Element-Color With Color Schemes Color Wheel Artists bend the color spectrum into a circle which organizes the colors Color wheel organization Colors are arranged on the color wheel by how they are mixed together Yellow-orange COLOR WHEEL When the spectrum is organized as a color wheel, the colors are divided into groups called primary, secondary and intermediate colors. S P S P S PRIMARY COLORS Primary colors are the colors yellow, red and blue These colors can not be made by mixing other colors…..however, it is possible to mix all the other colors of the spectrum using the primary colors. Yellow Blue Red SECONDARY COLORS • Colors made by mixing two different primary colors GREEN ORANGE VIOLET INTERMEDIATE COLORS • Intermediate colors are made by mixing one primary color and one secondary color. Yellow-orange Yellow-green Blue-green Blue-violet secondary Red-orange Red-violet Color Schemes Colors artists group together that look good when put with one another • Triad, complementary, analogous, split complementary, • Warm, cool, monochromatic, • Neutral Triad Color Scheme Any three colors spaced at an equal distance on the color wheel such as the primary colors, or the secondary colors. Piet Mondrian, Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow c. 1930 Complementary Color Scheme Two colors opposite each other on the color wheel Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Boating on the Seine Vincent van Gogh, Night Cafe Analogous Color Scheme Three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel: the colors have a common hue. Yellow-green, green, blue-green Warm Color Scheme Colors associated with warm things: fire, sun, heat Cool Color Scheme Colors associated with cool things-such as ice and grass Split Complementary Color Scheme One color and the two colors on each side of its complement Red-orange, yellow-orange, blue Split complementary color scheme with yellow, red-violet and blue violet Neutral Color Scheme Colors such as black, white, gray, or brown that are not on the spectrum. Monochromatic color scheme One color and all its tints and shades What color scheme is used? John Biggers Shotgun, Third Ward #1 1966 Artistic expression • Colors can make us think of certain things or feel a certain way. • What do you think of when you see these colors: • • • • • • • • Red/green Blue/gold Black Pink Blue Yellow Gray Red Critique this painting by Picasso. Look closely at the color and values used Think about why he used only the color blue Would Picasso’s Man with Guitar look as sad if he chose a different color? Pablo Picasso The Old Guitarist, 1903 Oil on panel, 48”x32 1/2” The Art Institute of Chicago