Your Prescription for a Healthy Retirement 2009 Health Care Choices for BorgWarner Retirees Today’s Agenda Recap of what’s changing Pre-Medicare information BorgWarner pre-Medicare benefits Preview of BorgWarner post-65 benefits Next steps for pre-65 retirees Medicare information Introduction to UnitedHealthCare Medicare options education Next steps for Medicare retirees 2 Call 1-800-929-2300 Icons to Help You = Important concept = Decision-support tools = Alerts you on “to do” items 3 Call 1-800-929-2300 Recap of What’s Changing & Why BorgWarner has NOT eliminated your coverage; it’s being delivered differently Coverage is more flexible; choose individual coverage that meets your health care needs Plans can vary for you and your dependents More choice and better options for coverage are now available to retirees over 65 United HealthCare’s role in helping you choose Tax-free reimbursement accounts Retiree Reimbursement Accounts (RRA) 4 Call 1-800-929-2300 Recap of What’s Changing on 1/1/09 IF YOU ARE UNDER AGE 65 IF YOU ARE MEDICARE ELIGIBLE Continue BorgWarner medical and Rx coverage until Medicare eligible Medicare continues to be your primary coverage If retired with 25 years of service or more: You pay 10% BorgWarner pays 90% If retired with less than 25 years of service: You pay 15% BorgWarner pays 85% Your BorgWarner supplemental ends. coverage The company sets up a Retiree Reimbursement Account (RRA) United HealthCare, our Retiree Plan Coordinator, is available to help you assess, select and enroll in the Medicare Supplement plan that is right for you. The retiree’s benefit is based on the retiree’s age. The dependent’s benefit is based on dependent’s age. Plans are individual, not by household. 5 Call 1-800-929-2300 Borg Warner Pre-Medicare Coverage 6 Call 1-800-929-2300 Retiree Pre-Medicare Coverage - BorgWarner If you or your dependents are not eligible for Medicare… You remain on a BorgWarner pre-Medicare health care plan until Medicare-eligible CIGNA is your plan administrator You will be required to complete a 2009 enrollment form during 4th quarter 2008 Your Prescription Drug coverage will move to CIGNA health care from Express Scripts Health Plan questions should be directed to: 1st - CIGNA 2nd – See your Wallet Card 7 Call 1-800-929-2300 Retiree Pre-Medicare Coverage - BorgWarner PreMedicare 2008 1. 2. Plan Choices 3. 2009 PPO Plan Choice Health Fund (for retirees after 1/1/07) POS (some locations) (same as active employees) Contribution Share 5 tiers based on years of service Monthly $ Contribution $12 - $450 single $27 - $138 family for PPO Plan 1. 2. PPO Plan Choice Health Fund (same as active employees) 2 tiers based on years of service Estimated per member $52* @ 10% Compared $78* @ 15% to 41% average 8 *assumes 5% trend on 2007 BW PreMedicare Plan experience Call 1-800-929-2300 Retiree Pre-Medicare Coverage - BorgWarner Plan details will be mailed to you during open enrollment CORE PPO PLAN Medical CHOICE HEALTH FUND In-network Out-of-network In-network Out-of-network Deductible $400 single $800 family $800 single $1,600 family $1,500 single $3,000 family $3,000 single $6,000 family Coinsurance for most services 80% after Deductible 60% after Deductible 80% after Deductible 60% after Deductible Company-paid HRA Member Gap (Deductible - HRA) Out-of-Pocket Maximum (Includes deductible) N/A $750 single $1,500 family N/A N/A $750 single $1,500 family $2,250 single $4,500 family $3,000 single $6,000 family $6,000 single $12,000 family $3,000 single $6,000 family $6,000 single $12,000 family 9 Call 1-800-929-2300 Retiree Pre-Medicare Rx Coverage - BorgWarner Plan