Reading Vocabulary

Unit 1
 ap·pall
 (uh-pawl)
 verb
(used with object) to fill or overcome
with horror, consternation, or fear; dismay:
He was appalled by the damage from the
fire. I am appalled at your mistakes.
 myr·i·ad
 (mir-ee-uhd)
 noun
1. a very great or indefinitely great
number of persons or things. 2. ten
 con·ta·gious
 (kuhn-tey-juhs)
 adjective
1. capable of being transmitted by
bodily contact with an infected person or
object: contagious diseases. 2. carrying or
spreading a contagious disease. 3. tending to
spread from person to person: contagious
 ep·i·dem·ic
 (ep-i-dem-ik)
 adjective
1. Also, ep·i·dem·i·cal. (of a
disease) affecting many persons at the same
time, and spreading from person to person in
a locality where the disease is not
permanently prevalent. 2. extremely
prevalent; widespread.
 em·i·nent
 (em-uh-nuhnt)
 adjective
1. high in station, rank, or repute;
prominent; distinguished: eminent
statesmen. 2. conspicuous, signal, or
noteworthy: eminent fairness. 3. lofty; high:
eminent peaks. 4. prominent; projecting;
protruding: an eminent nose.
 in·ten·tion·al
 in-ten-shuh-nl
 adjective
1. done with intention or on
purpose; intended: an intentional insult. 2.
of or pertaining to intention or purpose. 3.
Metaphysics . a. pertaining to an
appearance, phenomenon, or representation
in the mind; phenomenal; representational.
b. pertaining to the capacity of the mind to
refer to an existent or nonexistent object. c.
pointing beyond itself, as consciousness or a
 ruth·less
 (rooth-lis)
 adjective
without pity or compassion; cruel;
merciless: a ruthless tyrant.
 prob·a·ble
 (prob-uh-buhl)
 adjective
1. likely to occur or prove true: He
foresaw a probable business loss. He is the
probable writer of the article. 2. having
more evidence for than against, or evidence
that inclines the mind to belief but leaves
some room for doubt. 3. affording ground for
 roh-man-tik
 adjective 1. of, pertaining to, or of the nature of
romance; characteristic or suggestive of the
world of romance: a romantic adventure. 2.
fanciful; impractical; unrealistic: romantic
ideas. 3. imbued with or dominated by idealism,
a desire for adventure, chivalry, etc. 4.
characterized by a preoccupation with love or by
the idealizing of love or one's beloved. 5.
displaying or expressing love or strong affection.
 pic·tur·esque
 pik-chuh-resk
 adjective
1. visually charming or quaint, as if
resembling or suitable for a painting: a
picturesque fishing village. 2. (of writing,
speech, etc.) strikingly graphic or vivid;
creating detailed mental images: a
picturesque description of the Brazilian
jungle. 3. having pleasing or interesting
qualities; strikingly effective in appearance:
a picturesque hat.