Lesson 7 SFMS - Rome Ch 8 Sec 2

Mary Donna Helms
Lesson #7
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Reading Strategy Groups
Date: February 28-Mar 1, 2013
Grade: 8th World History, SFMS
Time: 90 mins/2 days length
Websites: www.discoveryeducation.com
World History
ACOS Standards
Teaching / Learning
This is a TWO DAY lesson plan
The Rise of Rome
Chapter 8, Section 2
6. Trace the expansion of the Roman Republic and its transformation into an empire,
including key geographic, political, and economic elements.
1. Explain that Rome’s republic was shaped by a struggle between wealthy
landowners and regular citizens as it gradually expanded the right to vote and
created a system of Roman Law.
2. Describe how Rome slowly destroyed the Carthaginian Empire during the Punic
Wars and took control of the entire Mediterranean region.
1. Laptop computer
2. Textbook
3. Book- Stories in History
POST OBJECTIVES and Agenda on board prior to class
A. Lesson Agenda for Day one and two
1. Bellringer assignment- (10 min) Think of the pledge of allegiance you say
every day. (I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible for
liberty and justice for all.) Where do you think the word republic comes
from? Look on pg. 269 to find out and write down what it means. Discuss
answer with class after we finish grading guided reading.
2. Quiz Ch. 8 Sec 1 (10 min)
3. Grade Guided Reading Ch. 8 Sec 2 (5 min)
4. PPT: (20 min) Roman Republic, Plebeians and Patricians, Cincinnatus,
Roman Law, Rome Expands, Punic Wars, Hannibal
5. Friday Bellringer: What early American leader looked to Cincinnatus’
example of leadership? What qualities made Cincinnatus a good
leader?(George Washington; when called for duty he obliged, defeated the
enemy, did not seek power but returned home)
6. Friday 1/2 day short classes: Finish up PPT on Sec 2
7. Quiz on Ch. 8 Sec 2
8. Group Activity- Break into groups 1-4 and read “Hannibal Dot Com”. Each
group answers one of the 4 questions. Groups share answers with class.
B. Instructional Procedures (20 min)
1. Elicit prior knowledge from section 1: how Rome had shrewd rulers,
conquered most of Italy and built military outposts, built roads to
encourage trade, created the Roman Confederation- gave full citizenship
rights to some conquered peoples allowing them to vote and serve in
govt. Romans granted other people the status of Allies- could run local
affairs but had to pay taxes and supply soldiers. They could move up to
become citizens. *Romans knew that if they treated conquered people
well then they would be more loyal.
*Ask---what was the result of Rome treating people well?- the Republic
grew strong and more unified.
2. (Obj 1,2 ) PPT lecture and movie clips from Discovery Education.
-Beginning Have kids look at the map on page 269. Ask- What major
islands did Rome conquer by 500BC? Why do you think Rome did not go
farther north?
Essential Questions:
1. Who were the top government officials in the Roman Republic? What
were their duties?
2. Why do you think the legacy of Roman law is considered so
important? DO you think everyone deserves equal rights?
3. What is different between our version of a dictator and Rome’s
meaning of the word? Who are some modern dictators and do they
emulate Cincinnatus?
4. Where was Carthage located and how did Carthage compete with
5. Why did Rome and Carthage want control of Sicily?
- Groupwork: Pair off students into groups of two. One student will be
the scribe. They will make a T-chart of notes from section 2 and turn in
one sheet of paper with both their names on it. Due in class. T chart to
include three main topics: Rome’s Govt, Social groups, Roman Law. Each
main topic is to have two important details.
Assessment /
3. Conclusion (5 min) – Since this is a two day lesson, I will stop at 5
minutes before the bell and sum up what we have learned thus far into
the lesson. I will then have students write down one question they have
on an exit slip and I will address those questions the beginning of day
two of the lesson.
Objective 1: Formative: I will ask questions during the PPT to gauge the level of
student understanding. Summative: I will use the T-chart project to assess whether
students have learned the material.
Objective 2: Formative: I will ask questions during the PPT to gauge the level of
student understanding. Summative: The Punic Wars will be assessed on section 2
quiz as well as Chapter test.
1. Students may look through the many books I have on Rome and explore every day
Roman Life and culture since we will be learning about that in the coming week.
I can be available for questions before or after class and during break. I will leave the
slide viewable for a longer period of time and read the questions at a slower rate to
accommodate those students with problems in oral language.
For students absent I will have a printed T-chart available for those students absent so they can make this
1. Were objectives met?
(done after lesson
2. Were students engaged?
is taught)
3. Did I alter my plan?
4. Did I provide accommodations?
5. What other support, resources could I have used?
6. Would I teach the lesson the same?