details will be mailed to you during open enrollment CIGNA Pharmacy (30-day supply) CIGNA Mail-order Service (90-day supply/delivery) $8 $16 Tier 2 - Preferred Brand (Formulary) $8 + 30% 30% to max of $150 Tier 3 - Non-Preferred Brand $8 + 50% 50% Coverage Level Non-Specialty Drugs Tier 1 - Generics Specialty Drugs (30 day supply/mail order delivery) Tier 2 - Preferred Brand (Formulary) 30% to max of $50 Tier 3 - Non-Preferred Brand 50% to max of $100 10 Call 1-800-929-2300 When you turn age 65… PRE-MEDICARE MEDICARE Age • New RRA from BW helps pay for Medicare supplement coverage Before Medicare Eligibility – BW medical & Rx coverage • BW provides United HealthCare as a Retiree Health Care Coordinator to help you choose medical/Rx coverage and enroll Age 65 or Disability – BW coverage ends 11 Call 1-800-929-2300 Next Steps (For Pre-65) Early October 2009 Enrollment Packet mailed November 15th BorgWarner Pre-Medicare Enrollment Enrollment Form Must Be Returned to Have Coverage December Receive your CIGNA medical ID cards January 1 Contribution changes take effect Begin sending premium payments to Premium Service Ctr Now until age 65 Talk with others about their Medicare decisions Expect changes in the Medicare marketplace 3 months before you turn 65 Apply for Medicare Part A & B Talk with UHC’s Retiree Health Care Coordinator to determine the type of coverage that is best for you Enroll in the Medicare Plans you choose Age 65 Retirement Reimbursement Account established for you Medicare coverage begins Call 1-800-929-2300 12 Rx for a Healthy Retirement Pre-Medicare QUESTIONS? ? 13 Call 1-800-929-2300 Prescription for a Healthy Retirement: PART 2 Medicare Part B Medicare Part C Medicare Part A MedicareEligible Retirees Medicare Part D Retiree Reimbursement Account Pre-Medicare Coverage Medigap 14 August 2008 Call 1-800-929-2300 Introducing UnitedHealthcare Private Insurance Provider of Medicare Products Offers you Medicare Advantage (Part C), Rx (Part D) and Medigap Plan Options Similar to other leading providers such as CIGNA, BlueCross BlueShield, AETNA, and Humana RRA Administrator Manages the Retiree Reimbursement Account (RRA) Retiree Health Plan Coordinator Access to call center and website Expert guidance to help you choose Medicare Supplement Plan that’s right for you 15 Call 1-800-929-2300 Retiree Reimbursement Account 16 Call 1-800-929-2300 Retiree Reimbursement Account For Medicare-eligible employees, spouses and dependents Overview An account that reimburses you for qualified health care premiums & expenses. Credits to your account When you become eligible for Medicare, the Company will make a credit to your account each month. When your spouse becomes eligible for Medicare, the Company will make a credit into your spouse’s account each month. Amount of credits $158.34/month for each Medicare eligible-person (may be adjusted periodically to help offset inflation). Interest Your account does not earn interest. 17 Call 1-800-929-2300 Retiree Reimbursement Account For Medicare-eligible employees, spouses and dependents Tax advantages You never pay taxes on the money credited to your account or when you are reimbursed for qualified expenses. More value to you than if the funds were paid to you as taxable income. Using your account Money is paid from your account when you submit a claim for reimbursement. Eligible expenses Funds can be used for premiums for private health insurance, for Medicare or Medigap premiums, and for any deductibles, copays or coinsurance that may be left after your health insurance pays. This includes Dental and Vision premiums not paid by the plans. Year-end If you don’t use all the money in your account by year end, it is forfeited in March of the following year. At Death Accounts are closed when the account-holder dies. If you die before your spouse, and your spouse is eligible for surviving spouse benefits, your spouse’s account continues for his or her lifetime. 