Diapositiva 1

Italian Cooking
Italian Cooking
Italian Cooking
Let’s start to say that our dishes are all prepared
with natural ingriedients .
The main feature is that our cooking is extremely
simple! We use many condiments as
salt,oil,parsley,origanum, etc.
Cheese and wine can not miss during our meal ! There
are many different kind of them; if you go to the north
Italy you can find different production of
them compared to southern Italy!
So we have a lot of dishes spread throughout Italy
Italian Cooking
Historically, Italian cooking was influenced
by Etruscan civilization,
by ancient Greece,ancient Rome,Jewish and Arab
cooking. It was influenced
also by the discovery of the America with the
intrduction of new
kind of food :potato,tomatoes,peppers and also with
the corn.
The main feature is that in Italy every city has its
typical cooking becouse of their different history,their
different climatic condition and becouse of their
Italian Cooking
The first part of our recipes that I want to show you is
the part when we will talk about
the pasta! We don’t know where it was born
but someone say that
it was born in Sicily(Italy),the homeland of the fantastic
Italian dishes: macaroni!
In fact the name ‘’macaroni’’ cames from the
Sicilian verb ‘’maccari’’ that in English means ‘’to knead’’ .
It’s not the true,the pasta won’t make you fat!
Many people say that if they eat pasta,they will get
fat,but it’s not the truth because pasta contains amid
(75%),protein (b series compared to those of meat) that
can became protein of series A if the pasta is
accompanied with vegetables !
Italian Cooking
Italian Cooking
Name Origin: Ancient
The origin :the firt time that
appears in a writing mode is
in ‘’ de Re coquinaria’’ by
Homeland: Emilia,Marche
The tradition: lasagna is
flavoured by many layer of
dough,Bolgnese sauce and
Italian Cooking
Italian Cooking
Saffron Risotto
Name Origin: risòtt giald
The origin : in the 8 september 1574
the Belgian glassmaker Valerio
Flanders ate a plate of rice colored
with saffron at the wedding of his
daughter .On that date, there was
the celebration of the birth of Mary,
but also the celebration of the
cathedral dedicated to Mary
Nascent. And, of course, had a
special value for him who worked in
the windows of the Duomo, in
particular those with episodes from
the life of St. Helena.The saffron
created specal s effects with the
colour.At that time they thought
that the gold colour had aItalian Cooking
t chopping onion, then melt over a low heat 80gr of Butter and a
hen mix up. Add the rice and let it absorb the butter,turn up the
wet rice first with wine and then with two ladles of broth.Repeat
The rice is cooked.
e last 5 minutes dissolve the saffron in a little broth and put it on
In the end,when
The rice is cooked,add the parmesan cheese and salt if necessa
Italian Cooking
Name Origin: According to another hypothesis, the name originates from th
in the comune of Accumoli, near Amatrice.
The origin :The origin of the “Amatriciana” was a recipe named “gricia”.
Grici were what the Romans called the sellers of bread and comestibles.
They were so called in that a number of them emigrated from the Swiss can
The invention of the first tomato sauces
Homeland: Rome
The tradition: Bucatini, also known as perciatelli,
is a thick (spaghetti-like) pasta with a hole in the centre. I
ts length is 25–30 cm with 3 mm of diameter.
Amatriciana sauce is a traditional Italian pasta sauce based
on “guanciale” (cured pork cheek), “pecorino” cheese and tomato.
 3 ounces "guanciale",
 cubed 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1/3 cup finely chopped onion
 1/4 teaspoon red hot chili pepper (or to taste - mine was very fresh and hot)
 1/4 cup of dry white wine 1 cup canned whole tomatoes and juice, crushed
 8 ounces Bucatini pasta (or spaghetti)
 1/2 cup freshly grated Pecorino cheese
Italian Cooking
 salt to taste
Bring a large pot of well salted water to a boil. In a large fry pan, cook the guanciale
over medium heat for several minutes until crisp but not brown.
