Revised Commitment Week 1 Part 2 - West Virginia Department of

Dr. Karen
Special Assistant to
the State
We’ve been
looking forward
to your return!
Stephen Walls
I will do my best to make a difference in the
lives of students at Wyoming East High
School. I am going to change the way that
we look at teaching and learning. I believe
we can! If we work together and try new
ideas and techniques and learn from each
other we will be successful.
William Chapman
I commit to leading my
staff and school to the
future. We will work to
enable every student
to achieve in the 21st
Christine Richards
My commitment to my
staff, students, parents,
and community is to
travel with them to
provide our students the
best possible education so
ALL students will be
successful in the 21st
Century whatever it takes!
“Bulldog Pride”
Sue Talbott
I commit to sharing my
enthusiasm for learning how we
can best prepare our students for
the 21st Century. I commit to
facilitating a change in the way we
approach our instruction at Junior
Elementary, helping all staff
members accept that they are not
teaching the students they used to
teach, but the are teaching the
students they have…the future.
John R. Lewis
I will celebrate the
individual student and
staff member of my
school. I will strive to
make my school a
happy and rewarding
place to learn.
Stephen Taylor
I will do everything in my power to
lead everyone in my school into the
21st Century.
Ralph Board
I promise that I will
find the positive in
everyone I come in
contact with and I will
do everything in my
power to lead
Parkersburg High
School into the 21st
Bruce Martin
To start my students
on the journey into
21st Century learners.
Randall Farley
I commit to 21st Century
learning and leadership. I
will do my best to change
and inspire others to
change. I will do my best
to support my school
community to make sure
our school is a wonderful
place to learn.
Roger Barker
I commit to leading my
school into the 21st Century.
I promise to employ the
skills I have learned. I
promise to do my very best.
I will make sure all of my
students develop a positive
relationship with an adult
and contribute their best to
Dave Moore
I will use all the things that I have
been taught, and take it back to my
school, so that we may prepare our
children for the 21st Century.
Julie Hedge
I pledge to create
change and to
transform Montrose
into a 21st Century
school. I will start a
chain reaction!
Mary Terry
I pledge my all to the
students of my school,
and I will see that they
have the skills to
succeed in the 21st
Carla Rogers
I will do everything in
my power to provide
the students with the
necessary skills to be
successful in the 21st
Century. To be caring,
adults and
contributing members
to society.
Brenda Wells
Increase positive
culture and decrease
toxic culture for
students and teachers
Karen Kirby
I believe that an education full of academic
rigor, values and caring for each other is the
greatest gift we can give our children.
I believe that as principal, I have the
potential to influence the life of every
student in my school. I make this
commitment to give them every opportunity.
Kay Bowling
I pledge to take 21st
Century learning back
to my students, my
school, and my
community and
prepare children for
careers and life
experiences in the
Butch Varney
That I will help my
students and staff
become 21st Century
students and teachers.
Clinton Giles
I pledge that with all of my
fiber, wisdom, skill, knowledge,
and ability, to faithfully uphold
the commitment I have
undertaken … to provide the
leadership as principal of
Capital High School to ensure
that each student who enters
our doors receives a world
class, 21st Century learning
skill centered education.
Kathryn Moore
I promise to serve the
student and staff of
Van High School. I will
provide the leadership
for each and everyone
to reach their fullest
potential academically,
socially, and
Janice Goodwin
 To provide leadership for their
entry into the world
 To provide leadership to guide them
to be caring, productive members of
the world
 I commit to caring
Kirk King
I will commit my
energy, efforts, and
expertise to assist my
community in the
journey into the
wonderful world of
21st Century learning.
Richard Grim
I would like to commit
myself to making my
school one that
prepares students for
the 21st Century.
Amanda Smith
I am committed to helping
students be the best they can be;
emotionally, behaviorally, and
academically. I will focus on
implementing 21st Century skills
and creating positive changes in
my school and community. My
students success will be
measured beyond academics
and include integrity, character,
and compassion for self and
Steve Wamsley
I will lead you closer to
being prepared for the
21st Century than you
have ever been before.