18 Call 1-800-929-2300 Your RRA Account If you have questions about your RRA, you can call the RRA Financial Call Center at 866-214-5385 19 Call 1-800-929-2300 Using Your RRA Account BorgWarner credits your account monthly You pay premiums* and out-ofpocket medical expenses You send your receipt and claim form to UHC You receive reimbursement * If you choose UHC insurance, premiums will be deducted directly from your RRA Call 1-800-929-2300 20 Retiree Health Coordinator: Needs Assessment United HealthCare helps you choose the best Retiree Health Plan for you How frequently do you access care? Are you comfortable with using a network provider? Are there specific doctors that need to be in the network? Would you prefer complete freedom in selection of the doctors you see? Are you looking for a plan that is very similar to your current coverage? Or, are you more interested in lower monthly payments with predictable copayments? Do you live in a different state for part of the year? Do you travel frequently and/or internationally? What specific medications you are taking to verify coverage under our plan? 21 Call 1-800-929-2300 Medicare Plan Options Medicare Part A •Hospital stays •Skilled nursing services Medicare Part B •Doctor’s visits •Outpatient medical services, such as labs. Medicare Part C •Also known as Medicare Advantage. •private insurers - PPOs, HMOs or other arrangements •You must enroll in and pay for Part B coverage to get Part C coverage Medicare Part D •Prescription Drug coverage •Private insurance companies Medigap •Also known as Medicare Supplement Plan. Private insurers •“Fill in the gaps” of Medicare Parts A and B. 22 Call 1-800-929-2300 What Do Medicare Plans Cost? Opt Out/No Coverage Individual Alternatives for Post-65 Health Coverage AARP Medicare Supplement RX- “D” $200 $175 $150 $125 $100 $75 $50 $25 $0 Medicare Advantage “Part C Plan” Monthly Health Care Cost Continuum 23 Call 1-800-929-2300 Medicare Part A Automatic enrollment when you apply for Social Security Provides help with the cost of hospital stays Some skilled nursing services and care 24 Call 1-800-929-2300 Medicare Part B – 2008 Medicare Part B Overview: $135 deductible 80%/20% coinsurance Enrollment window 3 months prior to birthday month thru 3 months after birthday month Be sure to be in Part B! 25 Call 1-800-929-2300 Medicare Part B – 2008 The Part B premium is determined by an income test Total monthly premium amount Medicare members annual income: Medicare members joint tax return income: ≤ $82,000 ≤ $164,000 $96.40 > $82,000 and ≤ $102,000 > $164,000 and ≤ $204,000 $122.20 > $102,000 and ≤ $153,000 > $204,000 ≤ $306,000 $160.90 > $153,000 and ≤ $205,000 < $306,000 and ≤ $410,000 $199.70 > $205,000 > $410,000 $238.40 26 Call 1-800-929-2300 Part C Plans – Advantage Plans Many Options offered by private insurers… Health Maintenance Organization Plans (HMOs) Preferred Provider Organization Plans (PPOs) Special Needs Plans (SNP) Private Fee for Service Plans (PFFS) Annual enrollment period Replaces Medicare A&B Must be enrolled in A&B to get Part C Plan 27 Call 1-800-929-2300 A Closer Look at HMO and PPO Plans HMO-type plans • Network of doctors and hospitals • Primary care physician • Some plans include prescription drug coverage and additional benefits PPO-type plans • Have more