Remove the guanciale with a slotted spoon and reserve, but leave the fat in the pan.
Add the olive oil, onions and chili pepper and cook for several minutes until the onions
are just soft but not browning. Add the white wine and cook for one minute.
Add the tomatoes and the juice and reserved cooked
pancetta and cook over medium low heat,
uncovered, for 15 minutes. You want most of the liquid to cook off. Meanwhile,
cook the pasta until still a little firm.
With tongs, remove the pasta from the boiling water
and place right into the tomato mixture.
Thoroughly coat the pasta with the tomato mixture.
Turn off heat and add the cheese, tossing well.
Taste for salt and add if needed.
Serve immediately and pass extra Pecorino around.
Be sure to serve a big red wine with this dish.
Italian Cooking
There are different version of this kind of dishes.
It is called ‘’bolognese’’ but we want to show you
Beef’s Meat
Tomato Sauce
Italian Cooking
To prepare a good Bolognese sauce you have to buy good beef’s meat.
That’s the most important thing! Remember that!
Put a little of oil in a pan and let it warm up.
Add some pieces of onion. When the onion is baked, add the meat.
Let it warm up and adjoin tomato sauce, salt and spices, if you like them.
The Bolognese sauce or “ragù” has to broil three hours!! (Too much time!)
When your sauce is finished, you can prepare the pasta!
Use macaroni or spaghetti!
Put a pot full of water on a flame. Add the salt and wait the water boils.
Now you can put your pasta in the water. When it is baked, you can drain and join it
to the sauce! Here’s your “pasta al ragù”!! Enjoy your meal!
Italian Cooking
In this second part of our recipe book we want to talk about the meet and
The fish.
The fish was very important for the ancient mediterranean population. It
Contains many proteins (20% ca) and it is richer in calcium, iodine, vitamin A
than the meat;
is ideal for those who have high cholesterol and it also cures high blood pressure.
The meat is mostly made of protein. In 100gr of meat there are 21 gr of protein,5 gr
Of fat,1gr of mineral salts and calcium,vitamin A,D,B ,sodium and iron.The protein and
The iron are the essential nutriments that makes the meat very important
In a diet.
Italian Cooking
Name Origin: The term lamb probably derives from the Latin
the place where the lambs were bound to make sure they did
The origin :Since ancient times, the Roman “abbacchio” refle
that sheep farming has in Lazio.
Homeland: Rome
The tradition: The “abbacchio” is obtained from lambs young
and feed only breast milk.
It is browned in oil and ham into small pieces.Then we put ro
1 kg lamb shanks
 cut into chunks the size of a small apple
 50ml olive oil Knob of butter
 1 lamb’s kidney, cubed
About 250ml dry white or red wine
 2 x 5cm sprigs fresh rosemary
4 cloves garlic, peeled
 5 small anchovies in oil, well drained
Italian Cooking
 4-5 tbsp red wine vinegar
Wipe the meat to remove any bone fragments left by your butcher.
Heat the oil and butter in a deep, heavy based frypan over low-medium heat.
Add the shanks and brown on all sides. Add the kidney and cook, stirring, until brown
Season with salt and pepper. Pour over the wine. Reduce heat to low and simmer,
covered, for 1 hour or until tender,
occasionally basting with the wine during cooking.
If using a slow cooker, turn the dial to automatic and leave to cook for 8 hours.
If you are baking the shanks, cover and cook at 160°C for 1 ½ hours.
Remove the leaves from the rosemary sprigs and chop.
Pound with the rosemary, garlic and anchovies. Add the red wine vinegar.
Ten minutes before end of cooking, add the vinegar mixture and allow
the alcohol in the vinegar to burn off.
Italian Cooking
marinated anchovies
Name Origin: It is called in this way
beacause of his preparation.
Homeland: Cilento
The tradition: It represented a poorAnchovies 500 gr
recipe,eawy to prepare. The
Half-glass of oil
fishermen easly find the ingredient.
white wine vinegar
2 tablespoons
Italian Cooking
The first thing to do in the preparation of marinated anchovies
is to prepare the marinade:
chopped parsley in a food processor,
and then emulsified in a bowl the oil, chopped garlic,
the vinegar and the juice of lemons and add a pinch of salt, pepper, chopped parsley.
