Pre Teen Monologue

Pre-Teen Monologue
A friend in Deed:
Dad says I have to give you up. He says I’m too old to have an imaginary
friend. He says people will think there is something wrong with me
because when I’m talking to you it looks like I am a little crazy of something.
I told him I don’t think it looks any crazier than him talking to his golf clubs
after he hits a bad shot. I think dad is wrong, but if I don’t do what he says
he’s going to cut back my allowance. So here’s what I think we should do.
Ill just pretend your not here when people are around. Come on now, don’t
cry. I feel really bad about this. We’ve been through some really tough
times together…scary times too! Listen, we’re friends for life, I promise!
And… when I grow up and have kids of my own, Ill make sure they get to
meet you.
Willy Wonka Nightmare:
Mom! Mom! I had the worst dream! My friends took me to
Willy Wonka's candy factory for my birthday. When we first
got there we were all sooo excited because, hellooo, we were at
willy wonka's factory! [rolls eyes] Then the Oompa Loompas
came out and I got really excited thinking they are gonna sing
me a birthday song or do a little dance... boy was I down to the
beat run away -­­ if you want you can TRY!!" Oompa Loompa, I
will haunt you Like the Oompa,Loompas, Doompaty DO! Then,
the little monsters had lasso's made of nerds ropes. They
would get the rope circled around our ankles while we were
trying to run away, guns filled with Everlasting Gobbstopppers,
and shot my friends down! While they were reloading, I had
enough time to untie myself and get away, but it was only
seconds before they were hot on my trail, and bumped me into
a lake of Chocolate! It was like quicksand, I struggled not to go
under… and that’s when I woke up! Mom, I don’t ever want a
Wonka product ever again!