2086 Young Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38104 Revised 09/09 1 Peabody Elementary will be a place where all students who enter our building will be challenged to reach higher levels of learning and develop the skills needed to become successful learners. Revised 09/09 2 The mission of Peabody Elementary School is to provide an atmosphere where each child can learn at his or her academic level. Students will be able to communicate effectively in an oral and written manner, read with understanding, and apply critical thinking skills to solve problems. Revised 09/09 3 State and post throughout the building 3 – 5 positively stated school wide rules Respect Yourself Respect Others Respect Your School Revised 09/09 4 The Code of Conduct will be taught by the teachers the first two weeks of school. Policies are posted throughout the building. Starting Monday a post– test will administered to every student and completed by August 31, 2012. Every student must score 80% or above; Make up/retests for those absent or scoring below 80% will be scheduled. Revised 09/09 5 Students are not allowed in the classrooms before 7:15. Students will be allowed to enter the cafeteria from 7:00am7:20am. Students will enter the building through the front door of the building at 7:15am. All students leaving cafeteria must use the East stairway. Children entering the front door should use the West stairway. Bookstore sales are held in the cafeteria. Students must walk on the right side of the hallways and stairs. They are to go to the classroom without making stops. Students must sign in at the teacher’s sign in table before entering the classroom. Students entering after 7:45 must get a tardy slip from the office before entering the classroom. Revised 09/09 6 Peabody Elementary 2012-13 School Rules and Expectations Revised 09/09 7 Today, I will soar. I am a Peabody Eagle. I will respect myself, others, and my school. I will work harder to get smarter. I will make it a great day! • • • • • • • • Watch where you are going Use indoor voices in the building Keep hands and feet to self Use quiet feet in the hall Walk into the building Follow directions After eating breakfast, go to your class Put away your belongings and get ready to begin class Revised 09/09 9 • • • • • • • Walk in a single file line with hands and feet to self Sit in assigned area Raise hands for assistance Clean area after eating Get permission to go to bathroom or another area Use inside voice Enter and exit quietly Revised 09/09 10 Restroom Expectations •Be quiet, Be clean, Be quick and Keep hands and feet to self. Revised 09/09 11 Hallway Expectations •Walk quietly in line •Keep hands, feet and objects to self •Walk slowly •Stay to the right •Follow directions Revised 7/09 12 Stairwell Expectations •Walk quietly in line •Keep hands, feet and objects to self •Walk slowly •Stay to the right •Follow directions Revised 09 /09 13 • • • • • • Keep hands, feet, objects to self Keep lab clean Be on time Bring needed materials Use inside voices Leave computer station as you found it Revised 7/09 14 Library Expectations •Enter and exit quietly •Listen •Use indoor voice •Keep hands and feet to self •Follow directions •Return books and materials on time •Bring needed materials Revised 09/09 15 • • • • • • • Follow directions of bus driver Keep hands, feet, and objects to self Follow bus rules Walk to your bus Keep track of your things Remain seated on the bus until it is time to get off Have belongings ready to enter or exit the bus Revised 09/09 16 • • • • • • • Follow directions Share equipment Use equipment appropriately Listen for whistle and line up Use appropriate language Keep hands and feet to self Exiting/entering building quietly Revised 7/09 17 • • • • • • • • • Put equipment away when finished Follow directions Keep hands and feet to self Watch out for others Share equipment and take turns Sit at assigned area Stop and listen when you hear the whistle or intercom Enter and exit in a quiet straight line Use equipment appropriately Revised 09/09 18 •Arrive on time •Walk in orderly assembly manner •Follow directions •Keeps hands, feet and objects to self •Give speaker full attention •Maintain cafeteria cleanliness and order Revised 7/09 19 • • • • • • Wait until your mode of transportation is called Walk directly to assigned area Keep hands, feet and objects to self Bring all needed materials Stay with your mode of transportation assignment Follow directions Revised 7/09 20 Shirt Colors: white, light blue or navy Bottom Colors: tan, navy, or black pants Outer Wear: solid color cardigans, sweaters, light jackets or vests, shirts worn underneath must be white Tights or socks must be SOLID white Tennis shoes, loafers, shoes with a backstrap Shirts must be tucked in with a belt Revised 7/09 21 When? • Every other Friday • Grades PreK-5 • 10am-12pm • Where? Art Room • Who? Christopher Jones School Counselor Revised 09/09 22 Compliments (links) will be given in the cafeteria and support classes Compliment chains with twenty links or more can be turned in for class prizes Compliment Chain Prizes 50 links 75 links 100 links 150 links 100 links (PreK) ice cream party movie and popcorn movie and chips/drinks sock hop with pizza sock hop with pizza Revised 7/09 23 An Eagles Buck from ________________ ALL EAGLES WILL… Ο Ο Ο BE RESPECTFUL BE RESPONSIBLE BE PREPARED AWARDED TO ____________ DATE _______ Revised 7/09 24 Reminders/ Warning: Students will explain or write the procedure-- 1 check Loss of privileges------------------------ 2 checks Written assignments/parent contact -------- 3 checks Grades 2 to 5 0-2-------------- E 3-7-------------- S 8-15------------- N 16+-------------- U A parent conference will be required for any student receiving (2) checks for the same offense in one day. Another conference will be required for any student one (1) away from grade being lowered. Revised 09/09 25 Harassment and Bullying Prevention will be presented to grades K-5 by Mr. Jones, School Counselor/PBIS Chair. (Each student will signed a “No Bullying” contract.) Revised 08/11 26