Kimberly Green
I am committed to leading my
school using 21st Century leadership
skills I have gained while attending
the institute.
Phillip Dobbins
I am committed to
changing instruction in
my school from
traditional classes to
21st Century classes.
David Dilly
I commit to lead with
21st Century skills and
to care for all put in
my charge.
Robin Daquilante
I am committed to
display the leadership
skills necessary to
prepare our students
with the rigorous skills
of the 21st Century.
Gayle Mills
My role as a leader will be driven
by my moral imperative. I am
placed in time, armed with tools,
supported by my administration,
and have a driving desire to
improve the opportunities for
student learning and for teacher
professional growth. I will
carefully construct my plan of
action to achieve a vision of
excellence in education for the
21st Century.
Rose Kelly
I am committed to the vision of 21st
Century school because I know that’s
what is best for my students.
Keith Enoch
I will strive to be a leader
of leaders, a leader of
change, one who focuses
on my students allowing
them to become all that
they can be. To ensure
that they are prepared for
their world outside of
Betty Atwood
I commit to leading the
students and staff of
my school into the 21st
Davene Burks
I make a commitment
to lead my students
and teachers into the
21st Century by being a
dedicated leader. I will
adhere to the elements
of 21st Century
learning. We will
succeed together in
this endeavor!
Darlene Lindsay
I pledge to the children
of North Elementary is
to be instrumental in
starting them on an
exciting journey as
life-long active
learners in the exciting
world of the 21st
Thomas Strahin
This is a commitment to a new beginning
that strengthens the commitment of truly
serving student needs instead of our
comfort zones and past. It is a
commitment to learning for staff and
students to provide skills and aptitudes
needed in the 21st Century.
Ricky San Julian
I commit to be the very best leader
possible. I commit to students
that I will bring to bear all
necessary resources to enable
them to reach a bright and secure
future. I commit to teachers that I
will work with them to enable
them to open educational
doorways, through the use of 21st
Century teaching skills. Finally, I
commit to every parent who sends
their children to my care to do my
best to be the leader they expect.
Ryan Kittle
I commit to higher
levels of rigor,
improved relevance
and stronger
relationships so the
children of West
Virginia will be
successful in the 21st
Dorothy (Jan) Nichols
I am committed to
making Kingwood
Elementary a school of
21st Century skills and
David Startzel
I am committed to
providing my students
a quality education
with 21st Century
Learning tools. I will
also provide my staff
the training and skills
they need to bring
about this change.
Adam Grygiel
Develop a culture for every student,
that will carry them into the 21st
David Cottrell
I am committed to the
students of my school
to care about each one
of them and to lead
and develop them into
the best students that
they can be.
James Forst
I will begin the process
to bring my school into
the 21st Century, in the
hope that changes made
will prepare our
students to be
productive citizens of the
Michael Cutright
I commit to the ideals
of 21st Century
learning for my
students and my
school. I will make
every effort to ensure
their success in the
Ken Heiney
I can be an individual
who will be a person of
positive change. I can
impact my portion of
the world.
Grace Tallhamer
I commit to work harder to develop a
more caring culture for the students at
RLBMS, Lewis County and West
Virginia for the 21st Century.
Robert DeSantis
I commit to do my
absolute best at
Morgantown High
School for the benefit
of ALL students. I
WILL provide the
necessary leadership
to move our school
into the 21st Century.
Rhonda Jelich
I commit to leading the
staff and students of
Clay Elementary into
the 21st Century, by
using the tools that I
have been given.
William Sherwood
To expand all of my
strength, knowledge,
time, and attitude to
intensify the 21st
Century leadership
concepts for learning
into all individuals that
come in contact with
schools in West
H. Moke Post
I commit to researching and
developing a better school culture
for our children.