
Chapter 3.1 - Solar Energy Transformation
1. What are the reactants used in the chemical reaction of photosynthesis? 6CO2 + 6H2O + sunlight
2. What happens to photosynthesis if carbon dioxide is not available? Photosynthesis will not occur
3. Photosynthesis uses sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into what?
Glucose (C6H12O6) and water (6O2)
4. What is another name for the Calvin cycle? Light Independent Reaction
5. If plants fail because of a drought, what is causing the lack of photosynthesis? Water
6. Why does chlorophyll make most plants appear green? Reflects green
7. What are autotrophs? Make their own food; producers
8. What are the light-absorbing molecules that plants use to gather the sun’s energy? Chloroplast
9. What is a product of the Calvin cycle? Glucose (C6H12O6)
When is energy from the sun transformed into potential energy in plants? Once glucose if
What is the role of producers? Make their own food
What is a granum? Stack of thylakoids; light dependent reactions occur here
Plants take in the sun’s energy by absorbing what? Light
List at least three things that could affect the rate of photosynthesis.
Type of water, temperature, amount of light, type of plant, etc.
What must happen during photosynthesis for energy to be stored in the form of glucose?
Bonding together of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen
Where does the Calvin cycle take place (be specific)? Stroma
Where do the light-dependent reactions take place (be specific)? Thylakoids
In what organelle does photosynthesis occur? Chloroplast
What are ‘constants’ in an experiment? Be able to identify.
Variable that is held the same during the entire experiment.
What is a ‘control’ in an experiment? Be able to identify.
Used for comparison; receives no treatment; no change occurs
What is the independent variable in an experiment? Be able to identify.
The variable that you change
What is the dependent variable in an experiment? Be able to identify.
The variable that is measured
Write the balanced equation for photosynthesis. Include the words, the symbols and the
6 CO2 + 6 H2O
carbon dioxide
C6H12O6 + 6 O2
What process in the carbon cycle takes carbon out of the atmosphere?
What energy conversion occurs during the process of photosynthesis?
Light Energy  Chemical Energy
How does photosynthesis increase the Earth’s overall biomass?
Photosynthesis transforms light energy into chemical energy to build new structures
What is xylem?
Specialized tubes in plants that transport water up from the roots
What is phloem?
Transport sugar (made during photosynthesis) throughout a plant
Chapter 3.2 Review Sheet - Energy Transformations in Ecosystems
Grass  Mouse  Snake  Hawk
29. Which organism is the secondary consumer? Snake
30. Which organism is the herbivore? Mouse
31. If there was a decline in the snake population in this area, predict what would happen to the
amount of grass? It would decline too.
32. What do the arrows in the food chain represent? Energy flow
33. What percent of energy is available to the snake?
1% (use the 10% rule, with the producer starting with 100% and decreasing as you go up each link
in the food chain.)
34. Define trophic level.
Feeding position in a food chain or web. Producer is the first level.
35. What is the role of a decomposer in an ecosystem?
It recycles nutrients by breaking down and absorbing nutrients from decaying/dead matter. Can
be found anywhere in a food chain/web.
36. Food chains always begin with what type of organism? Producer/autotroph/chemoautotroph
37. Define carnivore. “meat eaters” ; secondary consumers or higher.
38. Define herbivore. “plant eaters” ; found in the primary consumer level.
39. Define omnivore. Eats plants and animals ; can be any consumer.
40. What is biological magnification? What organisms are most affected?
The increase in toxin concentration as you progress up the food chain/web.
The top consumers are most affected because it increases in toxicity as you go up the food
41. Which organism in the food web above is both a secondary consumer and a quaternary
consumer? Lion
42. Predict what would happen to the population of lions if the goats were removed from the
environment. Explain your answer.
The jackal would compete with the wild cat for the rabbits, and would probably decrease in
population, so the lion would decrease too.
43. What percent energy does the rabbit get? 10%
44. Which organisms would be most directly affected by decline in the mouse population?
Owl, wild cat, rabbit, snake.
45. What is the ultimate source of energy for the ecosystem?
The sun! Photosynthesis takes the sun’s energy and make plant sugars.