body paragraph 1

A Lesson Before Dying
Essay Writing Guide
English II
Drafting a Working Thesis
The following examples are from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee:
1. Identify the subject of your paper.
2. Turn your subject into a guiding question.
Scout’s maturity in To Kill a Mockingbird
How does Scout progress from an immature
young girl to a mature young woman? Why
does it matter?
3. Answer your question with a statement.
Scout is influenced by the Tom Robinson
trial and by Miss Maudie and Mrs. Dubose.
They help her learn to handle conflict.
4. Refine this statement into a working thesis.
1. Identify the subject of your
2. Turn your subject into a
guiding question.
3. Answer your question with a
4. Refine this statement into a
working thesis.
The Tom Robinson trial and Scout’s
interactions with her neighbors teach her how
to handle conflict in a mature manner.
Character Development In either Grant or Jefferson
Introduction Paragraphs
“What should an introduction look like?” you wonder, as you prepare to write your brilliant Short Stories essay. Well, an
introduction can be effective in any number of forms as we read in some of the sample introductions, but there are certain
elements that all effective introductions have in common, such as:
• a hook
• source information
• background information
• a thesis
Hooks are introductory phrases or sentences that “hook” (pretty clever, huh?) a reader; these should be attention grabbers
that leave a reader so mesmerized s/he cannot turn away from the brilliance of your paper. Some ideas for hooks include:
1. A QUOTE—This should tie into your subject matter and come from a recognized authority in the field. Using a
quote will give your writing believability and help convince your reader to keep reading. Please see me for the set
up of a quote so you don’t fall into the common pitfalls!
2. A STARTLING FACT OR A SURPRISING STATISTIC—These will grab the reader’s attention to shock, horrify,
anger, or amuse your reader into reading more.
3. A RHETORICAL QUESTIONS—This kind of question provokes thought and helps get the reader involved in your
subject matter. Your job in the paper is to provide the answer to this question.
4. AN ANECDOTE—This short story will involve your reader and also help you to illustrate a point or tell a moral.
5. RELEVANT STATEMENT – This is similar to what we read in the sample introduction handouts.
Source information is the author and title of the book you are discussing in your essay. Remember: Titles of books are
italicized! (Short stories have quotation marks.)
Background information is a brief summary of the book AS IT PERTAINS TO YOUR TOPIC – don’t include any additional
information. This should not be more than two sentences.
Thesis statements are sentences (two sentences at most) that tell the reader what you will argue in your essay. That’s
right, arguing is allowed here…you won’t just state facts but you will make a claim, an argument, or opinion, and spend the
rest of the paper supporting this argument.
A thesis statement for this essay might go something like:
 In the novel A Lesson Before Dying, Gaines uses the character of Jefferson to show how one person can grow and
give hope to the whole community.
 While she begins the story with a naïve sense of justice, Swede’s struggle to reconcile Davy’s actions with his
character ultimately leads to her understanding that there is more to justice than simply obeying the law.
Introduction Outline
Hook: ______________________________________________________________________
Background Information:____________________________________________________________
Topic Sentence
Transition word and context to introduce 1st example (Set Up)
Quote (first example) __________________________________________________________________________________
Connect example to thesis statement
Transition word and context to introduce next example (Set up)
Quote (2nd example)____________________________________________________________________________________
Connect example to thesis statement (Inference)
Transition word and context to introduce next example (Set up)
Quote (3rd example)____________________________________________________________________________________
Connect example to thesis statement (Inference)
Clincher (one sentence to sum up what you stated in the paragraph)
Topic Sentence
Transition word and context to introduce 1st example (Set Up)
Quote (first example) __________________________________________________________________________________
Connect example to thesis statement
Transition word and context to introduce next example (Set up)
Quote (2nd example)____________________________________________________________________________________
Connect example to thesis statement (Inference)
Transition word and context to introduce next example (Set up)
Quote (3rd example)____________________________________________________________________________________
Connect example to thesis statement (Inference)
Clincher (one sentence to sum up what you stated in the paragraph)
Topic Sentence
Transition word and context to introduce 1st example (Set Up)
Quote (first example) __________________________________________________________________________________
Connect example to thesis statement
Transition word and context to introduce next example (Set up)
Quote (2nd example)____________________________________________________________________________________
Connect example to thesis statement (Inference)
Transition word and context to introduce next example (Set up)
Quote (3rd example)____________________________________________________________________________________
Connect example to thesis statement (Inference)
Clincher (one sentence to sum up what you stated in the paragraph)
Conclusion Paragraph
Your conclusion paragraph is the most important paragraph in your essay because it is the last thing that a reader sees.
This does not mean that is should be long, however. Your conclusion (along with your introduction) will be quite short
compared to your body paragraphs.
The conclusion paragraph should:
• restate your thesis in new words
• recap your body paragraphs (briefly)
• hint at broader implications of your topic; answer the “So what?” question.
Remember how the introduction looked like an inverted pyramid, well, the conclusion looks like a regular pyramid. That is,
your conclusion will start with very specific information (your thesis reworded) and end with a broad statement about the
importance of your topic.
Some problems to avoid in the conclusion:
• Do NOT use the words “in conclusion” or “in summary”
• Do NOT say “I’ve just told you about…”
• Do NOT say “This essay was about…”
Restate your thesis in a different way:
Restate your 3 main ideas in a different way:
End with a “So What?” Statement: Connect to the world; connect back to beginning; This is your last chance to make an
impression; This is the last section the teacher will read before he gives you a grade – make it worth it!