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• Feint
– Noun: A false appearance, movement
intended to deceive
– verb: to make a feint
Syn: pretense, trick, sham, wile, swindle
Ant: candor, openness, artlessness
Sent: She made a feint of studying when
actually she was listening to the radio
The fighter feinted with his right hand and
struck with his left.
My own sentence:
• Plaintive : adj => expressive of sorrow
syn: mournful, sorrowful, somber,
ant: cheerful, joyous, elated
adv: plaintively
noun: plaintiveness
Sent: The dog whined plaintively when its
master left it alone.
• Avarice : noun => greed for wealth
syn: greed, covetouness, voracity
ant: generosity, charity
adj: avaricious
adv: avariciously
Sent: The wealthy landlord who raised
his poor tenants’ rent was guided only
by avarice.
• Indigent: adj
=> lacking the necessities of life
syn: needy, poor, impoverished
ant: well-off, affluent, prosperous
adv: indigently
Sent: The town built a shelter for its
indigent families.
• Lament: verb
To express grief for
Adj: lamentable
Adv: lamentably
Syn: grieve, sadden, mourn, pine,
Ant: gladden, soothe, rejoice, exult, revel
Sent: He died in 1665 and was universally
lamented by the citizens.
• petulant: adjective
=> likely to have little fits of bad temper
irritable over trifles
Syn: grumpy, touchy, fretful, peevish
Ant: agreeable, cheerful, pleasant
Adv: petulantly
Noun: petulance
Sent: My sister’s petulant mood annoyed
my parents. The children petulantly
glared at the thunderstorm.
• Covey ; noun
=> brood of partridge, quail, etc
=> a small group, company
Syn: band, clique, group, cluster
SENT: A covey of sparrows perched in
a small tree near our house
My Own Sent:
• Incandescent: adj
Glowing with heat, shining brightly
Syn: brilliant, radiant, luminous
Ant: dull, tarnished
Noun: incandescence
Adv: incandescently
Sent: The costly pearl had a beautiful
incandescence that made it seem to
glow from within.
• Undulate: verb
=> to move in waves
to have a wavy form or surface
Syn: fluctuate, wave, billow, pulsate
Ant: compose, calm
Noun: undulation
Adj: undulatory
Sent: The small boat danced to the
rhythm of the undulating ocean.
WOD 10
• Bulwark: noun
=> person, thing, or idea that is a
defense or protection
Syn: protection, defense, rampart,
Sent: My family always encouraged me to
save a portion of my salary in a bank
account as a bulwark against rainy
WOD 11
• Judicious: adj
=> having, using, or showing good
Syn: wise, sensible, cautious, prudent
Ant: unreasonable, foolish, silly, unwise
Adv: judiciously
Sent: A judicious historian selects and
weighs facts carefully and critically.
WOD 12
• Lucent: adj
=> bright or shining
letting light through
Syn: luminous, glowing, glistening
translucent, clear, crystalline
Ant: dull, dim, cloudy, opaque, dense
Adv: lucently
Sent: Pearls of great value have a bright, lucent
quality that makes them seem to glow
WOD 13
• Disparage: verb
=> to speak of in a disrespectful or
slighting way
Syn: demean, belittle, denounce
Ant: esteem, appreciate, acclaim
Noun: disparagement
Adv: disparagingly
Sent: While glaring at the poor fisherman
in a disparagement, the pearl buyer told
him that his pearls were worthless.
WOD 14
• Coagulate: Verb
- to change from a liquid into a thickened
Syn: thicken, solidify, condense, clot
Ant: liquefy, melt, run
Noun – coagulation
Sent: The blood from the man’s wound began to
coagulate quickly.
Cooking coagulates the whites of egg.
The proteins coagulate, producing a soft
cheese-like product.
WOD 15
• Escarpment: Noun
- a steep slope or cliff
- ground made into a steep slope as part of a
Syn: precipice, bluff, peak
Ant: level, plane, flat, plain
Sent: The stream ran down the escarpment,
forming a small pool near the bottom of the
The people build several escarpments all
around their village to protect it from the wild
WOD 16
• Germane: adj
- closely connected, to the point.
Syn: pertinent, relevant, related,
Ant: irrelevant, unrelated, inappropriate
Sent: The speaker agreed only to
answer those questions that were
germane to the topic of his speech
WOD 17
• Covert: adj - kept from sight
noun – a hiding place, thicket in which
animals hide.
syn: concealed, disguised, hidden
Ant: overt, open, revealed, exposed
Adv: covertly
Sent: To hide from the fox, the rabbit ran into
a covert in the woods.
The rabbit covertly disguised itself in the bush
from the hunter.
WOD 18
• Arduous: adj
- hard to do
Syn: strenuous, tough, rigorous
Ant: easy, effortless, light
Noun: arduousness
Adv: arduously
Sent: Climbing Mt. Everest is an arduous
WOD 19
• Semblance: noun
- outward appearance, likeness
syn: look, appearance, image, exterior
resemblance, likeness, similarity
Sent: Their story had the semblance of truth
but was really false.
These clouds have the semblance to a huge
WOD 20
• Distill: verb
- to separate or extract the essential
elements of, to remove impurities from
Syn: extract, separate, compress
Adj: distillable
Noun: distillation, distillate
Sent: Gasoline is distilled from crude oil.
A jury must distill the truth from the
testimony of witnesses.