freedom to choose • Use network of doctors and hospitals to receive the maximum benefit • Outside the network a higher cost • Some plans include prescription drug coverage and additional benefits 28 Call 1-800-929-2300 Coordinated Care Plans Special Needs Plans • Designed for people with special health care needs CARE TEAM • Residents of nursing homes • People eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid • People with certain chronic diseases such as diabetes or heart disease • Focus on helping members receive more coordinated care • Holistic, proactive approach • Specialized care team • Enhanced education and communication 29 Call 1-800-929-2300 Private-Fee-For-Service Plans • • • Offered by private insurance companies No restrictions on which doctors or hospitals you can use EXCEPT Doctors and hospitals must accept the terms, conditions and payment rates of the private insurance company • • • • Payment comes from the private fee-forservice plan not Medicare Important to make sure your doctor or hospital will accept terms, conditions and payment rates from a specific plan each time you receive services Many plans may offer prescription drug coverage Many plans may offer additional benefits beyond traditional Medicare Parts A & B 30 Call 1-800-929-2300 Medicare Advantage Plan Scenario #1 “Good Health” Hank – Age 67 – Illinois Generally in good health Takes 1 generic prescription drug each month, via mail order No hospitalizations 4 primary care office visits per year 2 specialist office visits per year Current BorgWarner Plan Medicare Advantage Plan Annual Medical Premium $0 $0 Annual RX Premium $0 $0 Drug Cost Share (mail) $64 $48 ($16 x 4 orders) ($12 x 4 orders) $0 $0 $430 $88 ($400 deductible then 20%) ($8 PCP x 4, $28 Specialist x 2) $494 $136 $0 ($1,900) $494 $0 with $1,764 remaining for other expenses Hospital Cost Share Office Visit Cost Share SUB TOTAL Annual RRA Credit TOTAL ANNUAL COST TO YOU 31 Call 1-800-929-2300 Medicare Advantage Plan Scenario #2 “Moderate” Mildred, Age 81, Central New York Takes 2 generic drugs and 1 preferred brand-name drug each month, via mail order 1 hospital stay, length of 3 days 3 primary care office visits per year 8 specialist office visits per year Current BorgWarner Plan Medicare Advantage Plan Annual Medical Premium $0 $0 Annual RX Premium $0 $0 $372 $482 ($16 x 2 x 4 orders + $61 x 4 orders) ($12 x 2 x 4 orders + $84 x 4 orders) $1,024 $975 ($400 deductible then 20%) ($325 daily copay x 3) $245 (20%) $270 ($10 PCP x 3, $30 Specialist x 8) $1,641 $1,677 $0 ($1,900) $1,641 $0 with $223 remaining for other expenses Drug Cost Share Hospital Cost Share Office Visit Cost Share SUB TOTAL Annual RRA Credit TOTAL ANNUAL COST TO YOU 32 Call 1-800-929-2300 Medicare Advantage Plan Scenario #3 “Chronic Condition” Carol, Age 66, Michigan Takes 5 generic drugs and 2 preferred brand-name drugs each month, via mail order 2 hospital stays, total of 5 days 12 primary care office visits per year 10 specialist office visits per year Current BorgWarner Plan Medicare Advantage Plan Annual Medical Premium $0 $0 Annual RX Premium $0 $0 $808 $1,362 ($16 x 5 x 4 orders + $61 x 2 x 4 orders) ($12 x 5 x 4 orders + $84 x2 x 4 orders + $450 for brand in cvg gap) $1,900 $625 ($400 deductible then 20%) ($125 copay x 5) $0 (mbr reached annual OOP max) $260 ($5 PCP x 12, $20 Specialist x 10) $2,708 $2,247 $0 ($1,900) $2,708 $347 Drug Cost Share Hospital Cost Share Office Visit Cost Share SUB TOTAL Annual RRA Credit TOTAL ANNUAL COST TO YOU 33 Call 1-800-929-2300 Medicare Advantage Plan Scenario #4 “Specialty Drug” Sam, Age 69, Florida Takes 2 generic drugs