Supernetting • Recall: subnetting allows an organization to share a single IP network address among multiple physical networks • Supernetting (a.k.a. classless addressing) allows the addresses assigned to an organization to span multiple IP network addresses The Original Classful Addressing Scheme Classful Addresses • The different classes were different sizes: – Less than 17,000 class B network addresses – More than 2,000,000 class C network addresses • The classes differed in popularity: – Class B addresses were very popular and almost exhausted – Class C addresses were hardly used at all Supernetting • Assign an organization a block of plentiful addresses (class C) rather than a single scarce (class B) address • Example: – An organization wants to connect to the Internet – The organization would prefer a class B address • Plans to subnet its various physical networks using the third octet of the IP address to represent the subnet – This would allow the organization to have 254 physical networks with up to 254 hosts per network Supernetting (cont) • Example (cont): – Instead of getting a class B address, the organization is given 256 contiguous class C addresses • E.g. – – Then: • The organization can have up to 256 physical networks (each with its own class C network address) • Each physical network can have up to 254 hosts • Result: a block of plentiful addresses (class C) substituted for a single scarce (class B) address Extending Supernetting • A few large commercial Internet Service Providers (ISPs) provide Internet connectivity • ISPs are assigned a large chunk of contiguous network addresses • Organizations contract with an ISP and are assigned one or more network address(es) Effect of Supernetting on Routing • Problem: – Recall: Routers (potentially) have an entry in their routing table for each unique network • Assigning an organization 256 class C addresses might require 256 routing table entries • Assigning an organization 1 class B address would require 1 routing table entry – The information that Internet routers must store and exchange increases dramatically Effect of Supernetting on Routing (cont) • Solution: Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) – Collapse a block of contiguous network addresses into a single pair – Example: (, 3) specifies three network addresses: • • • Effect of Supernetting on Routing (cont) • Assume: a small number of ISPs each with a large block of addresses • Example: four large ISPs: – – – – A: – (216 class C addresses) B: – (216 class C addresses) C: – (216 class C addresses) D: – (216 class C addresses) Effect of Supernetting on Routing (cont) X Y A B C D Z W V Effect of Supernetting on Routing (cont) • Assume: customer X leases the addresses (, 256) from ISP A • ISP A’s routing table: – A route to each of A’s subscribers: • (, 256) goes to X – A route to each other ISP: • (, 216) goes to B • (, 216) goes to C • (, 216) goes to D • Result: CIDR shortens routing tables CIDR Address Blocks and Bit Masks • No need to restrict network numbers to class C addresses • No need to use an integer to specify the block size • Instead: two items specify a block of addresses: – The lowest address in the block (32-bit IP address) – A 32-bit mask that divides addresses into a prefix and a suffix • Prefix – common to all addresses in the block • Suffix – differentiates unique address in the block CIDR Address Blocks and Bit Masks (cont) • Example: a CIDR block of 2048 addresses: • Starting address: • Mask: 11111111 11111111 11111000 00000000 • Dotted decimal = – Prefix: 10000000 11010011 10101 (the first 21 bits) – Suffix: the last 11 bits CIDR Notation • CIDR Notation (or slash notation) is a shorthand for representing both the starting address and mask • Example: – Specifies the starting address ( – Specifies the number of bits in the prefix (21) – Specifies the suffix (32-21 = last 11 bits) CIDR Masks • Note: /8, /16, and /24 prefixes correspond to the traditional class A, B, and C divisions Advantage of Classless Addressing • Flexibility in allocating blocks of various sizes • Assume: an ISP has the following block of addresses: • Can assign one customer 2048 addresses in the /21 range: • Can assign another customer 4 addresses in the /29 range: Classless Addressing • Treats IP addresses as arbitrary integers rather than as part of a predefined class structure • Allows a network administrator to assign addresses in contiguous blocks – Number of addresses in a block must be a power of two • Allows for: – Flexibility in assigning blocks of addresses – Ease of management of addresses Private Addresses • Some prefixes have been reserved for private networks (i.e. networks not part of the global Internet) • These addresses are called private addresses (or nonroutable addresses) because they should not be used on the Internet Additional Routing Concerns • The original classful addressing scheme was selfidentifying: – A router could determine the network address simply by looking at the address • Classless addresses are not self-identifying: – A router cannot determine the division between the prefix and the suffix from the address – Example: • Is that 128.211/16 • Is that 128.211.176/8 • Is that something else Additional Routing Concerns (cont) • Classless routing tables a usually stored in a hierarchical data structure called a binary trie – A tree with paths determined by the data stored – A unique prefix identifies each data item • Example: Binary Trie Structure • Interior nodes (circles) correspond to two or more prefixes • Leaf nodes (squares) correspond to a unique prefix and contain an address and mask Binary Trie Structure (cont) • A search for the address: 10010010 11110000 00000000 00000001 • A search for the address: 10110111 11110000 00000000 00000001 Summary • Problem: IP v4 addresses (especially class B) would be exhausted • Solutions: – Supernet addressing - a block of plentiful addresses (class C) substituted for a single scarce (class B) address – Classless Inter-Domain Routing - collapse a block of contiguous network addresses into a single pair to keep routing tables short