1 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies The Institute for Personal Growth 8 South 3rd Avenue Highland Park, NJ 08904 1-800-379-9220 www.ipgcounseling.com Comprehensive Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Table of Contents Clothing, Shoes, & Transition Products …………………………… pg. 3 Coming Out Resources………………………………………………………pg. 4 Conferences & Events………………………………………………………..pg. 4 Crossdresser Resources……………...…………………………………… .pg. 5 Doctors (Primary/Endocrinology)…………………………………….pg. 6 Family/Parent Resources…………………………………………………..pg. 6 Families, Parents, and Partners Support (NJ & NY)…………….pg. 8 General Community Advocacy and Education Resources…...pg. 9 Hair Removal Services………………………………………………………..pg. 10 Hair Restoration Services…………………………………………………...pg. 11 Healthcare Advocacy and Education…………………………………...pg. 11 Healthcare Resources……………………………………………………… ...pg. 11 Healthcare Services…………………………………………………………….pg. 12 Healthcare Services for Youth……………………………………………..pg. 13 Intersex Resources………………………………………………………………pg. 13 Legal/Litigation Referrals…………………………………………………...pg. 13 Legal Advocacy Referrals (NJ)……………………………………………...pg. 14 Male-Spectrum Resources and Groups………………………………..pg. 15 Page 1 2 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Political Action and Initiatives…………………………………………….pg. 15 Page 2 3 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies The Institute for Personal Growth 8 South 3rd Avenue Highland Park, NJ 08904 1-800-379-9220 Comprehensive Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Table of Contents Continued Religious/Spiritual Support (NJ & NY)…………………………...pg. 17 Scholarship Programs…………………………………………………...pg. 18 Surgeons………………………………………………………………………..pg. 18 Trans Support Groups (New Jersey)………………………………pg. 19 Trans Support Groups (New York)………………………………...pg. 20 Veteran Advocacy Initiatives………………………………………….pg. 21 Violence Prevention Initiatives………………………………………pg. 21 Vocal Training Resources……………………………………………....pg. 21 Websites and Online Support…………………………………………pg. 22 Women’s Spectrum Groups and Resources…………………….pg. 23 Workplace Resources…………………………………………………….pg. 24 Youth Advocacy Initiatives……………………………………………..pg. 25 Youth Resources (New Jersey)………………………………………..pg. 26 Youth Resources (New York)………………………………………….pg. 26 Page 3 4 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Clothing, Shoes, & Transition Products Barefoot Tess phone: (410) 377-7722 website: http://www.barefoottess.com *Baltimore based company that carries larger women’s shoe sizes up to size 15 The Breast Form Store phone: (877) 634-7495 website: http://www.thebreastformstore.com *Breast Forms and other products/accessories for sale online. Site is dedicated exclusively to the needs of the transgender and crossdressing community. Classic Curves International phone: (888) 898-8787 website: http://www.clcrv.com/index.cfm *Custom made butt, hip, and breast enhancers DJ’s Knows Dicks website: http://www.pee3.ca/ *A number of prosthetic tools to pack and pee, for sale online. Long Tall Sally phone: (877) 217-4084 website: http://www.tallgirlshop.com *Tall & large women’s clothing sizes for sale. Simply Tall website: http://www.simplytall.net *Tall & large women’s clothing sizes for sale. Tall Women website: http://www.tallwomen.org *The ultimate online resource for women who are 5’10 and over. TranZwear website: http://www.tranzwear.net/ *Offers a wide range of products including packers & STP (Stand To Pee) devices. Underworks phone: (800) 242-4224 website: http://www.ftm.underworks.com/ *Binders, compression vests and shorts, and bathing suits for trans men. Page 4 5 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies The Wig Company phone: (800) 245-6288 website: http://www.thewigcompany.com *Offers a wide selection of wigs to order online Coming Out Resources Coming Out as Transgender- A Guide website: http://www.ohio.edu/lgbt/resources/transcomingout.cfm *A guide produced by Ohio University LGBT Center on coming out as trans. Coming Out Trans to Your Parents & Family website: http://www.pflag.org/fileadmin/user_upload/TNET/Coming_Out_Trans.pdf *A Guide produced by P-FLAG’s Transgender Network, offers suggestions for how to come out to the people in your life as transgender. Conferences and Events Be-All Conference is a conference intended to empower and connect the trans community. The conference runs for five days in the Chicago area and features speakers, professional seminars, and social events. Scholarships are also awarded to individuals to attend the conference for free. For more info visit http://www.be-all.org Gender Odyssey Family is an annual conference for families who are working to navigate the day-to-day realities of raising a gender non-conforming or transgender child. As one of the only opportunities in the country to find valuable resources, information and networking opportunities, Gender Odyssey Family provides real tools to support and encourage your child’s gender self-discovery For more information visit http://www.genderodysseyfamily.org Gender Spectrum Family Conference is an annual celebration of gender diversity for all children and teens. A weekend gathering dedicated solely to the needs of gender nonconforming children and teens, their loved ones, and the community of professionals who surround them, it is an inspiring experience for all involved. For more info visit http://www.genderspectrum.org/events