Chapter 4 - TeacherWeb

Chapter 4
Identify and Meet a
Market Need
4.1 Identify Your Market
4.2 Research the Market
4.3 Know Your Competition
Entrepreneurship: Ideas in Action
© Cengage Learning/South-Western
Ideas in Action
Serving Customers’ Needs
 By continually assessing market needs, Brian
Hendricks was able to start a variety of PC
related companies.
 Brian’s recommendations for entrepreneurs focus
on the “Five P’s of Entrepreneurship”:
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Lesson 4.1
Identify Your Market
 Identify a target market by analyzing
the needs of customers.
 Explain how market segmentation can
help an entrepreneur analyze a target
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target market
market segments
customer profile
use-based data
geographic data
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Target Market
 Customers are your most important
 target market
 the individuals or companies that are
interested in a particular product or service
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Identify Your Target Market
 Consider the following information regarding
your customers:
individuals or companies?
age and income?
industries customers are in?
needs and wants my product will satisfy?
number of potential customers?
competitive environment?
pricing of product or service?
what is unique about my offering?
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What questions should you ask
when identifying your target
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Market Segments
 market segments
 groups of customers within a large market
who share common characteristics
 Most products and services appeal to a
small portion of the population.
 Segmentation helps you serve your niche
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Customer Profile
 customer profile
 a description of the characteristics of the
person or company that is likely to
purchase a product or service
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 demographics
 data that describes a group of people in
terms of
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marital status
family size
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 psychographics
 data that describe a group of people in
terms of
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personality traits
lifestyle habits
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 use-based data
 data that helps you determine how often
potential customers use a particular service
 geographic data
 data that helps you determine
 where your potential customers live
 how far customers will travel to do business with
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Name four types of customer data
that may be analyzed in developing
a customer profile.
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Lesson 4.2
Research the Market
 Explain the role of market research.
 Identify the six steps involved in market
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market research
primary data
focus group
secondary data
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Role of Market Research
 market research
 a system for collecting, recording, and
analyzing information about
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Primary Data
 primary data
 information collected for the very first time
to fit a specific purpose
 survey
 a list of questions you ask your customers
to determine
 demographic information
 psychographic information
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 observation
 determining information by watching
customer behavior
 focus group
 an in-depth interview with a group of target
 questions are similar to survey questions
 group interaction allows for more in-depth
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 disadvantages of primary data
 expensive
 time consuming
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Secondary Data
 secondary data
 information found in already-published
 Secondary data can be found in:
government publications and websites
industry specific books
trade publications
newspaper articles
books about entrepreneurs in similar
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What types of data do
entrepreneurs collect through
market research?
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Six Steps of Market Research
 Although primary data collection is time
consuming and expensive, it will tell
you exactly what you want to know.
 Primary data can uncover information
that is often not available through
secondary sources.
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1. Define the Question
 Determine exactly what it is you need to
2. Determine the Data Needed
 Decide what data you need to answer the
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3. Collect the Data
 Conduct secondary research to help
determine the primary data requirements.
 Determine the most effective methodology
for primary research collection.
 Questionnaires should contain only the
most pertinent questions.
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4. Analyze the Data
 Thoroughly analyze and interpret data.
 Write down analysis results for future
5. Take Action
 Use your analysis results to develop an
action plan.
6. Evaluate the Results
 Entrepreneurs must perpetually reassess
the effectiveness of their actions.
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What are the six steps of market
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Lesson 4.3
Know Your Competition
 Explain the importance of
understanding your competition.
 Determine types of competition.
 Prepare a competitive analysis.
 Describe strategies for maintaining
customer loyalty.
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 direct competition
 indirect competition
 competitive analysis
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Impact of Competition
 To remain competitive, you should offer
products that are of equal or better
quality than the competition and that
sell for the same or lower prices.
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Understand the Competition
 Determine the ways your competition is
not meeting the needs of their
 The unmet needs of these customers
provides you with an entrepreneurial
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Why is it important for you to
understand the competition your
business faces?
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Types of Competition
 direct competition
 originates from a business that makes
most of its income by
 selling the same products or services as you
 to the same market
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 indirect competition
 originates from a business that makes only a
small amount of money by
 selling the same products or services as you
 to the same market
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Large Retailers?
 Reasons that large retailers can be a
source of strong competition include:
 they can order and stock large quantities
of products
 the volume discounts they obtain result in lower
prices to the consumer
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 they have multiple product lines
 if one product does poorly, there are other
products available to generate sales
 they have larger advertising budgets
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What is the difference between
direct and indirect competition?
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Competitive Analysis
 competitive analysis
 identifying and examining the
characteristics of a competing firm
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 Follow these steps to begin your
competitive analysis:
 Make a list of your competitors.
 Summarize the products and prices offered
by your competitors.
 List each competitor’s strengths and
 Find out the strategies and objectives of your
 Determine the strength of the market.
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What is the purpose of a
competitive analysis?
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Maintaining Customer Loyalty
 Listen and Respond to Feedback
 Perpetually ask for and respond to
customers’ needs.
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 Other strategies for Maintaining
Customer Loyalty
superior service
convenient hours
easy return policies
store-specific credit cards
personal notes or birthday cards
frequent-buyer programs
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What are some strategies for
maintaining customer loyalty?
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 Develop a convincing multimedia
 Recognize and respect copyright issues.
 Develop and support a theme with a
multimedia presentation.
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 Make use of and implement innovative
technology in a multimedia presentation.
 Set priorities and manage time to prepare
and present an effective multimedia
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1. Why must the Super Bowl use a
multimedia presentation to attract new
corporate sponsors?
2. What kind of music or visual images
would be good for a Super Bowl
multimedia presentation?
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3. Why must the presentation emphasize the
potential return on investment for
corporate sponsors of the Super Bowl?
4. What is the value of being associated as a
financier of the Super Bowl?
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