6.N.1.2 Use equivalent representations for rational numbers(e.g.

6.N.1.2 Use equivalent representations for rational numbers(e.g., integers, decimals,
fractions, percents, ratios, numbers with whole-number exponents).
1. What is the value of 3⁴? 3x3x3x3 = 81
2. Which exponent makes this equation true?
6x6x6x6x6x6x6x6x6 = ___6⁹___
3. What is the missing exponent?
2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 2⁸_
4. Which number equals “14 squared”? 196
5. There are 216 sixth-grade students at a middle school in Hobbs, NM. Write 216 in
exponential form. 6ᶾ
Which is another way to write 8⁴? 8x8x8x8
What is the value of 5⁵? 3,125
Which number is represented by the sum below?
(4x10ᶾ) + (3x10²) + (4x10ᴵ)+(5x10ᴼ) = (4000)+(300)+(40)+(5) = 4,345
Open Ended Item- Mrs. Barton asked her students to write two different
exponential expressions that use the same digits. One student wrote 6² and 2⁶.
Write the value of each expression and tell which one is greater.
6² = 36
2⁶ = 64
2⁶ > 6²