Meiosis Web Quest - Catawba County Schools

Meiosis Web Quest
The activity is posted under Rowe’s Bio Docs. So you do not have to type in the L O N G addresses.
Go to
On the Meiosis Tutorial page click on Reproduction and answer the following questions about Sexual
Reproduction or fill in the blanks.
Sexual reproduction
1. New individuals are formed by a combination of two _________ ___________cells. (_________)
2. Fertilization is the combination of ________ _______ from 2 separate cells that have ______ the original
genetic info.
3. What is the gamete called in a male? ____________________
4. What is the gamete called in a female? __________________
5. Are the gametes considered to be haploid or diploid? _________ What chromosome number represents
haploid? ____ Diploid? ____
6. What is the new individual called (when a gamete meets a gamete)?
7. How many chromosomes does the individual have?
8. What is the purpose of meiosis? _________________________
Return to the Meiosis Tutorial page.
Click on Chromosomes in a Diploid Cell.
1. A diploid (2n) human cell consists of how many chromosomes?_______
2. The haploid (n) human cell consists of how many chromosomes? __________
3. Autosomes are all the chromosomes except the sex chromosomes. You receive how many autosome
chromosomes from each parent? ________
4. You receive one sex chromosome from each parent. If you are a female what combination did you receive?
______and _____
5. If you are a male you receive? _______and _______
Meiosis Animation Go to:
Click on the BLUE ARROW to scroll through the animation until you reach Telophase 1 Cytokinesis.
Repeat as many times as necessary to answer questions & summarize Meiosis I.
1. At the start of the animation how many chromosomes are in the cell? _____
2. What process do the chromosomes perform at the end of prophase 1 that is different from mitosis?
____________ _________
3. At the end of telophase 1 & cytokinesis what do you end up with?
a. Number of cells?_________
b. Number of chromosomes in each cell? __________
c. Is each cell haploid or diploid? _______________
Continue to click on the animation until you reach the end of Meiosis 2. Repeat as many times as necessary to
answer questions & summarize the second stage of meiosis.
1. How many cells are there in prophase II? ________
2. How many chromosomes are in each cell in prophase II? _______
3. What happens to the chromosomes in Anaphase II? _________
4. What is the final product of this example of meiosis at Telophase II & Cytokinesis? How many cells
How many chromosomes in each cell? _________
Mitosis vs. Meiosis
Go to Click on "How Cells Divide" then Click on the picture of the dividing cell.
After viewing the animation, fill out the chart below, by placing a YES or NO in the box or boxes to indicate
which process the event occurs in …
(some events might have YES for both mitosis and meiosis).
Two Cell Divisions
Chromosomes pair up
Spindle fibers form
Crossing over occurs
One Cell Division
Produces Sex cells (gametes)
Cytokinesis occurs
Two diploid daughter cells
Four haploid daughter cells