Worksheet
5. Jack and the Beanstalk Book
6. Apple Worksheet
7. Apple Cutout
8. Picture of Car
9. Picture of Pencil
10. Picture of Tree
11. Picture of Apple
12. Picture of Cow x12
13. Picture of Harp x12
14. Picture of Goose x12
15. Picture of Egg x12
16. Tape
Home Connections and Homework Options: For homework students should choose a person from television or era of
history and write several similes and metaphors to describe that person and mark next which is a metaphor or simile. Students
should be encouraged to make five similes and 5 metaphors based off the facts they find on their person.
Go home, measure an object using inches, and convert the inches to feet.
Praxis: Theory/Research to Practice Connections and Reflection:(If submitting this lesson plan as part of Teacher
Performance Assessment, delete these questions and refer to the edTPA commentary.)
The group activities are founded in Vygotsky (1978) work with collaborative learning. Gardner, multiple intelligence
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