Summary Form for Newspaper or Magazine Article

Name ___________________________
Current Events in Astronomy
Summary Form for Newspaper or Magazine Article
[Longer article can be worth more points – or article can be shared with ONE other person if long.]
Title of article ____________________________________________________________________
Name of Newspaper / Magazine ______________________________________________________
Date of article __________________
Very Briefly - What is the article about? _______________________________________________
Who is doing this work? (Usually not the author of the article – what scientist or agency?) _______
Did we talk about this topic at all in class ______________________________________________
Is the work described in the article related to a “bigger issue”? __________
What bigger issue? (Life outside of earth, the origin of the Universe, origin of Earth, search for life
in the Universe, etc.) _______________________________________________________________
Number ALL of the paragraphs and tell the main idea of each on the other side
of this page. This can be brief – you don’t need complete sentences for the
paragraph-by paragraph summary.
When done reading each paragraph, summarize the main points of the article in complete sentences.
Why is this work important? ________________________________________________________
What is your reaction to the article? (Do you think the work is important? Silly? A waste of money?
Amazing?) _______________________________________________________________________
Paragraph-by-paragraph summary (number each paragraph):