Chapter 2: SAS Code Sample dataset codebook: treat = Binary indicator of treatment versus control group x1-x5 = continuous confounders associated with Treat cont_out = Continuous outcome of interest bin_out = Binary outcome of interest Estimating the propensity score in SAS with logistic regression SAS> proc logistic data=mydata descending; model treat=x1 x2 x3 x4 x5; output out=mydata_ps prob=pscore; run; MATCHING K:1 matching without replacement using GMATCH macro /* Include %GMATCH SAS> %include ‘’; /* Have previously estimated propensity score “pscore” /* 1:1 nearest neighbor matching, matching on propensity score SAS> %gmatch(data=mydata_ps, group=treat, id=id, mvars=pscore, seedca=111222, seedco=111333, out=matched); /* 2:1 matching, matching on PS, caliper=0.10 units SAS> %gmatch(data=mydata_ps, group=treat, id=id; mvars=pscore, dmaxk=0.10, ncontls=2, seedca=111222, seedco=111333, out=matched); Caliper matching using GMATCH macro /* Want to specify caliper in terms of SD of PS logit /* Calculate standard deviation of logit of propensity score SAS> proc means std data=mydata_ps; var logit_ps; output out=std_ps (keep=std) std=std; run; /* Create new variable that is 0.20 SD of logit of PS SAS> data std_ps; set std_ps; std=0.2*std; run; /*Create macro variable that specifies caliper size for matching SAS> data _null_; set std_ps; call symput(‘stdcal’,std); run; /* 2:1 caliper matching, caliper=0.20 SD of logit of PS SAS> %gmatch(data=mydata_ps, group=treat, id=id, mvars=logit_ps, dmaxk=&stdcal, ncontls=2, seedca=111222, seedco=111333, out=matched); K:1 matching, with and without replacement using PSMatching macro /* Include %PSMatching macro SAS> %include ‘’; /* Have previously estimated propensity score “pscore” /* Separate datasets for treated and control, only contain ID and propensity score (or alternatively logit of PS) SAS> data mydataC mydataT; set mydata_ps; if treat=0 then do; idC=id; pscoreC=pscore; output mydataC; end; if treat=1 then do; idT=id; pscoreT=pscore; output mydataT; end; /* 1:1 Nearest neighbor matching without replacement SAS> %PSMatching(datatreatment=mydataT, datacontrol= mydataC, method=nn, numberofcontrols=1, replacement=no, out=matches); Caliper matching using PSMatching macro /* 2:1 caliper matching with replacement, 0.10 caliper SAS> %PSMatching(datatreatment= mydataT, datacontrol= mydataC, method=caliper, caliper=0.10, numberofcontrols=2, replacement=yes, out=matches); Radius matching using PSMatching macro SAS> %PSMatching(datatreatment= mydataT, datacontrol= mydataC, method=radius, caliper=0.20, replacement=no, out=matches); Optimal matching using DIST and VMATCH macros /* Include %DIST and %VMATCH macro SAS> %include ‘’; SAS> %include ‘’; /* If have already calculated distance matrix, can run vmatch SAS> %vmatch(dist=mydata_dist, idca=id, a=2, b=2,lilm=num_of_control, n=num_of_treat, firstco=C_first,lastco=C_last); /* Can run %VMATCH through %DIST macro /* Does 1:1 optimal matching SAS> %dist(data=mydata, group=treat, id=id, mvars=pscore, wts=1, vmatch=Y, a=1, b=1, lilm= num_of_control, dmax=0.1, outm=mp1_b, summatch=n, mergeout=mpropen); /* Optimal matching; each treated matched with 1-3 controls SAS> %dist(data=mydata, group=treat, id=id, mvars=pscore, wts=1, vmatch=Y, a=1, b=3, lilm= num_of_control, dmax=0.1, outm=mp1_b, summatch=n, mergeout=mpropen); Balance diagnostics /* Sort data by treatment groups SAS> proc sort data = mydata_ps; by treat; /* Boxplot of PS by treatment group SAS> proc boxplot data= mydata_ps; symbol width = 2; plot pscore*treat; run; /* Stacked histogram of PS by treatment group SAS> ODS graphics on; proc univariate noprint data= mydata_ps; var pscore; class treat; histogram pscore / nrows=2 ; run; ODS graphics off; PROPENSITY SCORE WEIGHTING, PARAMETRIC PS ESTIMATION /* Estimate the propensity score with logistic regression SAS> proc logistic data=mydata descending; model treat = x1 x2 x3 x4 x5; output out=mydata_ps prob=pscore; run; /* Calculate ATE and ATT propensity score weights SAS> data mydata_ps.w; set mydata_ps; w_ate= treat/pscore + (1-treat)/(1-pscore); w_att= treat + (1-treat)*(pscore/(1-pscore)); run; /* Use ATE weights as probability weights in final analysis SAS> proc genmod data=mydata_ps.w, class id; model cont_out = treat x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 / error=B; weight w_ate; run; /* Use ATT weights as probability weights in final analysis SAS> proc genmod data=mydata_ps.w, class id; model cont_out = treat x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 / error=B; weight w_att; run; SUBCLASSIFICATION Creating 5 propensity score subclasses /* After generating propensity scores, create quintiles SAS> proc rank data = mydata_ps groups=5 out= ps_strataranks; var pscore; ranks ps_quint; run; /* Sort data by quintiles SAS> proc sort data = ps_strataranks; by ps_quint; Estimating subclass-specific and overall effect estimates /* Binary outcome: Mantel-Haenszel stratified analysis SAS> proc freq data= ps_strataranks; table ps_quint*treat*bin_out / nocol cmh; run; /* Continuous outcome: can combine subclass-specific t-tests SAS> proc ttest data=ps_strataranks; by ps_quint; class treat; var cont_out; ods output statistics = strata_out; /* Calculate weights (weight is inverse of square of SE of group difference); weight group differences SAS> data weights; set strata_out; if class = 'Diff (1-2)'; wt_i = 1/(StdErr**2); wt_diff = wt_i*Mean; /* Sum weighted means SAS> proc means noprint data = weights; var wt_i wt_diff; output out = total sum = sum_wt sum_diff; /* Calculate and output overall treatment difference, SE SAS> data overall; set total; diff_mean = sum_diff/sum_wt; diff_SE = SQRT(1/sum_wt); SAS> proc print data = overall; run;