What is a MOLE?

Convert 45 inches
into feet.
in x 1 ft = 3.75 ft
12 in
What is a MOLE?
A mole is useful for counting small
 The mole is the SI base unit that describes
the amount of a substance.
A mole is a collection of a very large
number of particles.
 This number is usually written as
6.022 x 10 23 /mol and is referred to as
Avogadro’s constant.
One mole of
gumballs is 6.022 x
1023 gumballs.
One mole of
popcorn is 6.022 x
1023 kernels of
An object’s mass may sometimes be used
to “count” it. For example, if a candy
shopkeeper knows that 10 gumballs have
a mass of 21.4 g, then the shopkeeper
can assume that there are 50 gumballs on
the scale when the mass is 107 g. What
would be the mass of 30 gumballs?
What is Molar Mass?
The mass in grams of
1 mol of a substance
is called its molar
mass. For example,
one mole of carbon12 atoms has a molar
mass of 12.01 grams.
Therefore one mole of carbon consists of
6.022 x 10 23 carbon atoms, with an
average mass of 12.01 amu.
So 6.022 x 10 23 carbon atoms together
have a mass of 12.01 g.
Mole Conversion
is the mass of 1
mol of Hydrogen atoms?
Now how many moles in 0.500
g of Hydrogen?
0.500 g H x 1 mol H = 0.496 mol of H
1.008 g H
More Practice !!
Question #4
on page 164.