My Life in Dog Years By Gary Paulsen PowerPoint By Kinsey Harper

My Life in Dog Years
Gary Paulsen
Kinsey Harper
• This is Cookie.
• Cookie was
Paulsen’s first lead
sled dog.
• She took Paulsen
from Anchorage to
Nome , Alaska,
when most people –
including Paulsenthought she
couldn’t do it.
• Cooking was more
than just a dog. She
was more like a dog
mom to Paulsen.
• This is Snowball. She was a little black female with a white spot on
her side.
• Snowball saved Paulsen’s life once. Her and Paulsen were on a trail
and there was a snake Paulsen got closer and the snake was about
to strike….. Snowball went charging to the snake and snapped its
• 2 weeks later Snowball got hit by a reckless driver…… R.I.P..
This is Ike. He is a black Labrador.
Paulsen went duck hunting when he
was young. One day while Paulsen was
duck hunting, he saw Ike. Ike would
meet Paulsen everyday on a bridge
where they started with their hunting.
Every morning Paulsen would cook Ike
an egg sandwich.
One day Ike wasn’t there and he didn’t
ever come again. 
When Paulsen was older, he was at one
of his sponsorships, there was a man in
a wheelchair listening to Paulsen tell
his stories about his dogs. Afterwards,
the man in the wheelchair came up to
Paulsen and said ”I had a very good
dog once. When I fought in the Korean
War I got shot and lost both my legs,
when I got home my dog was sitting on
the porch waiting for me. I still miss
him..” And then Paulsen asked “ was
his name Ike”? And he said” Yes… but
how did you..? And Paulsen said” yes
he was my friend….”
This is Dirk: the protector…
When Paulsen was young he worked at a
bowling ally by setting up pins. And it was
dark when he came home every night and
bullies beat Paulsen up and took his money
he earned that night.
One night Paulsen decided to go a different
way: which was climbing down the ladder
from the roof of the 2 story bowling all into
scary dark ally.. As he was going down the
steps he stepped on something and heard
a low growl… He knew he needed to get
out of there before the bullies came. So he
tore half of his burger off and gave it to the
dog under him and ran! But he ran right into
the bullies! They started beating Paulsen
up and then all the sudden Paulsen heard
screams and ripping of clothing. He looked
up and Dirk was sitting beside him. Dirk
had scared away the bullies!
The bullies never messed with Paulsen
again because Dirk was by his side! 
• This is Rex the farm dog.
• Paulsen worked on a
farm when he was about
15 or 16 and his boss had
a dog. He was a smart
• He had his own routine
he learned himself! The
cows taught Rex where
to go to feed them. He
would take the cows to
the pasture where they
ate, the he would check
on the chickens , and
then check on the pigs!
He was a great dog!
The dog was ENORMOUS..
This is Caesar the giant. Right after the man
gave Paulsen the dog he ran away before
Paulsen could say anything! Right when
Caesar got there he climbed on the couch
knocking over the coffee table,2 end tables
and a lamp. He used his paw to push the
drapes aside and saw the car just as it was
disappearing and made a really loud cry. He
was devastated…
The next morning Paulsen asked Caesar if
he needed to go outside and of course the
house started shaking because Caesar was
jumping around because he was getting to
go outside.. So Paulsen put his leash on him
and right when they stepped out the
door…CAT… Caesar went a runnin’! And of
course the leash was rapped around
Paulsen’s wrist so he was getting dragged
along… Caesar ran through Paulsen’s
neighbor’s yard which was half a mile from
Paulsen’s house.. And Paulsen was in his
boxers… It didn’t look good from there….
This is Fred. Paulsen bought Fred from a
kid who was selling him for 5$. The kid said
he would be a good watch dog.
Right when they got home Fred peed on the
floor, tore a hole in the couch cushion,
spilled the trash in the kitchen, ripped open
2 bags of beans and rice in the pantry,
dismembered a doll that a neighbor’s
daughter left, ate the laces and tongues out
of 4 pairs of shoes, destroyed a vacuum
cleaner, and scared Paulsen’s cat up to the
ceiling. That was in the first 20 minutes
Fred was home..
Paulsen had a pig that was named Pig.
Fred loved Pig. They spent most their time
together eating.
Pig kept eating the flowers in the flower bed
so Paulsen put up an electric fence around
the pig’s pen. That was a bad idea! Fred
tried to jump over the fence but got caught
he was electrocuted until his eyes rolled
back! But he didn’t die! Fred loves that pig!
• This is Quincy the wild dog of
the Alaskan North.
• The lady that gave Paulsen the
dog said that Quincy got into
the trash all the time. But not
one time did Quincy get in the
trash with Paulsen around.
• Paulsen’s wife loved Quincy.
When Paulsen would go on his
sled races, Quincy would stay
with Paulsen’s wife. Quincy
thought he was big and tough
and a sled dog. But he wasn’t.
He’d like to be though.
Paulsen loved Quincy and he
was always there to help the
little guy. 
• This is Josh…. He lives with
Paulsen. on his ranch today
Josh was sitting right beside
Gary Paulsen as he was writing
this book.. Josh is an old dog,
19 or 20.
• Josh is more than a dog… he’s
real.. He listens to Paulsen as
they look out the window and
talk. Along with Cookie Josh has
changed Paulsen’s life forever.
Josh is so gentle with kids and
he is a very mature dog.
Paulsen loves Josh with all his
heart and Josh is very special to
him…. 