Essay #1 Literary Analysis Topic Choices, Possible Outline Format, Rubric Topic #1 Betrayal & Revenge Write an analytical essay that evaluates the topics of betrayal and revenge in the literature of the Middle Ages, as revealed in Song of Roland. To narrow the focus of your essay, ask yourself questions such as the following: 1. How do the archetypes in this excerpt reveal the values of the French culture? 2. In what ways does Roland represent a tragic hero? How does this lead to his demise? 3. What is the larger conflict in this story and how is it depicted? Topic #2 The Quest Write an analytical essay that evaluates the theme of the quest in the literature of the Middle Ages, as revealed in Perceval “The Grail.” To narrow the focus of your essay, ask yourself questions such as the following: 4. What does the event in this excerpt reveal about the purpose of Perceval’s quest? 5. What kinds of obstacles will he have to overcome? 6. What changes will he have to make in order to achieve maturity? Topic #3 Duality of Man Write an analytical essay that evaluates the theme of the duality of man in the literature of the Middle Ages, as revealed in “The Lay of the Werewolf” by Marie de France. 1. What is the nature of Bisclavaret’s wife in “The Lay of the Werewolf?” Is her behavior consistent with her appearance? 2. Is Bisclavaret’s behavior consistent with his appearance? 3. Explain what this says about the duality of man. Possible Outline – note that this is an example; you may have 1 or more body paragraphs Formatting Intro Paragraph: S1-universal statement S1-EXAMPLE: In order to live life to the fullest people must experience the world around them. S2 and S3- Answers the question: What is the overall theme and purpose of the excerpt? OR What do men quest for? OR How do men show their dual nature? Note: Be sure to include, somewhere in your intro. paragraph, the title and author of the literary work you will be discussing in your essay. S2-___________________________________________________________________________ S3-___________________________________________________________________________ S4-Thesis Statement: In _______________, _______________ uses _______________ to portray his theme that ___________________________________________________. Formatting Body Paragraphs: S1-intro/topic sentence S1-___________________________________________________________________________ S2-quote with lead in (concrete detail) S2-___________________________________________________________________________ S3 & S4-explain quote in two sentences (commentary) S3-___________________________________________________________________________ S4-___________________________________________________________________________ S6-quote with lead in (concrete detail) S6 - __________________________________________________________________________ S7 & S8-explain quote in two sentences (commentary) S7-___________________________________________________________________________ S8-___________________________________________________________________________ Conclusion paragraph: *purpose is to wrap up your paper and tie in the theme from the first paragraph, also to summarize your body paragraphs. Be careful not to simply restate your intro. paragraph. Extend ideas to the real world. S1-restatement and extension of the thesis statement S1-___________________________________________________________________________ S2 through S4-a summary of the two main points S2-___________________________________________________________________________ S3-___________________________________________________________________________ S4-___________________________________________________________________________ S5-final statement/tie in to universal statement S5-___________________________________________________________________________ ESSAY RUBRIC Intro paragraph includes a universal statement, progresses from general to specific as discussed in class, has a connection to a literary theme from one of the selections, and ends with a clearly stated thesis statement 2 quotes from the text with correct: application, lead-in, punctuation, citation Commentary connecting quote to thesis statement Concluding paragraph extends idea of theme (not a restatement) MLA formatting: heading, header, spacing, margins, Times NR, 12”font Correct grammar & mechanics (no “no-no” words (I, me, my, we, our, Possible Points 20 15 20 20 5 20 you) or contractions) TOTAL SCORE 100 Points Earned