Goldthwaite Middle School Campus Improvement

Goldthwaite Middle School
Campus Improvement Plan 2015-2016
Mission Statement
To educate, prepare, and inspire all students to be successful in our society by achieving at a high level on a
regular basis
Goal 1: Goldthwaite Middle School will educate every student to achieve their full potential.
Performance Objective 1: Goldthwaite Middle School will exceed the state standard on all four performance Indexes (Student
Achievement, Student Progress, Closing Performance Gaps and Post-Secondary Readiness).
Summative Evaluation: STAAR data
Strategy Description
Meaningful, relevant instruction
will be offered to all students.
Instruction will be aligned with the
TEKS and will be taught at the level
of the STAAR standards.
Teachers will participate in an
alignment process that will
continue to insure the TEKS, ELPS,
and STAAR objectives are taught in
a comprehensive, seamless
curriculum that addresses the
needs of all students.
Staff will disaggregate data on a
regular basis to plan lessons, plan
programs, evaluate curriculum and
make decisions to enhance student
Assessments will be aligned with
instruction and will provide
reliable data regarding student
progress on the TEKS and STAAR
Staff Responsible for
All staff
JH Principal
Funding: Local funds
All staff
JH Principal
Evidence that Demonstrates
Lesson Plans, Walk Throughs,
Disaggregated STAAR data
Professional development
TEKS review
ELPS review
Eduphoria data
Funding: Title 1, Part A
Instructional staff
JH Principal
Central Administration
Regularly Scheduled meetings
Funding: Local Funds
All Staff
Funding: Local Funds
Student assessment data
Goal 1: Goldthwaite Middle School will educate every student to achieve their full potential.
Performance Objective 2: By 2016, 90% of all students in all student groups, including students in Special Education, will
achieve level II satisfactory on all portions of the state assessment.
Summative Evaluation: STAAR data
Strategy Description
Student data will be reviewed on a
regular basis by grade level teams
and Principal to evaluate student
progress and develop targeted
student interventions
Research-based intervention
strategies will be available for all
students in need of additional
time/reinforcement, including:
During school tutoring(homeroom)
Dyslexia program
Math remediation
Reading remediation
ESL classroom
Math and reading acceleration will
be built into the daily schedule for
all students who did not pass the
STAAR. Students who scored at or
below the panel recommendation
will be included in the small group
Staff Responsible for
JH Principal
All staff
Evidence that Demonstrates Success
Evaluation by teacher
Assessment data
Funding: Title 1, Part A, Local Funds
JH Principal
On-going assessment of local data
All staff
Documentation of Acceleration program
Dyslexia teacher
STAAR data
ESL teacher
Staff collaboration
SPED teacher
Funding: Title 1, part A, Local funds, Title 1, Part C
JH Principal
Teacher documentation of student
Math teacher
progress in intervention class
Reading teacher
Dyslexia teacher
Staff collaboration
SE teacher
Funding: Local funds, SCE
A curriculum enrichment program
will be built into the daily schedule
to serve students who achieved at
Level II satisfactory or above on
STAAR and who scored above the
panel recommendation in order to
promote higher level thinking
opportunities and improve
learning outcomes.
GMS will offer homework help and
enrichment opportunities to all
students daily during the
homeroom period.
A summer enrichment program
will be provided for students in
danger of being retained and
students not passing STAAR
JH Principal
All staff
GT certified staff
Teacher recommendation
STAAR data
Funding: Local funds
All staff
Teacher feedback
Funding: Local funds
JH Principal
Instructional staff
STAAR data
Teacher recommendation
Funding: Local funds, SCE
Goal 1: Goldthwaite Middle School will educate every student to achieve their full potential.
Performance Objective 3: One hundred percent of the Gifted and Talented students at GMS will meet the state standard on
the STAAR assessment.
Summative Evaluation: STAAR data
Strategy Description
Designated GT certified teachers
and Principal will continue to
evaluate the planning and
implementation of the GT program
in order to expand its scope and
GT students will be provided with
an opportunity to work with other
GT students to create
appropriately challenging projects
and products
All teachers serving the GT
program will receive additional
training and support
Staff Responsible for
GT certified teacher
JH Principal
Evidence that Demonstrates Success
STAAR data
Funding: Local funding
GT teacher
Time allocated for participation
Funding: Local funding
GT teacher
Staff certifications
JH Principal
Funding: Local funding
Goal 1: Goldthwaite Middle School will educate every student to achieve their full potential.
Performance Objective 4: The percent of Special Education students meeting the performance levels on the state
assessments will exceed the state standards.
Summative Evaluation: STAAR data
Strategy Description
All staff will focus on assisting
Special Education students in
accessing the general curriculum
and developing skills by inclusion
in regular education classrooms
with Special Education support.
