
Prediction of Sporting Events through Social
Media across the Multiple Cultures of Australia
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Abstract— Social media offerings such as Twitter provide a near
real-time forum for expression of personal information through
Tweets. Often these Tweets can capture the emotion of the
Tweeter at that point and place in time either on a personal level,
or with regards to some event, organisation or other individual.
In this paper we show how such sentiment can be used to identify
and ultimately predict events. Specifically we focus on prediction
of events that take place in sports – of specific interest and
relevance to Australians and Melbourne in particular as a
passionate sports city. What is novel about this work is that it
addresses the multicultural factors in use of Twitter for
prediction of sporting events, and uses this as the basis for better
understanding of the cities and the communities of Australia. To
explore this, we focus on event prediction in the FIFA World Cup
that took place in 2014 and the Cricket World Cup that took
place in 2015. We show the way in which events are detected and
importantly the cultural diversity for event detection. We
describe the Cloud-based architecture for collecting and
analysing such large, diverse data sets and the algorithms that
are used to identify changes in sentiment and their accuracy. We
illustrate how actual events can indeed be predicted from social
media and the cultural differences in sentiment expression
through social media.
Keywords: Twitter, sentiment analysis, sports prediction.
The authors would like to thank the National eResearch
Collaboration Tools and Resources (NeCTAR) project for the
infrastructure underlying this work.
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