SELLING Objectives, Strategies, Aids

SELLING Objectives,
Strategies, Aids
Daniel is a new sales rep for Elanco
Animal Health. He calls on large
swine producers in a multi state
territory in the Midwest. What does
he say is one of his biggest
challenges in calling on customers?
(Hint: It has to do with sales call
Goals or Objectives for Selling to a
Specific Prospect
According to Stephen Covey, one of the
seven habits of highly effective people is
they “begin with the end in mind”.
Goals, objectives, or ‘ends’ are what you
hope to accomplish, where you want to
“If you don’t know where you’re going,
you just might end up somewhere else.”
(Yogi Berra)
Don’t always ‘sell’ something (remember
patience is a virtue).
Good Sales Goals are ‘SMART’
S → specific (or precise)
→ not too vague, not too general
M → measurable
→ quantifiable in numbers wherever possible (e.g. % of
→ need to determine if goal has been met
A → attainable
→ realistic, doable (given resources)
R → relevant
→ sales related
→ important, meaningful, challenging, motivating
T → time-based
→ long-term (e.g. end of next 3 years)
→ short-term (e.g. after next sales call)
Selling Strategy
The game plan for ‘how’ to accomplish
the desired goal(s)
The major steps/actions/routes to be
Without a plan, you may come off as
rambling, unorganized
Need to be purposeful in everything you
Having a plan helps to save time and
prevent mistakes
Strategies in Selling
Relationship => developing a long-term,
high-quality, partnering relationship with
customers, as well as with support staff
and management
Product => identifying tangible
products, services, information, and
ideas that produce the most value,
benefits, and solutions for customers
Presentation => establishing objectives
for a sales call and a specific plan for
accomplishing those objectives uniquely
tailored to each customer
Source: Reece & Manning
Long-Term Goal/Strategy Example
To obtain 50% of John Parker’s total
feed business within 3 years.
Arrange initial meeting (e.g. breakfast) to get
acquainted and to obtain basic prospect
Arrange additional meetings to gradually gain
confidence, establish credibility, and build a
partnering relationship
Invite Parker to advisory board meeting
Introduce Parker to corporate technical staff
Attempt trial program within 1 year
Increase sales gradually after test run
Sales Call Goal Basics
No call should ever be made without a clear goal
Just stopping by (winging it) is the mark of a real
Will save time (for you and your customer)
Will help you have a better strategy
Will make you appear more professional (e.g. ask
the right questions, avoid talking too much,
distinguish yourself from the competition, etc.)
You need to know why you are there
Your customer needs to know too
To keep in touch may require you to keep coming up
with reasons
Appointments or not? (When? Where?)
Depends on prospect, salesperson, situation
Increasingly, customers are wanting appointments
If in doubt, call first
Short-Term Goal Examples (e.g. one
sales call)
 To invite Parker to attend a corporatesponsored meeting as my guest.
 To set up an appointment with Parker to
discuss our ‘starter’ program.
 To get Parker to run a trial with our Super
Start feed in one farrowing house.
 To get a walk-through tour of Parker’s
facilities to better understand his
Sales Call Strategy
A general plan for the open, the
presentation, and the close
The Open
 The Presentation
 How to greet my
 What problem/need do I
plan to present a solution
 What will I say first?
 How will I present my
 Rapport building topics?
 Observe mood /other
 What features and
traits of my customer.
benefits will I stress?
 What questions will I ask
 What sales aids will I
to discover/reconfirm
 What concerns/objections
 How will I spark interest?
do I anticipate?
Sales Call Strategy
The Close
What will I ask my customer to do?
How will I close?
When will I close?
Remember, offering P or other major
concessions may not be an option
What will I do/say after closing?
Selling Aids
What? Any sales tool that can help
you communicate with a prospect.
 Examples:
Must be:
 Three-ring binder with tabs
 Well organized
 Photos (product, customers,
 Easy to understand and
facilities, test plots)
 Reports/research results
 Convenient
 Newspaper/magazine articles
 Neat and clean
 Samples
 professional
 Demonstrations
Customer-specific proposals
Price list
Selling Goals and Strategies
Call #1
Call #2
+ Call #N
= Long Term
Goal/Strategy Quotes
The Law of 4 P’s:
There is no shortcut to
achievement, life requires thorough
preparation. (George Washington Carver)
Goal/Strategy Quotes
Most people don’t plan to fail, they
fail to plan.
It pays to plan ahead. It wasn’t
raining when Noah built the ark.
If I had 8 hours to chop down a
tree, I would spend 6 hours
sharpening the axe. (Abe Lincoln)
Goal/Strategy Quotes
Luck is when preparation meets
It takes three weeks to prepare a
good ad-lib speech. (Mark Twain)
If you don’t know where you’re
going, you might end up
somewhere else. (Yogi Berra,
former New York Yankee)