GMS will identify, monitor and
track the academic success of
every Special Education student on
our campus
GMS will appropriately identify
students who will need STAAR
assessment modifications and
adjust curriculum instruction
Professional development will be
provided for all Special Education
teachers to assist in the
implementation of IEPs and
curriculum alignment for Special
Education and other struggling
Staff Responsible for
All staff
SE teacher
JH Principal
Evidence that Demonstrates Success
Assessment data
Teacher recommendation
SE teacher recommendation
Funding: local funding, SE funds
All staff
Assessment data
SE teacher
Funding: local funding
All staff
Assessment data
SE teacher
Teacher recommendation
SE teacher recommendation
ARD committee
Funding: local funding, SE funds
SE teacher
SE director
SE paraprofessional
Funding: local funds, SE funds
Time will be built into the daily
schedule for the use of technology
and other intervention strategies
for Special Education students to
ensure gaps in learning do not
All staff
SE teacher
SE paraprofessional
Teacher recommendation
SE teacher feedback
Funding: Local funding, SE funding
Goal 2: All students will be served by “highly qualified” teachers and staff
Performance Objective 1: GCISD will recruit and retain highly qualified professionals
Summative Evaluation: Teacher certification record
Strategy Description
100% of core area teachers will be
highly qualified as indicated by
Staff Responsible for
Evidence that Demonstrates Success
Teacher certification
Central Office
Current Educational practices
100% of instructional
paraprofessionals will meet highly
qualified standards.
Certification records
Personnel records will be
maintained to evaluate “highly
qualified” status.
Central Office
JH Principal
Personnel files
GMS teachers and staff will
participate in on-going
professional development
opportunities in research based
practices and teaching strategies
throughout the year.
JH Principal
Staff development agendas
Teacher feedback
GCISD will implement practices to
recruit highly qualified personnel
during the hiring process.
Funding: Title 1, part A, local funding
Goal 3: Parents will be full partners in the education of their children
Performance Objective 1: Goldthwaite Middle School will offer multiple opportunities for the entire community to be
engaged in the educational process.
Summative Evaluation: Data records: Committee meetings, sign-in sheets, agendas, communication records
Strategy Description
GMS will implement multiple
strategies to expand and improve
communication between parents
and school to insure that parents
are involved in all aspects of their
child’s education. These strategies
will include, but are not limited to:
Open House/Meet the teacher
Parent/teacher conferences
School informational meetings
Family Nights
Student Progress reports
Parent/teacher organizations(PTO)
Campus committees
Home visits as needed
Parents will be provided
information on their child’s
progress in a language they can
Staff Responsible for
All staff
JH Principal
Parent Liaison
Evidence that Demonstrates Success
Evidence of scheduled activities
Scheduled parent conferences
Parent feedback
Parent Liaison feedback
Funding: Title 1, Part A
JH Principal
Parent feedback
Parent Liaison
All staff
Title 1, Part A
GMS will communicate regularly
with all student families using
various platforms that include:
School website
Local newspaper
Alert now notification system
Information sent home
Monthly Campus reports to School
JH Principal
Parent Liaison
Funding: Local funding
Parent feedback
Goal 4: All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning
Performance Objective 1: Goldthwaite Middle School will work with parents, students and community resources to ensure a
safe and drug free environment
Summative Evaluation: Evaluation of drills, participation by students in awareness programs, participation by teachers in
awareness programs
Strategy Description
A comprehensive emergency response plan
will be operational for fire, inclement
weather, chemical hazards, and hostile
intrusion situations.
Safe school activities, Soar Program, and
alcohol and drug prevention programs will be
made available for all students.
The GMS Student Code of Conduct will be
communicated to all students
GMS will work closely with community
agencies to provide services to students and
their families
for Monitoring
JH Principal
Evidence that Demonstrates Success
Successful completion and
documentation of drills
Funding: Local funding
Administration Agendas
Staff participation
Funding: Local funding
All staff
Signature in student packet
JH Principal
JH Principal
Referral documentation
Funding: Title 1, Part A
Teachers will be provided training in methods
known to result in learning environments that
are safe, drug-free and conducive to learning,
Classroom and behavior management
Crisis Prevention and Intervention (CPI)
Suicide Prevention training
Bullying Prevention training
Red Ribbon Week (drug awareness)
Administration Records of participation
JH Principal
Professional development
Funding: Title 1, part A
Goal 5: All students at GMS will participate in a comprehensive school health program
Performance Objective 1: All students will receive at least 4 semesters of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily
Summative Evaluation: Master schedule, SHAC recommendations
Strategy Description
for Monitoring
GMS will follow the TEKS for Health Education P.E. Teacher
GCISD has an active SHAC committee that
reviews Health Education materials and
makes recommendations to the school board
and campus Principals
GMS nurse is involved in coordinated school
health program planning
GMS submits fitness assessment data
GMS students participate in at least 4
semesters of moderate to vigorous physical
activity daily for a minimum of 225 minutes
per two weeks
Evidence that Demonstrates Success
Lesson Plans
Funding: Local
School nurse
SHAC meetings
SHAC recommendations
Board minutes
Funding: Local
School nurse
SHAC recommendations
Funding: Local
P.E. teacher
Funding: State funds
Master Schedule
Funding: Local