(play)too much computer games, your parents will be angry with you

Module 6 Problems
Unit 3 Language in use
Qian Rujuan from Gaoqiao Middle School
Let’s try:
clap (clap)your hands.
1.If you are happy, _______
2.If you _______
are (be)happy, stamp your feet.
nod (nod) your head.
3.If you are happy, _______
5.If you get good marks, your parents _________
will be (be)
6.If you play (play)too much computer games, your
parents will be angry with you.
Don’t play too much games, or your parents
will be angry with you.
Your parents will be angry with you if you play too
much games.
Rewrite the sentences with if.
Eat your breakfast, or you
will get hungry at school.
If you don’t eat your breakfast, you will get
hungry at school.
=You will get hungry at school if you don’t eat
your breakfast.
Don’t eat too much junk food,
or you will be fatter.
If you eat too much junk food, you will be
=You will be fatter if you eat too much junk
Read the book carefully, then you
will not make mistakes.
If you read the book carefully, you will
not make mistakes.
=You will not make mistakes if you read
the book carefully.
Work harder! You will get
higher marks.
If you work harder, you will get higher marks.
=You will get higher marks if you work harder.
Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.
I will be really happy if
daughter gets good grades
1 I will be really happy if _____________.
2 I will do well in English if __________ .
3. My parents will be angry if _________.
4 If it rains next Saturday, I ___________.
Complete the conversation with the correct form of the
words and expression in the box.
honest pocket money problem refuse repair
terrible truth wear
May: What’s up? You look really sad.
Kate: Yes, I feel (1)___________.
May: What’s wrong? Tell me about it.
Maybe I can help.
Kate: Well, I needed some new shoes to wear to a
pocket money
party. But I didn’t have enough(2)
buy any. So I asked my sister if I could wear her
new shoes.
May: Did she agree?
Kate: No, you see, that’s the (3) ________.
refused to let me wear them, because
She (4) ________
she bought them for her sixteenth birthday party.
They were expensive. She saved up a lot of money
to buy them. But I took them when she was out
wore them to the party. Then on my way
home, I fell, and one of the shoes is broken.
May: Can you (6)_______
repair it?
Kate: No, I don’t think anyone will be able to do that.
May: Then you must tell her the (7)_______.
If you
honest she’ll be even angrier with you.
aren’t (8)_______,
Kate: I know you’re right. I’ll do as you say.
Can you give her some advice?
Complete the passages with the correct form of the
expressions in the box.
at the end of be angry with be proud of
listen to
Dear Diana,
My grades are not very good, and my parents (1)
angry with me. I told them that I worked hard at school.
The problem is, I am just not good at schoolwork.
But they think I spend too much time playing basketball when I
should be studying. It is true that I play a lot of basketball
because I think basketball is something great. I am in the school
am proud of that. I want to be in the national
team and I (2)___________
team someday. My uncle has offered to help me train too, but
now how can I get my parents to agree?
Dear Mary,
You should also work very hard at school. If your
grades are better(3)_____________
this term, your
at the end of
parents will not worry so much. Then you can ask your
uncle to talk to them. Maybe your parents will
listen to him.
Listen to the conversation and answer the questions
1. What is the girl’s problem?
She finds it difficult to get to sleep
at night.
2. Is it a common problem among teenagers?
Yes, it is.
3. What does the doctor advise the girl to do?
The doctor advises the girl to take enough exercise ,
and eat healthy food
and find ways to relax
before she goes to bed.
4. What does the doctor advise the girl not to do?
eat too much sugar
The doctor advises the girl not to
watch TV or play on the computer
before she
goes to bed.
Around the world
Let’s learn something about advice columns.
1. In the past, advice columns could mainly be found
magazines or newspapers
in _______________________.
and blogs online
2. Nowadays, websites
are much more popular.
3. Advice blogs are very popular because the persons
seeking advice can ask embarrassing or difficult
revealing their identity .
questions without _______________________
Read the problems and give your advice..
Work in groups of four and each group chooses
one problem to give your advice.
I want to take part in the school violin competition this year,
but I am not sure whether I should or not. I practise the violin
for three hours every day. However, I have never won a prize,
although I have entered the competition several times. I came
fourth last year. That was my best. I feel quite unhappy with
the result. I wonder if I should just give up.
Your advice:
Don’t care about the result too much. The most
important thing is you attend it and do your best.
My best friend Linda and I both love action and singing. I
have just found out that I have got the biggest part in the
school play. Linda has only got a small part. She is not
happy about it. I feel sorry for her. I know she wants me to
refuse the big part. She says that is what a good friend
should do. But it is really important to me. What should I
Your advice:
You should have a talk with Linda and let her know
that there is no bigger part, but better actor.We
should try to be better actors.
My friend Peter finds maths very difficult. He wants me to let
him copy my homework. I want to refuse because I do not
think it is honest to do that, but I do not want Peter to get into
trouble with his parents. They have warned him about not
working hard. But he does work hard–it is just that he does
not understand the work.
Your advice:
You should try your best to help Peter to understand
the work and persuade him to do it by himself.
1. My parents don’t understand me.
2. I’m not good at schoolwork, although I work really hard.
3. I have a stomach ache, that’s because I always go to school
without breakfast.
4. I spend too much time playing games . As a result, I often
fail my exams.
Make a list of your own problems.
Choose a problem and write a letter about the problem
Give the problem letter some advice.
Write a letter about your problems to your teacher
and ask for advice.