WOD 21
• Precipitate: adj – with great haste and force
verb – to cause to happen, especially
suddenly or prematurely
Syn: sudden, hasty, reckless, swift
Ant: gradual, deliberate, planned
Noun: precipitation
Sent: His anger precipitated an argument that
lasted many generations.
A cool breeze caused a precipitate drop in the
WOD 22
Benign: adj => kindly in feeling/favorable
Syn: amiable, benevolent,
gracious/advantageous, beneficial
Ant: hostile, mean/ violent, destructive,
Adv: benignly
Sent: The man’s benign expression and his
friendly smile made everyone feel at ease.
The boat sailed pleasantly in the benign
WOD 23
• Countenance: verb => to approve
noun => expression of the face
syn: support, encourage/ profile, expression
Ant: disapprove, disfavor, hinder
Sent: Happiness and contentment exuded
from the child’s countenance.
The woman could not countenance the idea
of leaving her young child with anyone but
a close relative.
WOD 24
• Sear: verb => to burn or char the surface
of - to dry up
Syn: burn, scorch, roast – wither, parch,
dehydrate, shrivel
Ant: - bloom, blossom, flourish
Sent: The hot summer sun seared the grain.
WOD 25
• Stalwart: adj
=> strongly built - strong and brave
Syn: robust, muscular – fearless, courageous
Ant: weak, puny, fragile – timid, cowardly, fearful
Adv: stalwartly
Noun: stalwartness
Sent: Ali, the stalwart athlete, won the
championship title against the mighty Andres.
WOD 26
• Sluggish: adj => lacking energy or vigor
Syn: lazy, slack, unresponsive, languid
Ant: active, lively, energetic, brisk
Adv: sluggishly
Noun: sluggishness
WOD 27
• Conceive: v => to think up, to have an idea
Syn: originate, envision, assume, reckon
Adj: conceivable
Adv: conceivably
Sent: The Wright brothers conceived the
design of the first successful motor-driven
WOD 28
• Goad: v => to drive or urge one on
N => a sharp-pointed stick for driving cattle
Syn: prod, urge, spur, stimulate
Ant: discourage, dishearten
Sent: Hunger can goad a person to steal
WOD 29
• Glint: noun => a gleam or flash of light
VERB => to shine with a flashing
Syn for Verb : flash, glitter, flicker,
Sent: The glint in her eye showed that
she was angry.
WOD 30
• Oppression => cruel or unjust treatment
Syn: tyranny, persecution, injustice, abuse
Ant: justice, benevolence, compassion
Adj: oppressive
Verb: oppress
Adv: oppressively
Sent: Oppression of the poor can lead to
revolution. The dictator oppressed the
WOD 31
• Subjugate: verb
=>to bring under control
Syn: overpower, defeat, conquer, overthrow
Ant: free, liberate, release
Noun: subjugation
Sent: After years of subjugation by the
foreigners, the people of the small country
demanded to control their own government
WOD 32
• Contempt: noun
=> the feeling with which a person
regards anything considered mean,
vile, or worthless.
Syn: disdain, humiliation, ridicule,
Ant: admiration, affection, respect
Adj: contemptuous, contemptible
WOD 33
• Pelt : verb
=> hit with objects, words, etc.
thrown one after another
Syn: strike, batter, thrash, pound, attack
Sent: The attorney pelted the witness with
angry questions
WOD 34
• Solemn: adj
=> causing serious or grave thoughts
Syn: serious, somber, grave, formal
Ant: joyful, light, frivolous
Sent: The little boy became very solemn
when he heard the news of the loss of
his favorite pet.
The solemn countenance of the father
subdued the toddler who was about to
WOD 35
Cleft: N=> a hollow between two parts
adj. => split, divided
Syn: crack, split, divide, division, gap
Sent: The adventurer jumped over the rocky
cleft in the mountain biome.
WOD 36
• Clamber; verb
=> to climb awkwardly or with difficulty
using both hands and feet
Syn: climb, scramble, mound
Sent: He strives to clamber up an inclined
plane but each time slips down.
Indomitable ambition impels him to
clamber up over the hopes and bodies of
his fellow workers.
WOD 37
• Cozen: verb
=> to deceive or trick
(to cause to accept what is false,
especially by trickery or misinterpretation,
or to get something from deceitful trickery)
Syn: cheat, deceive, defraud, hoax
WOD 38
Conspicuous; adj
easily seen, attracting attention
syn: noticeable, obvious, prominent,
striking, remarkable
ant: hidden, shrouded, indistinguishable,
insignificant, obscure
adv: conspicuously
noun: conspicuousness
sent: Ali and his friends ordered 6th graders
this way and that while Jacob tried to
include himself without being conspicuous.
WOD 39
• Aplomb; noun
self-confidence, especially in a difficult
• Syn: poise, assurance, surety
• Ant: doubt, fear, uncertainty
• Sent: the soldiers handled their
mission with great aplomb. Thanks to
them, the mission was a success.
WOD 40
Terse; adj
brief and to the point
Syn: concise, precise, succinct, short
Ant: lengthy, wordy, long
Adv: tersely
Sent: His account of the accident was
too terse to provide any means of
WOD 41
Outlandish; adj
not familiar, strange or ridiculous
Syn: alien, eccentric, exotic, outrageous
Ant: common, familiar, ordinary
Adv: outlandishly
Sent: The mother could not believe the
outlandish tales her son was telling about
the …