chapt. 30

 Suburbs
flourish- urban decay
 Liberal tradition
• Tame capitalism
• Reform American society
 Govt. play active role in economy
 Intelligence of experts
 Infectious and energizing
• Election of 1960- JFK, youngest ever -Catholic
 New
• Cold war during JFK presidency
 Alliance for progress- foreign aid- too discourage
Castro style revolutions
 Peace Corps- technical educational and public health
 Jungle warfare taught
 Space program- Apollo 11 touchdown on moon
 Bay
of Pigs- push out communist regime,
headed by CIA- relied on Cuban rebels
• Still worked on covert operations
 South Vietnam-Vietcong
were growing
stronger and waged war against Diem
• Green Berets step in to try to help Diem
• Why try to help- domino theory
• Diem falls- taken by coup plotters
• Push for reunified Germany
• German people fleeing east berlin –Berlin Wall
• Kennedy seen as weak to bully
Dulles doctrine- any trigger-massive retaliation
Flexible response doctrine-(McNamara and Kennedy)
• Limit level of first nuclear strike- room to negotiate
• Increase missile sites around US
Cuban Missile Crisis- October 1962
• Any attempt o place weapons in Cuba was an unacceptable threat.
• U-2 flight confirmed that offensive missile sites were being
constructed in Cuba
• Fear of another Nuclear war
• Imposed naval blockade to intercept military equipment sent to Cuba
• SU agreed to remove missiles if US did not invade Cuba –Oct.26th
Nuclear test ban treaty- negotiated with SU prohibit all
above ground tests, concern over radioactive fallout, hotline
to use in crisis time
Kennedy public opinion improves stands up to SU
 New
• Democratic congress dominated by conservatives
• No headway in key issues
 Education
 Health insurance
 Manage economy?-increase govt. spending but go into
deficit, fear of tax proposals
• Ease antitrust restrictions and tax credits and breaks
for corporations- govt should regulate wages and
prices- fear of inflation
 Ties wage increases with productivity
 Steel- broke bargain and steel prices increasing – sent in
investigations= dropped the prices but =bad relationship
Reforms of the warren court
• Chief Justice Earl Warren- liberal reform in civil liberties
and rights
• Gideon v. Wainwright- all titled to legal counsel
• 14th amendment includes due process of law
• Miranda v. Arizona- much inform of charges against them,
right to silenced and right to have attorney for
 To benefit poor.
• Engel v. Vitale- separation of church and state (prayer in
• Griswold v. Connecticut- narrow definition of obscenity
and censorship
• Baker v. Carr- one person, one vote
 Greensboro, NC- sit-ins
 Montgomery bus boycott- unwilling
accept 2nd class citizenship
 Groups and citizens led Civil rights
• SCLC- MLK jr nonviolent protests
• CORE- force confrontation with segregation
• SNCC- young black activists- impatient
 Freedom riders- CORE
• Bus in heart of south to bring attention to inequality-
attn to violence
• Kennedy want to avoid Federal govt. involvement but
eventually forced to –states didn’t comply with
police force- needs votes
SNCC- voter registration
• Attacked, harassed, jailing, beatings, bombings and
James Meredith-blocked from Univ. of Miss
• Federal Marshalls to escort JFK had to send in fed troops
“Letter from Birmingham Jail”
• Civil disobedience, push for nonviolence
Riots erupt around US
Civil Rights Bill- JFK
March on Washington- I have a dream speech
Fear loosing southern whites and ethnic
 JFK shot Nov. 22, 1963
pass JFK Civil rights bill-Civil rights act of 1964
• barred discrimination in public accommodations (bus
stations, bathrooms, lunch counters etc.)
• Desegregation schools, museums, and public facilities
• Outlawed discrimination in employment by race, color,
religion, sex or national origin
• Protection in voting rights
Freedom Summer-voting drive in Miss.
 Walk from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama
 Voting Rights Act 1965
• Suspended literacy tests
• authorized federal officials to supervise elections
De facto segregation- public beliefs and actions
 De jure segregation- by law
 Black Muslim religions group- separation from
white society
Malcolm X
Militant, emphasized community action,
Would not accept being “given” rights by whites
SNCC starts to follow Malcolm X- Black power
 Recover roots, culture and heritage
• Black Panthers
 More militant
 confrontational
 LBJ-
Johnson Treatment- combative,
threats emotional- caring of underdogs
• Support for civil rights, aid to poor, education
and welfare
• Harrington's book “The Other America”brought attention to poverty
• Fight Kennedy's war on poverty
• Economic Opportunity Act 11964-training
programs (job corps) loans to rural families and
businesses, aid to migrant workers, VISTA (like
peace corps)
 Battles
for power and bureaucratic turf
undermined federal projects
 Campaigned on Great Society- poverty
and racial injustice no longer existed
 LBJ was a moderate compared to
Goldwater-Humphrey gave balance
 Education
• Educational equipment for low income schools
• Headstart program
 Medicare- health insurance for elderly
 Medicaid-grants to apply for medical
expenses too poor for medical expenses
• Nothing restricted hospitals from increasing cost
 HUD- Housing and Urban Development Omnibus housing act- subsidize rent for
 National foundation for the arts and
Humanities- money for equipment
 Immigration
Act of 1965- abolished national
origins system, provisions restricting Asians
eliminated, new limits from Western
 Wilderness preservation act- land
• Pollution standards
 Raise
minimum wage, improve auto safety,
 Ban discrimination in housing
 Truth-in-lending- unfair credit practices
 More
legislation and reforms than New
 Too fast?
 Favoritism
 High intervention government