at retail, plus 1 non-preferred specialty drug 1 hospital stay, length of 3 days 12 primary care office visits per year 5 specialist office visits per year Current BorgWarner Plan Medicare Advantage Plan Annual Medical Premium $0 $0 Annual RX Premium $0 $0 $7,392 $4,579 ($8 x 5 x 12 orders + 50% specialty drug @ $1200 per month) ($4 x 2 x 12 orders + 33% of specialty up to gap + 5% specialty after OOP) $1,024 $300 ($400 deductible then 20%) ($100 copay x 3) $305 (20%) $220 ($10 PCP x 12, $20 Specialist x 5) $8,721 $5,099 $0 ($1,900) $8,721 $3,199 Drug Cost Share Hospital Cost Share Office Visit Cost Share SUB TOTAL Annual RRA Credit TOTAL ANNUAL COST TO YOU 34 Call 1-800-929-2300 Medigap 35 Call 1-800-929-2300 AARP Medigap Options 2008 AARP MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT PORTFOLIO A B C D E F G H I J K3 L4 x x x x x x x x x x 1 2 x x x x x x x x x 50% 75% Skilled-Nursing Coinsurance x x x x x x x x 50% 75% Foreign-Travel Emergency x x x x x x x x x x x 80% 100% 100% x x x PLAN Basic Benefits: Hospitalization: Part A coinsurance + 365 additional days after Medicare benefits end Medical-Expenses: Part B coinsurance Blood: First three pints of blood each year Part A Deductible At-Home Recovery x 100% Part B Excess Charges Part B Deductible x x Preventive Care x x Average Monthly Premium (2008 nationally weighted averages) $112 $14 6 $172 $157 $161 $171 $161 $158 $166 $178 $79 $113 2008 Membership - % of Total Enrolled 4% 4% 25% 2% 3% 42% 2% .7% 3% 13% .4% .3% 1] $4,440 maximum out of pocket, indexed to Medicare costs [2] $2,220 maximum out of pocket, indexed to Medicare costs X = Covered in Full The above rates are monthly premium 2008 national weighted averages “Best Seller/Value” Call 1-800-929-2300 36 AARP Medigap Options Enrollment Into Medigap When turn 65 AND enroll in Medicare B, guaranteed right to buy a Medigap policy for next six months. Miss window, you can apply at later date but risk rejection for health history or paying a higher premium 37 Call 1-800-929-2300 Medigap Plan Scenario #1 “Good Health” Hank – Age 67 – Illinois Takes 1 generic prescription drug each month, via mail order No hospitalizations 4 primary care office visits per year 2 specialist office visits per year Current BorgWarner Plan Medicare Advantage Plan Medigap Plan L + Pfd Part D Rx Plan Annual Medical Premium $0 $0 $1,121 Annual RX Premium $0 ($93.42 X 12) $0 $360 ($30 X $12) Drug Cost Share Hospital Cost Share Office Visit Cost Share $64 $48 $0 ($16 x 4 orders) ($12 x 4 orders) ($0 X $4 orders) $0 $0 $0 $430 $88 $239 ($400 deductible then 20%) ($8 PCP x 4, $28 Specialist x 2) ($135 deductible then 25%) $494 $136 $1,720 Annual Account Balance $0 ($1,900) ($1,900) TOTAL ANNUAL COST TO YOU $494 $0 with $1764 remains for other expenses $0 with $180 remaining for other expenses SUB TOTAL Call 1-800-929-2300 38 Medigap Plan Scenario #2 “Moderate” Mildred, Age 81, Central New York Takes 2 generic drugs and 1 preferred brand-name drug each month, via mail order 1 hospital stay, length of 3 days 3 primary care office visits per year & 8 specialist office visits per year Current BorgWarner Plan Medicare Advantage Plan Medigap Plan L + Pfd Pt D RX Annual Medical Premium $0 $0 $1,200 Annual RX Premium $0 ($100.26 x 12) $0 $358 ($29.80 x 12) Drug Cost Share $372 $482 $300 ($16 x 2 x 4 orders + $61 x 4 orders) ($12 x 2 x 4 orders + $84 x 4 orders) ($0 x 2 x 4 orders + $75 x 4 orders) $1,024 $975 $256 ($400 deductible then 20%) ($975 ($325 copay x 3) (25% of Part D deductible) $245 (20%) $270 ($10 PCP x 3, $30 $407 Specialist x 8) ($135 deductible, 25%) $1,641 $1,677 $2,524 Annual Account