Histories ou Contes du temps passé.

Sleeping Beauty first
comes from a romance
novel printed in 1634,
“Perceforest”. Many
element of sleeping
beauty were taking from
this tale.
The next version is “Sun,
Moon and Talia” written
by Giambattista Basile in
Sleeping Beauty was first
used as a title by a French
writer Charles Perrault in
1697. He used this as the
first story in Histories ou
Contes du temps passé.
The Grimm brothers then
took on the tale and wrote
their own version calling it
“Briar Rose”. Many people
say that the Grimm’s
version is based off of
Perrault’s “Sleeping
Beauty” but the Grimm
brothers denied any
connection between the
stories. The Grimm’s
version is the most well
known version, and the
one that Disney used to
create an animated
version, even thought
Perrault’s title is more
well know.
 Sun,
Moon and Talia, Giambattista Basile
This version is known to be one of the first, it
is the most grim, and the farthest from the
Disney version. From this, other version were
In version, a king had a beautiful baby girl. A fortune teller told him that
she would get a splinter of flax and die when she was grown. The king
didn’t allow any flax into his house to try and avoid the misfortune. One
day Talia (the daughter) saw an old lady walking and spinning flax. In
amazement she went and took the flax from her to observe it, and
received a splinter. She fell dead on the spot. The king had his men take
her body to one of hi castles, and he himself left to never come back
again to try and forget. Many years later, and king was out hunting a
came across the castle. He was searching the castle when he came across
Talia. Her body had not changed and he suspected that she was asleep.
He tried to wake her but she did not wake. He then raped her and left
back to his kingdom, forgetting about her. 9 months later, Talia gave birth
to 2 children, Sun and Moon. 2 fairies came and watched the children,
but Talia was unable to nurse the children so they sucked on her fingers,
and the piece of flax got removed. She awoke finding 2 children and
began taking care of them, not knowing what had happened. The king
returned, finding her awake he fell in love with her. He went back and
forth between Talia and his wife. His wife grew suspicious because he
would call out the names Talia, Sun and Moon in his sleep. She
threatened to kill him if he didn’t tell her. Once she had found out, she
sent someone to get the kids. She then told the cook to cook Sun and
Moon and feed it to the king. The cook felt bad so he gave them to his
wife to hide and cooked lamb instead. The wife was still jealous and
wanted more revenge, so she sent someone to get Talia. Talia thinks she
is going to see the king. When Talia arrived she dragged her to the fire.
Right before she was burned the king came in and saved her. He sent
away the wife and married Talia, and the cook gave back the children.
 Sleeping
Beauty In The Wood, Charles
This version starts off very much like the well
known Disney version, but goes through
different plots and schemes.
This version starts off very much like the Disney version with the fairies and the one
bad fairy. Then it changes, the princess falls asleep for 100 years along with the rest
of the kingdom. Over 100 years later, a prince comes and wakes the princess, and
the rest of the kingdom awakes also. He marries the princess and they have 2
children together, Morning and Day. The prince however does not tell his kingdom
about his married until his father dies and he is named king. Once this happens, he
brings his wife and kids back to his castle to live there. His mother however, being
part ogres, did not like them and when her song was away at battle, she told the
chef she wanted little Morning for super. The chef tricked the queen and made lamb
instead, and hid little Morning at his house. A couple days later, the queen said she
wanted little Day for super, so the chef did the same thing again. A couple more
days later, then queen said she wanted the princess for dinner, and that he would
tell her son that a pack of wolves came and ate them all. The chef didn’t know what
to do because he didn’t know what animal he would use that would be equally as
good as the princess, after she had been asleep for 100 years. So the chef went and
told the princess about what the queen had wanted. The queen went and hid with
her children, and the chef found some cattle too cook and covered it in sauce. The
queen enjoyed her super and was satisfied with herself. A few evenings pasted and
the queen was taking a walk around the kingdom to see if she could find any young
children the feat on, when she heard Morning’s voice, and with Day’s and the
princess. She was furious that the chef had tricked her into thinking she had ate
them, and that they were still alive. She ordered a bucket full of poisonous toads,
snakes, insects and many other creatures, and she ordered for the chef and his
wife, along with the princess and her two children to be brought out and thrown in
the bucket to die. Right before the executioners were to throw them in, the king
arrived and saw what was happening. Everyone was scared to tell him, but when the
queen came forward she fell into the bucket and died. The king was sad to lose his
mother, but overjoyed that his wife and children were saved.
 Little
Brier-Rose, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
This is the version that Disney took to create
the animated movie, changing a couple
things (only 3 fairies, she doesn’t sleep for
100 years). However they use the same
name, Brier Rose for the princess
In this version, it starts off the same way as the
others. A king and queen have a daughter, and
the fairies come to give her a gift, but one tells
a prophecy of her dying on her 16th birthday. The
prophecy comes true, but she falls into a deep
sleep, along with the rest of the kingdom. The
kingdom becomes over grown with thorns and
bushes and no one can reach it. Princes from far
and wide here of Brier-Rose and her beauty, they
hear the story of her misfortune and come to
save her. All of them trudge through the
overgrown forest to get to the castle, but all get
stuck and die in the thorns. One day many years
later, a prince comes by the land and an old man
tells him the legend. He decides he can do it,
and gets through the castle. He climbs to the
tower where Brier-Rose sleeps. Overtaken by her
beauty, he awakes her, along with the rest of the
kingdom. They marry and live happy ever after.
Most Fairy Tales originally
were not meant for children,
they were meant for adult
entertainment, which is why
most of them include rape,
sexual references or acts and
The Fairy Tales that were
originally written for children
were not to help them sleep,
they were to teach them
never to leave their parents
or talk to strangers. The
purpose of them was to scare
children from doing bad
The original story of sleeping
beauty, Moon Sun and Talia,
was written for adult
It is believed that a
common theme in the
tales of sleeping beauty
is nature. The princess
represents nature, the
evil fairy is winter that
puts her to sleep with
frost (the prick from
the spinning wheel) and
that the prince who
awakes her is spring. He
uses a sword to defeat
the fairy which
represents a beam of
Love Conquers all is a
very big message in the
tale. In all 3 versions, it
is her true love who is
able to awake her, and
they end up happy
together and unharmed
in the end.
Follow your dreams is
another message. BrierRose dreams about her
meeting her prince and
for her it comes true.
 Brier-Rose
is goodhearted, loving and caring.
She knows what she wants and dreams of it.
Usually main characters of stories have
something change in their lives, or change
themselves, but Rose is the same from start
to finish. She does not have a lot of scenes in
the story because she is asleep for a good
part of it.
 Reveals
that “prince charming” is a idea and
not reality.
 Cinderella's price charming leaves her for
Sleeping Beauty
 Sleeping Beauty’s main part in Into The
Woods is to emphasize that girls are told that
they have to find their “prince charming”
but in reality, that’s not what they need
 Prince charming turns out to be dull, weak
and unfairthful