Now clean off the anchovies, squamatele (where necessary) with a knife,
removing the head first,
In a bowl, put a layer of marinade, and recline the first layer of anchovies,
being careful not to
break them;
continued so until the end. Let marinate at least 5 hours before serving.
Italian Cooking
Ossobuco (marrowbon
Name Origin: l'Oss Buss,
The origin :the original recipe is
without tomatoes beacuse it was
considerated a kind of poison.,so it
was mainly ornamental.
Homeland: Milan
The tradition: is most used the veal
meat beacause it’s tenderest-
4 slices of veal(300 gr ea.)
White flour
50 gr of butter
¼ of onion chopped
A ladle of broth
A small fresh tomatoes peeled and
To make the ‘’gremolade’’
Grated peel of a lemon
A handful of parsley leaves, chopped
Anchovy boned
Italian Cooking
In a large pan fry the onion in the butter,
put marrowbones a little floured, brown them on both sides,
turning them without prick.Pour a little broth,
Tomatoes,salt, cover the pan and cook at a low heat for an hour
and a half,
until they look slightly frosted.
Five minutes before serving, add the "gremolada",
a chopped yellow skin of lemon, parsley, garlic and anchovies,
stir well and serve with risotto Milanese(pag 10).
Italian Cooking
Name Origin: means "little bundles"
Homeland: Naples
The tradition: Braciole are slices of
meat that are pan-fried or grilled, often
in their own juice or in a small amount
of light olive oil. They are different from
the finer cut fettine ("small/thin slices"),
which never have bone and are
generally thinner.
Italian Cooking
Pork Meat
Pine Nuts
Take a slice of meat and stuff it with parsley,
pine nuts, cheese and a little piece of garlic;
fix it with some cotton or a toothpick.
Now, you can put it in the sauce! You have to wait three hours,
then the meat will be ready!
Italian Cooking
Everyone loves sweets and cakes!
In this third part of our recipe book,we want to talk about th
Of our country.
Even if they’re not so healthy ,no-one can refuse a cake…bu
high caloric intake?
…You have just to run!
We would do anything f
Italian Cooking
Name Origin: From the custom to offer this sweet during marriage, the future brid
nicknamed “maritozzi” their donors.The name “maritozzo” derived from this custo
Homeland: Rome
The tradition: The cake is made of soft bread made with pine nuts,
raisins and candied orange peel and then we put whipped cream.
2 1/2 teaspoons yeast
3/4 cup (180 ml) milk
 6 Tablespoons light brown sugar
 1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs plus 1 yolk
 8 Tablespoons (4 ounces) unsalted butter
at room temperature
 1/3 cup chopped candied orange peel
 1/3 cup currents sprinkled with
1 tsp almond extract
1/3 cup pignoli nuts
3 1/2 cups (420 g) unbleached flour
Italian Cooking
In a mixing bowl dissolve 2 1/2 teaspoons yeast in 3 Tablespoons water.
Add the remaining ingredients. Mix well and knead for 5 minutes.
Dough should be light and spongy Let rise until doubled,
about 1-1 1/2 hrs Punch dough down and take egg-sized
pieces and shape them in to somewhat
flattened ovals. Dip each one into beaten eggs and roll in sugar
. Place on a well-greased sheet pan and let rise until doubled, about 1 hour.
Bake at 375 F (188 C) for about 15 minutes, until golden brown.
Remove to a wire rack to cool Makes 12 to 14
Italian Cooking
Ingredients: First kneading
450 gr sugar
400 gr water
Name Origin: pan di scior o pan de to 600 gr egg yolks
400 gr natural yeast
, Toni,
a baker from Milan, during a banquet 1000 gr flour(500 manitoba
burned the bread, and he tried to save 500 flour 00)
650 gr butter
it with eggs, sugar and spices. He
created the recipe for the cake, the
"pan del Toni".
