Theatre History


Theatre History

Rituals to Renaissance

Rituals - 38,000-5000 BC

 Oldest form of expression - storytelling

 Begins with primitive man as dance and rhythmic movement

 These rituals explained tradition, religion, why thing happen in nature

 Rituals evolved into pantomime - stories shown not told

Egypt - 4000 - 500 B.C.

“Pyramid” plays - religious plays about the deceased king’s soul being resurrected

 Coronation Festival plays - celebration of the new pharaoh

 Passion plays - murder of a king; battle, voyages, and a scary resurrection scene

“Ra” plays - Ra ( sun god) fought Apophis

(snake god) of the underworld. Ra always won.

Greeks 1200-500 B.C.

 Performances grew out of religious festivals in honor of Greek God Dionysis

 Festivals (5-6 days) were held once a year in the THEATRON (“watching space”) which is where we get our word THEATRE

 All citizens were expected to attend

 Largest seated 1400 (1/2 population of Athens)

 Theaters were semi-circles built of stone into the hillside

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Greek Theatre (continued)

Greek Theatre focused on TRAGEDY

(issues of life, death, the gods)

Actors all male/wore masks

 Chorus (12-50) acted out the story/life of the Gods together

 First producer/director/actor was

THESPIS “invented” acting when he steps out of the chorus to answer them --this created stage dialogue

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Greek Theatre (continued) - Playwrights

Aeschylus - (525?456 B.C.) “Father of Tragedy”; considered to be the first playwright

Idea of the play is the most important thing - not the character

Adds a 2nd actor

Sophocles (496-406 B.C.)

Writes about right vs wrong, the idea that man can not solve all the problems in the world

Focuses on character -- drives the plot

Euripides (480?-406 B.C.)

First “Modern” playwright

 Writes plays of characters in relation to society and mocks them

Characters are realistic

No chorus

Roman Theatre - 6th century B.C.

Borrowed from the Greeks and “improved” on them

Less philosophical than the Greeks

Actors/performers were called “histriones”

 Encompassed more than drama : acrobatics, gladiators, jugglers, athletics, chariots races, naumachia (sea battles), boxing, venationes (animal fights)

Roman Theatre (continued)

Pantomime/Mime - solo dance, with music (lutes, pipes, cymbals) and a chorus.

 Used masks, story-telling, mythology or historical stories, usually serious but sometimes comic


Usually short

Sometimes elaborate casts and spectacle

Serious or comic (satiric)

No masks

Had women

Violence and sex depicted literally

Scoffed at Christianity

Needless to say, the Church did not

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look kindly at Mime.

Roman Theatre (continued)

 Theaters are free-standing buildings with stadium seating

Large stages (20-40 deep and 100-300 feet long)

Could seat 10-15,000 people

Stage covered with a roof (often

Audience covered with a awning to protect them from the sun

Trap doors common

Around 78 B.C. a cooling system put in place --- air blown over streams of water

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Sand on the stage floor

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Roman Playwrights

Titus Maccius Plautus (254-184 B.C.)

130+ plays total

Wrote comedy

Extremely popular in his own time

Lots of slapstick and dialog with short lines

Publius Terenius Afer (Terence) (195 or 185 to 159 B.C.)

Came to Rome as a boy slace, educated and freed

6 plays (all “survived”)

More complex stories --- all from Greek originals

Less popular than Plautus

Lucius Annaeus seneca (4 or 5 B.C. to 65 A.D.)

Wrote 9 plays - 5 adapted from Euripides

Popularity declined and committed suicide in 65 A.D.

Characters in plays dominated by a single passion

 Violence and horror onstage (unlike Greeks)

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Medieval Theatre


Theatre is dead in Europe but active in Asia

Traveling Troupes performed on wagons which opened to create a fixed stage - used props and costumes but in Europe no women performers

3 Types of plays performed

 Miracle Plays - enacted the lives of saints

 Mystery Plays - Bible stories sometimes also called

“passion plays”

 Morality Plays - taught moral lessons - right vs wrong and the struggle between good and evil for the soul of Man

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Italian Renaissance


Built indoor theaters

Church no longer “calling the shots”

Commedia Dell’Arte - 1st form of improvisation; still traveling troupes that performed for $ from the crowd that gathered; plot summary learned by actors beforehand

Considered to be the 1st “professional” theatre

First in Europe to put Women on stage

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English Renaissance


Focused on the plays of Shakespeare, Marlowe, and Jonson

Theatre saw an incredible burst of energy and talent -- 1 in 8 people regularly went to the theatre

Purpose to entertain the rich. They got the good seats in the balcony and the poor stood below

Roles were played by men (including women roles

First time costumes fit the character


April 24,1564-April 24,1616

 Noted to be the greatest playwright in history, although authenticity is questioned by many.

 He was an poet, actor, playwright, and producer

 Wrote 38 plays: histories, comedies, tragedies, and fantasies

 Balanced plot and character

The Globe Theater

 Built in 1599 considered “indoor”

 Thrust Stage

 3 Stories high

Audience Sits around the stage QuickTime™ and a

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Little furniture

 Burned down in

1613 during a performance of

Henry 8th

The Globe today

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The Globe Today

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The Globe Today

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Best playwright - Jean-Baptiste Moliere (1622-1672) wrote comedies that focued on social “rules”; also called “Comedy of


French Theatre had several rules

 Unities - time, place, and action had to be 24 hours or less

Purity of Form - no mixing of Comedy and Tragedy

“Verisimilitude” - the appearance of truth with the following categories - Reality (could happen in real life), Morality (teach a lesson), Generality (normal attirbutes), and Decorum


19th Century Theatre (1800-1900)

 Naturalism (1850-1922)

The relationship between character and enviroment

2 important “creators” - Anton Chekhov (Russian playwright) and Konstantin Stanislavsky (1963-

1938). Both men demanded natural reponses from their actors. Psychological reactions of the characters could be more important than the situation itself.

Stanislavsky created “The System” or “Method” acting actor uses an “emotional memory” to create character/motivation.

19th Century Theatre (1800-1900)

 Realism (1850-1950)

A style showing life as “it really is” reflects real life

 The FOURTH WALL is established as a result - the idea that the actors can see through an invisible wall into the lives of the characters.

 Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906)

 Playwright who saw theatre as a means to challenge “mistakes” he saw in the society he lived in. Most famous play A Doll’s House helped pave the way for women to be seen as equals.
