Fifth Grade Book Reports

Fifth Grade Book Reports
This is a general description of the various book reports formats for our first book report.
Additional formats will be added for each book report, as a new format is chosen for each
book report. The book must be approved by the parents and Ms. Iversen. Once approved,
students read the book independently, and complete the book report. Some class time will
be allotted; however work at home will be required. More specific details of each of these
book reports are included in the supplemental pages provided.
Book Report 1 Options:
· Option 1- Written Book Report using form provided. Use a fictional book. Instructions
on specifics are included.
· Option 2- Newspaper Book Report. Use any type of book. Instructions on specifics are
included along with the grading rubric.
· Option 3- Message in a Bottle Book Report. Use any type of book. Instructions on
specifics are included along with the grading rubric.
· Option 4- Cereal Box Book Report. Use a fictional book. Instructions on specifics are
included along with the grading rubric.
Book Report Due: April 27
The book reports will be presented in small groups at the “RMS Café Book Club” the week
following the due date.
Newspaper Book Report
This book report takes on the format of a newspaper. You may use a computer, or create
this book report by hand. Please place the articles and features where you think they fit
best. The book you feature must be a chapter book. Your book needs to be at the
appropriate reading level; please ask your parent or teacher if you need help in finding an
appropriate book.
You must include the following:
· Heading
o Create a title for your newspaper. It should be related to the book. Include the date.
o List the author, number of pages, and what type of text structure your book is
(informative, Narrative, or Informative-Narrative). Place this information somewhere in
the heading.
· Articles- pretend you are a remarkable journalist when your write these articles. You
will be graded on the voice trait of writing for this book report. Voice is you coming
through your writing. It is what gives your writing personality, flavor, and style. So as the
journalist, you need to make your article have a sound of its own.
o You have witnessed events in your story. Write a news article from a journalist’s
perspective that describes and summarizes the events and plot of the story.
o Main Character- Write a 1-paragraph article (6-9 sentences) about the main character,
including who the character is, what he/she did, and any interesting things about the
· Features- (choose two of the following)
o Book Review- Write a review for your book. Explain your likes/dislikes. To whom
would you recommend this book? Create a headline for your review.
o Photograph- You are to draw a picture of your favorite part of the book, or you are to
draw a portrait of your favorite character. Include a caption that explains your picture. This
needs to be your best work and it needs to be colorful.
Presentation: You will share your assignment at the RMS Café Book Club.
Message in a Bottle Book Report
Scenario: You and a good friend are stranded on two separate islands. Since you cannot
swim to each other’s islands, you decide to send messages afloat in a bottle. Both of you
have a stash of books to read and this is how you spend your time as you wait to be
rescued. You are to write a friendly letter to your friend about your book.
INSTRUCTIONS1. Use the Friendly letter format: Heading (made up address & date), Signature with
correct formatting.
o Paragraph 1: 3-5 sentences describing the book in an upbeat manner and providing the
title and author.
o Paragraph 2: 3-5 sentences describing the main character(s) in detail. Their
appearance, emotional being, character traits, behavior, and draw conclusions about the
kind of person they are fro
o Paragraph 3: 3-5 sentences comparing the main character to another character(s) in the
story. You could also opt to compare your main character to a character in a different story.
o Paragraph 4: 3-5 sentences describing the setting(s) in detail.
o Paragraph 5: 3-4 sentences critiquing the book explaining why they should read it, liked
it, and make sure to describe your favorite scene in the book.
2. Picture: draw or create a picture showing a scene from the book. Be sure to describe
what is happening in the picture.
3. Create a vessel to put your letter in so that it may arrive safely.
4. Neatness and conventions (grammar, punctuation)
5. Presentation: You will share your assignment at the RMS Café Book Club.
Use this outline for your book reports. Reports must be printed neatly or carefully typed. If the
report is hand written, it must be 1-2 pages and typed. It must be double-spaced and the font
size should be 12. A clear topic sentence should begin each paragraph. Skip a line between each
paragraph and leave a space between the title of the report and the background information.
1. Book Report Title Page
A. Title of the book centered on the first line
B. Book title underlined
2. Table of Contents
Sample Title Page Contents:
· Title of the Book
· By
· Author's Name
· Your Name
· Date
3. Written Report
Things to include in written report
· Setting: Where and when does the story take place?
· Describe one main character from the story in detail.
· Conflict: What was the problem in the story?
· Resolution: How was the problem in the story resolved?
· Draw a detailed picture of your favorite scene in the book.
· Describe your picture
· Review of the book – did you like it, would you recommend it to a friend?
4. Presentation: You will share your assignment at the RMS Café Book Club.