CULTURAL INTRODUCTION TO SPAIN Course Title: Course Number: Credits: Pre-requisites: Semester: Professor: Email: Office hours: Cultural Introduction to Spain SP 205 3 none Fall 14 Guillermo Reher after class (only by appointment) Course Description: The study of the culture of Spain helps the student acquire a deep awareness of both the cultural unity and diversity of the people in Spain. Major themes of Spanish culture and thought are presented in historical context and brought to life through guided tours and visits to churches, synagogues, museums, palaces, and many other sites significant to understanding present-day. In addition, survival Spanish and grammar will be introduced according to the student’s level and need. Taught in English. Course Objectives: By the end of the course, students will be able to: identify the overall phases of the history of Spain recognize the historical roots and present reality of Spain’s identity issues know the prime contributions of past civilizations and actions to today’s cultural heritage understand current social and political reality in Spain be acquainted with the geography of Spain apply the necessary tools and knowledge to write their own term paper (to be presented in class by the end of the semester). practice the preparation and execution of cultural itineraries Teaching/Learning Strategies: The course format will be a structured mixture of lectures, discussions, classroom activities and student presentations. Assigned homework (both text and audiovisual resources) will enable students to keep on track and further their understanding of the subjects dealt with in class. Together with this, there will be a term paper on a subject determined by the student, based on the paintings or buildings visited during the course, and how it serves as an example of historical processes at play. Evaluation Methods: There will be one exam, quizzes at the beginning of every class (= make sure you are punctual!), an oral presentation and a term paper. All work must be handed in, presented or - as in the case of exams – attended on time in order to receive a grade. The total points (of your final grade!) will be distributed as follows: Excursion preparation and execution Participation [Escribir texto] 25% 25% Term paper Mid-term exam Final Exam TOTAL 25% 10% 15% 100% There will be a mid-term grade based on quizzes and participation before the break, which will be made known to the students. Grading Policy: Percentage 93-100 89-92 86-88 80-85 75-79 70-74 65-69 55-64 54 or less Grade A AB+ B BC+ C D F Excursion preparation and execution: excursions and field trips will be guided and explained by the students themselves, and their peer’s attention will be evaluated through on-the-spot quizzes. Guidelines with details will be provided. Overall grade will depend on how well the student performed when guiding and when following. Term paper The term paper will be a 10-page paper using the following guidelines: Part A will consist of a paper describing what the Royal Palace tells us about Spanish history. It will be accompanied with the ticket entrance/s used. Part B will be a paper explaining the most important artists in Spain tell us about Spanish history. It will be important to provide information specifically on El Greco, Velázquez and Goya. But it will have to explain what the paintings in the Prado Museum represent as heritage for Spanish history and identity. It will have to be accompanied with the ticket entrance/s used. This paper will be written by using supporting academic literature and other materials. Special focus and original ideas will constitute added value. Mid-term and Final exams They will combine open answer questions with maps or figures. The mid-term exam will cover the history of Spain covered until it is carried out. The final exam will cover the rest of the course or, for those who wish to improve their mid-term grade, it will cover the entire course. Participation Attendance will mean 5 of 10 in participation each day (both classes and excursions). Active and positive participation will raise that (including exercises and discussions), while bad behavior in general will lower it. Behavior during field trips and excursions will also be graded in this way. COURSE PROGRAM [Escribir texto] December November October Sep tem ber Session Assignment (to be done by that class) CIS Transitions: Social Skills I Topic/Visit 17 24 1 3 4 8 10-12 15 17 22 29 5 12 14-15 19 26 CIS Transitions-Service Learning History I: Prehistory to the Visigoths Read book chapters I and II Day excursion to Segovia Morning excursion to El Escorial History II: Reconquest Read book chapters III and IV Field trip to Cordoba and Seville History III: Empire Read book chapters V-VII Day excursion to Toledo Mid-term exam History IV: 20th Century Read book chapters VIII and IX No class Geography Field trip to Cuenca and Valencia Identity vs. identities Political system 3 10 Culture Review class 12 15-18 Make-up class (only if necessary) Final Exam Turn in term paper and other assignments. This syllabus is subject to change! COURSE POLICIES Assignment submissions The term paper and any other required assignments must be submitted electronically on the last day of class. Work submitted at any other place or time or in any other form will not be accepted. Late submissions Late work will not be accepted. There will be no alternative to completing all required work as scheduled. Hence, failing to hand in required assignments on time results in a loss of points or – as in the case of the term paper – in a grade of “F” (i.e. the student will lose 20% of the total of his/her final grade). In the event of illness, documented proof must be provided. Attendance Policy: The CIS faculty and administration believe that attendance is critical to understanding and applying knowledge and skills taught. The policy is that students must attend all classes. If a student has four absences the final grade will be lowered by half a grade, (for example, a B will become a B-). After every two additional absences, the grade will be lowered by another half a grade. (After six absences, the final grade will go from a B to a C+). Punctuality: [Escribir texto] Arriving more than ten minutes late to class will be considered tardiness, and will affect the participation grade of that day. Two days of tardiness will add to a day of absence. Smartphones and laptops: These devices will be only allowed during designated research times, when the teacher specifies their use. Otherwise, their use is forbidden in class. If caught, the student will have to leave class, and that class will be considered an absence. Food and drinks: Students may only consume water during class but no other kind of drinks and no food may be brought to class. Breaks: Officially permitted breaks are scheduled 10 minutes before and after each class. Students may not leave the classroom during the scheduled class unless specifically allowed by the teacher. Academic Honesty Policy: Students are expected to know and follow CIS statements of academy honesty and integrity which you signed off on in the CIS Academic Manual. The college views academy dishonesty as one of the most serious offenses that a student can commit while in college and imposes appropriate punitive sanctions on violators. While this is not an all-inclusive list, it will help you to understand some of the things instructor look for: cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, participation in academically dishonest activities and facilitating academic dishonesty. Incurring in any of these will result in penalties do be determined by the teacher and Academic department. [Escribir texto]