Chapter 10 – Cell Growth and Division Why Cells Divide • When an eukaryotic organism grows what happens to its cells? – ___________________________________________________________________ • Why do cells divide rather than grow? – E___________ M____________: _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ • Surface to volume ratio – ___________________________________________________________________ – ___________________________________________________________________ • Town analogy: ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Chromatin, Chromatids, and Chromosomes Before cell division • Chromatin: ___________________________________ _____________________________________________ • The DNA is ____________________________________ During Cell Division • The chromatin coils up into _______________. • Each chromosome has two _______________ – The chromatids are held together by a _______________ – Each chromatid contains _________________ – The chromatids will split apart and end up in different cells – When the chromatids split, each chromatid will be considered a ______________ Eukaryotic Cell Cycle: The cell cycle represents the events in the life of a cell. Interphase: _____________________________ Interphase occurs in 3 steps – G1 Phase: ___________________ – S Phase: ____________________ – G2 Phase: ___________________ Cell Division (also known as the M phase) Cell Division occurs in two steps – Mitosis: __________________________ – Cytokinesis: _______________________ Mitosis occurs in 4 steps: 1. Prophase 2. Metaphase 3. Anaphase 4. Telophase Stages of Mitosis Prophase • DNA condenses into ____________________ • 2 centrioles take positions on opposite sides of the nucleus – Centrioles: ______________________ ________________________________ – Microtubules: ____________________ ________________________________ – A spindle begins to form from each centriole – Spindle: ________________________ ________________________________ – Chromosomes attach to the spindle at the centromere • _____________________________________ • _____________________________________ Metaphase • _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Anaphase • ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ • ______________________________________ ______________________________________ • The chromatids move away from each other to opposite sides of the cell. Telophase • Spindle breaks down • The nucleus begins to reform in each end of the cell. – ________________________________ – ________________________________ ________________________________ – ________________________________ ________________________________ Cytokinesis • 2 new nuclei are now in one cytoplasm • Cytokinesis: _____________________________________________________________ – Animal Cells: _______________________________________________________ – Plant Cells: _________________________________________________________ • Cytokinesis usually occurs the same time as ______________. Meiosis Homologous chromosomes: _________ of chromosomes where one comes from the ________ parent and the other from the ___________ parent. Humans have _____ chromosomes – _____ from Mom + ______ from Dad = 23 homologous pairs – Homologous chromosomes are the _____________________ – Homologous chromosomes contain the __________________ – Homologous chromosomes may or may not contain the same alleles • Diploid: _____________________________________ ____________________________________________ – Abbreviated: _____ – In humans, diploid cells have ___ chromosomes. – Almost all cells in the human body are diploid. • Haploid: ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ – Cells contain only ________________________ _______________________________________ – In humans, haploid cells have ___ chromosomes – In humans, the only haploid cells are _______ and _______ cells. • Meiosis: a _______________ process in which ________ and ________ cells are created by cutting the chromosome number in half. • Meiosis goes through _______ rounds of division: – Meiosis I and Meiosis II – One diploid cell becomes _______ haploid cells – Produces sperm and egg cells (__________) Meiosis I • Interphase: __________________________________ ____________________________________________ • Prophase I: each replicated chromosome _______ with its __________ chromosome. – Tetrad: a pair of homologous chromosomes with 4 chromatids. – Crossing-over: _________________________ _____________________________________ • Metaphase I: ___________ homologous chromosomes line up in the ______________. • Anaphase 1: _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ • Telophase 1: ___________ ___________ forms around each cluster of ______________ • Cytokinesis: _____________________________________________________________ – The cells are now ________ – Each cell has a different set of _________ Meiosis II • After meiosis I, chromosomes do not ____________. • Cells go thru a second round of divisions (Meiosis II) – Prophase II – ________________________________________________________ – Metaphase II – ______________________________________________________ – Anaphase II – _______________________________________________________ – Telophase II – _______________________________________________________ • Result is _________________________________ • Each cell is _______________________________ Mitosis vs. Meiosis List the differences between mitosis and meiosis. Chromosomal Mutations • Chromosomal mutation: mutation that __________the ___________ or ____________ of chromosomes (happens during the process of meiosis). – Deletion: The _______ of all or part of a ___________. – Duplication: A segment is _________. – Inversion: part of the chromosome is ________ from its usual direction. – Translocation: one chromosome _______ _____ and ________ to another ___________.