Freak the Mighty - Moore Public Schools

Walk Two Moons
Monday, Dec. 9
 1.
 2.
 3.
 4.
 5.
tentatively (adv) in an uncertain and
hesitant manner
horrid (adj) extremely disagreeable;
peculiar (adj) unusual or strange
ghastly (adj) extremely unpleasant or
descended (verb) moved from a higher to
a lower place; came or went down
Monday, Dec. 9
 6. extensively (adv) to a great amount
 7. unadulterated (adj) unspoiled; pure
 8. reluctant (adj) unwilling to do
 9. sympathetic (adj) of, expressing,
feeling, or resulting from pity or
 10. sarcastic (adj) expressing witty
language used to convey insults or
Tuesday, Dec. 10
 Study the ten vocabulary
words. Think of a way that you
could put the words in
categories. Group the words
and be ready to defend the way
you grouped them.
Tuesday, Dec. 10
Many of our words are adjectives this week. For each of
the adjectives below, choose a character from Walk Two
Moons that can be described using the given adjective.
Defend your answer.
 Ex. Ghastly – Mr. Birkway is ghastly because he read the
students’ journals aloud.
Wednesday, Dec. 11
The word politely is an adverb because it tells how. If the ly is
dropped from the word, it becomes polite, which is an
adjective (a describing word). Write a sentence with each of
the following words, then change the word to an adjective and
write a different sentence.
The child politely asked for another cookie.
The polite child asked for another cookie.
 Extensively
 Tentatively
Wednesday, Dec. 11
Write out each of the three synonyms and then
label with the correct vocabulary word.
 1. compassionate, caring, thoughtful
 2. clean, pure, unmixed
 3. unwilling, unenthusiastic, hestitant
Thursday, Dec. 12
Use a vocabulary word to complete each analogy. Write the
analogy on your bellwork paper.
horrid : ____ :: descended : lowered
_____ : disrespectful : : _____ : respectful
unwilling : _____ : : willing : enthusiastic
Thursday, Dec. 12
Write a sentence with each of the vocabulary words.
Both words should be in the same sentence. Remember
– sentences should have at least seven words!
 tentatively, horrid
 peculiar, unadulterated
 extensively, sarcastic
 ghastly, descended
Friday, Dec. 13
Try to write out the meaning of these words without
looking back at your bellwork. If you can’t, study the
words, then go back and write the meaning.
 Tentatively
 Peculiar
 Unadulterated
 Sympathetic
 Horrid
Friday, Dec. 13
Try to write out the definition of these words without
looking back at your bellwork. If you can’t, study the
words, then go back and write the meaning.
 Ghastly
 Descended
 Extensively
 Reluctant
 Sarcastic