Balance $0 ($1,900) ($1,900) TOTAL ANNUAL COST TO YOU $1,641 $0 with $223 remains for other expenses $624 Hospital Cost Share Office Visit Cost Share SUB TOTAL 39 Call 1-800-929-2300 Medigap Plan Scenario #3 “Chronic Condition” Carol, Age 66, Michigan Multiple chronic illnesses Takes 5 generic drugs and 2 preferred brand-name drugs each month, via mail order 2 hospital stays, total of 5 days 12 primary care office visits per year & 10 specialist office visits per year Current BorgWarner Plan Medicare Advantage Plan Medigap F + Enhanced Pt D RX Annual Medical Premium $0 $0 $1,348 Annual RX Premium $0 ($112.35 x 12) $0 $768 ($64 x 12) Drug Cost Share Hospital Cost Share Office Visit Cost Share SUB TOTAL Annual RRA Credit TOTAL ANNUAL COST TO YOU $808 $1,362 $1,050 ($16 x 5 x 4 orders + $61 x 2 x 4 orders) ($12 x 5 x 4 orders + $84 x2 x 4 orders+$450 for brand cvg gap) ($0 generic x 5 x 4 = $75 x 2 x 4 + $450 brand drug in cvg gap) $1,900 $625 $0 ($400 deductible then 20%) ($125 copay x 5) $0 $260 $0 (mbr reached annual OOP max) ($5 PCP x 12, $20 Spclist x 10) (plan pays Pt B deductible & coinsurance) $2,708 $2,247 $3,166 $0 ($1,900) ($1,900) $2,708 $347 $1,266 40 Call 1-800-929-2300 Medigap Plan Scenario #4 “Specialty Drug” Sam, Age 69, Florida Takes 2 generic drugs at retail, plus 1 non-preferred specialty drug 1 hospital stay, length of 3 days 12 primary care office visits per year 5 specialist office visits per year Current BorgWarner Plan Medicare Advantage Plan Medigap L + Enhanced Pt D Rx Annual Medical Premium $0 $0 $1,200 ($100.03 x 12) Annual RX Premium $0 $0 $732 ($61 x 12) $7,392 $4,579 $4,651 ($8 x 5 x 12 orders + 50% specialty drug @ $1200 per month) ($4 x 2 x 12 orders + 33% of specialty up to gap + 5% specialty after OOP) ($7 x 2 x 12 + 33% specialty to gap, 5% after OOP) Drug Cost Share Hospital Cost Share Office Visit Cost Share $1,024 $300 $256 ($400 deductible then 20%) ($100 copay x 3) (25% of Part D deductible) $305 (20%) $220 ($10 PCP x 12, $20 $482 ($135 deductible + 25%) Specialist x 5) SUB TOTAL Annual RRA Credit TOTAL ANNUAL COST TO YOU $8,721 $5,099 $7,321 $0 ($1,900) ($1,900) $8,721 $3,199 $5,421 41 Call 1-800-929-2300 Medicare Part D 42 Call 1-800-929-2300 Sample AARP MedicareRx Preferred – 2008 Part D Plan Ideal for 70%+ of BorgWarner seniors… Tier Type Member Cost Monthly premiums vary by region: $26.60 - $38.30 per member $0 annual deductible Retail Mail Order* 1 Generic $7 copay $0 copay 2 Preferred Brand $30 copay $75 copay 3 Non-Preferred Brand $69.15 - $80.70 copay $192 - $227 copay 4 Specialty Drugs 33% coinsurance 33% coinsurance Great deal! • Benefits shown above apply until the total cost (paid by you and the Plan) of prescriptions received reaches $2,510 in eligible expenses. You will be responsible for 100% of the cost until your out of pocket expenses reach $4,050. • Catastrophic coverage in accordance with Medicare regulations. * Mail Order – up to 90 day supply; members may also obtain a 90 day supply at network retail pharmacies for the same copayment Call 1-800-929-2300 43 AARP MedicareRx Plan Offers A Broad Formulary 99% of Part D allowable drugs are in our current formulary structure Drug exclusions include: Drugs ending in “am” used to treat anxiety Alprazolam Clonazepam Erectile dysfunction drugs Folic acid Cough/cold symptom relievers 44 Call 1-800-929-2300 AARP MedicareRx Plan How does it work at the pharmacy? Brand preferred drug costs $75 You pay $30 copay Plan pays $45 $75 applies toward the $2510 Brand non-preferred drug costs $150 You pay $75.40 copay Plan pays $74.60 $150 applies toward the $2510 Full cost of the Rx counts