1. What does bicameral mean? 2. Name the 2 houses in Congress. 3. How many members are there in each house? Lesson #2 What are some benefits that members of Congress enjoy? Along with their $150,000 salary, members of Congress receive •free office space, •parking, •trips to their home states •franking privileges •immunity in some situations •low-cost life insurance • use of a gymnasium •special restaurants •a medical clinic. (pages 151– 152) The Constitution of the United States defines the structure and powers of the national government. Article I of the Constitution outlines the Legislative Branch and Congress Meet with your 12:00 partner to complete the activity on the main powers of Congress The main powers of Congress are: 1. Makes the laws of the nation 2. Approves annual budget 3. Confirms presidential appointments 4. Raises revenue through taxes and other levies 5. Regulates interstate and foreign trade 6. Declares war Expressed powersPowers written specifically into the Constitution Implied powersPowers not listed in the Constitution Article I Section 8 lists the expressed powers of Congress. These are called expressed powers because the powers are actually written out saying exactly what Congress has the power to do. Work with your 3:00 partner to find out what these expressed powers are. The Founders stopped listing the powers after #17. How could they anticipate everything Congress would need to do in the future? Article I Section 8.18 is where Congress gets its implied powers. Critical Thinking Making Predictions What problems might have arisen in our government if the elastic clause had not been included in the Constitution? Possible answer: Congress would have had difficulty meeting needs as times changed. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Supporting Clinton Click the Speaker button to replay the audio. Each of the 3 branches of the national government limits the power of the other 2 branches. 1. Congress checks the power of the president when legislators: Override presidential vetoes Impeach and convict a president 2. Congress checks the courts when legislators: Confirm or refuse to confirm federal judges Impeach and convict judges and justices Nonlegislative Powers (cont.) If the House votes to impeach an official, is that person removed from office? Not necessarily. After the House votes to impeach, the Senate acts as jury. A twothirds vote in the Senate is required to convict and remove the person from office. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. (pages 148– 149)