Ingredients, second kneading
The origin: every year,during
christmas ,the whole famuly waited for 250 gr flour
100 gr sugar
the ‘’pater familias’’ to come. He gave
150 gr egg yolks
them a great piece of bread as a sign 150 gr butter
of communion.
30 gr salt
Homeland: Milan
6 gr vanilla pods
600 gr sultanas pre-soaked and drie
600 gr candied fruit
(300 gr orange peel,300 gr citron pe
Italian Cooking
Dissolve the sugar in 260 gr of water, add the egg yolks,
the flour and the natural yeast broken up into small clumps,
knead until it’s elastic and add the rest of the water, then finally the butter at room temperature
Let rest 12 to 14 hours at 25°C; the correct leavening is obtained with the dough at 26°C .
It should triple in volume.
With the flour knead the first kneading until is elastic add the sugar and the egg yolks,
knead thoroughly and add the butter and salt, then add the fruit.
Let the dough rise for one hour, divide into portions, let rest another hour, then pirlare
(to make the dough round) and place in the moulds.
Let rise another hour and levitate at 30°C for 5 to 6 hours.
Bring to room temperature and bake at 155 -160°C
approximately 60 minutes for each kilo. When taken from the oven, turn upside-down
for at least 3 hours; put in bags the next day.
The above indicated natural yeast is the sour dough produced
after having strengthened it at least three times, each time with the proportion of natural
yeast being three to one, and having been left to ferment at
28°C for three hours after each kneading.
Italian Cooking
Name Origin: babka ponczowa
The origin :
The baba is a derivation of a sweet
natural leavening from Poland
The inventor of the baba was King
Stanislaus Leszczyński who
delighted inventing new dishes. The
king, apparently could not eat
Kugelhupf, a typical pastry of
France that was too dry. It was then
soaked in syrup and Tokaj.
The typical mushroom shape is due
to the famous confectioner Nicolas
Homeland: Naples
The tradition: full of rum,,it seems
Italian Cooking
to be a mushroom!
 Rum
Take a bowl and put in it the eggs, the margarine, the
sugar and the yeast. Now, stir the ingredients with a mixer.
When the mixture will be smooth and homogeneous, put it
in a baking tray, earlier buttered. Let the sweet rise and
then put it in the oven for 30 minutes at the temperature of
While your sweet is in the oven, you can cook syrup to spill
Put a small pot full of water and sugar on a flame. Let it
warm up. When the syrup is ready you can add to it the
Now, take your “babà” from the oven and wet it with the
Is it simple, isn’t it?!
Italian Cooking
Name Origin: it is called
sanguinaggio because originally
Main ingredient was the blood of
the pig
Homeland: Naples
The tradition: There was the tradition
Sugar 450 gr
2 tablespoons of flour
Milk 250 ml
2 sachets of vanilla extract
 50gr. cedar
to eat a pudding made up with the
blood of the pig.
This kind of cake is called
‘’sanguinaccio’’. Now the blood has
been replaced
By chocolate.
Italian Cooking
Mix in a bowl the cocoa, sugar, flour, milk, a tablespoon of starch, cinnamon,
a teaspoon of vanilla, a bit of butter.
Cook until boiling. Remove from heat and add another teaspoon of vanilla and cedar.
Serve cold with the chatter.
In the old days the original recipe calls for the use of pig blood
(hence the name) that was cooked with milk, sugar, flour, cocoa, cinnamon,
vanilla and candied fruit.
Italian Cooking
Italian Cooking
Soffron risotto pag. 10-11
Bucatini all’amatriciana pag. 12-13
Bolognese pag. 14-15
abbacchio pag. 17-18
Marinated anchovies pag. 19-20
Ossobuco pag. 21-22
Braciole pag. 23-24
Maritozzi pag. 26-27
Panettone 28-29
Babbà 30-32
Sanguinaccio 32-33
Italian Cooking