toward $2,510 Generic drug costs $15 You pay $7 copay Plan pays $8 $15 applies toward the $2,510 45 Call 1-800-929-2300 RX Coverage – Donut Hole Example “Donut Hole” Cost Sharing Catastrophic Plan Pays + = $2,510 You Pay 100% $4,050 Plan Pays 95% You Pay You Pay 46 Call 1-800-929-2300 Choosing Rx Coverage Annual enrollment period Comparing Prescription Drug options is complicated Use calculator at Talk with UHC Comparison-shop Be sure you understand how the prescription drug plan you select works! If considering a Medicare Advantage (Part C) plan that includes both medical & Rx coverage, you may not need a Part D plan – so consider it when comparison-shopping 47 Call 1-800-929-2300 Special Note about Rx You need new Rx coverage for 2009! BW Rx coverage 12/31/08 – BW coverage ends Be sure you arrange for prescription drug coverage for 2009 – enrollment is not automatic! Medicare Part C – Medicare Advantage Plan – with “built in” prescription drug coverage; or Part D (AARP MedicareRx Preferred) If you don’t enroll for 2009, you’ll generally have to pay a higher premium to receive coverage in future years 48 Call 1-800-929-2300 Your Retiree Health Plan Coordinator United HealthCare can provide expert guidance to help you choose and enroll in the health plan that is right for you Knowledgeable representatives who understand retirees and retiree health care choices No cost – you do not receive a discount or pay extra in premium for plans selected with the help of a Coordinator Reach by phone or Web 1-800-929-2300 Remember, at the very least, enroll in Part B, and Part D or a Medigap Plan before 12/31/08! 49 Call 1-800-929-2300 Enrollment into Your Plan Choices Once you’ve selected a plan you will receive a personalized enrollment kit sent to your home from United HealthCare 1-800-929-2300 number available to answer questions and/or provide assistance with application Contact call center or refer to Medicare Made Easy booklet for Medicare enrollment periods Once enrollment is processed, you will receive a Welcome Kit that includes your ID card Enrollment is effective January 1st 50 Call 1-800-929-2300 What Happens Next Now Access to UHC’s Retiree Health Plan Coordinator Call Center and online Decision Tools Late August Educational letter and AARP Medicare Made Clear information mailed to you from UHC Mid-September Retiree Packet outlining options and action items mailed to you from UHC October UHC will hold one-on-one sessions with Retiree Health Plan experts in major cities Eligible to enroll in a Medicare Advantage or Prescription Drug plan Special BorgWarner Retiree UHC Plan Enrollment Period November 15December 31 Enrollment period for non-UHC Medicare plans National Medicare open enrollment period (Every year, you automatically will be re-enrolled in your 2009 choice, unless you make a change) December 31 BorgWarner post-65 coverage ends January 1 Retiree Reimbursement Accounts opened New Medicare Plan starts Call 1-800-929-2300 51 Summary Watch for information in your mail box Pre-Medicare – information from BorgWarner Medicare – information from United HealthCare’s programs: Secure Horizons AARP Medicare Solutions Optum Health Financial Services Refer to your wallet card We expect that this retiree medical program will benefit our retirees for a long time into the future, but we reserve the right to change or even terminate the program if it becomes necessary or appropriate for business, legal or other reasons determined by BorgWarner 52 Call 1-800-929-2300 Your Prescription for a Healthy Retirement 2009 Health Care Choices For BorgWarner Retirees ? ? ? ? ? Call 1-800-929-2300 ? ? 53