Philadelphia Trans-Health Conference is a FREE annual conference that offers three full days of workshops and activities focused on the health and well-being of transgender people, communities and allies. For more info visit http://www.trans-health.org Transgender Day of Action is a day in which transgender and gender non-conforming people of color and allies take to the streets of NYC to demand justice to let their voices be heard against transphobia, racism, classism, homophobia, sexism and other forms of oppression. For more information visit http://alp.org/trans-dayaction-2012 Page 5 6 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Transgender Day of Remembrance is an annual day of memoriam in which community members pay homage to those trans people who have lost their lives due to transgender discrimination. The vigils held on the annual day of remembrance express profound love and respect for those lives who have been lost. The event also brings attention to transgender issues, particularly transphobia, and strengthens the sense of community for trans-identified people. For more info visit http://www.transgenderdor.org Crossdresser Resources Crossdresser Heaven website: http://www.crossdresserheaver.com *page contains links to valuable resources about faith, fashion & makeup tips, transgender issues and support. Crossdressers International (CDI) Weekly meetings and social events for crossdressers. The meeting space on 40th St in NYC includes a dressing and storage area. www.cdinyc.org They also have a gender hotline every Weds from 5-9pm. Contact (212) 564-4847 The Renaissance Transgender Association phone: (610) 975-9119 website: http://www.ren.org *A non-profit, non-political, educational and social support organization founded and designed to educate and support persons regarding transgender issues, sexual orientation, sexual identity or gender identity without prejudice. The Society for the Second Self (Tri-Ess) phone: (201) 923-3645 website: http://www.tri-ess.org *An international social and support group for heterosexual crossdressers, their partners, the spouses of crossdressers and their families. To find out about support groups in your area, please contact. Tri-Ess Crossdresser Support Group (Sigma Nu Rho Chapter) meets the 4th Saturday of each month in the Trenton, NJ Metro area. If interested, please contact (609) 392-1132 or email SNRTRIS@hotmail.com. For more information visit http://www.triessnj.org Tri-Ess Crossdresser Support Group (Epsilon Mu Gamma Chapter) meets toward PA on the 1st Saturday of every month. If interested, please contact (717) 364-2949 or 570-364-2949 or email emgtris@hotmail.com For more information visit http://www.triessnj.org Page 6 7 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Doctors (Primary Care & Endocrinology) Lisa O’ Connor 1390 Valley Rd. Stirling, NJ 07980 phone: (980) 647-1688 website: http://www.healthytransitions.md M.K. Bartalos, MD 30 W. 60th St. Suite 1F New York, NY 10023 phone: (212) 262-5291 Wylie C. Hembree, MD 161 Fort Washington Ave Fl 4-448 New York, NY 10032 phone: (212) 721-3622 Walter Futterweit, MD 1172 Park Ave. New York, NY 10028 phone: (212) 876-6400 Edward Merker, MD 35 E. 85th St. New York, NY 10028 phone: (212) 288-1110 Craig Metroka, MD 116 Central Park S., Suite 7, New York, NY 10019 phone: (212) 586-7800 Families/Parent Resources Gender Odyssey Family An annual conference for families who are working to navigate the day-to-day realities of raising a gender non-conforming or transgender child. As one of the only opportunities in the country to find valuable resources, information and networking opportunities, Gender Odyssey Family provides real tools to support and encourage your child’s gender self-discovery. For more information visit http://www.genderodysseyfamily.org Page 7 8 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies GenderSpectrum Child & Family Resource List website: http://www.genderspectrum.org/resources *Raising children who don’t fit neatly into male or female boxes brings a wealth of questions and uncertainties. Parenting choices, issues at school, medical options and legal considerations all represent areas requiring careful reflection and sometimes, difficult decisions. Here you will find information, resources, and support to assist you in your search for answers. GenderSpectrum Family Conference The Gender Spectrum Family Conference is a celebration of gender diversity for all children and teens. A weekend gathering dedicated solely to the needs of gender nonconforming children and teens, their loved ones, and the community of professionals who surround them, it is an inspiring experience for all involved. For more information please visit http://www.genderspectrum.org/events/family-conference Parents & Families, FAQ’s website: http://www.genderspectrum.org/about/faq * Addresses concerns frequently voiced by parents and families of trans youth. TransActive phone: (503) 252 3000 website: http://www.transactiveonline.org *An internationally recognized non-profit focused on serving the diverse needs of transgender (TG) and gender nonconforming (GNC) children, youth, their families and allies. Trans Youth Equality: Childhood Gender Non-Conformity for Adults (male-bodied children) website: http://www.transyouthequality.org/documents/Rosetta_Stone_1.pdf (female-bodied children) website: http://www.transyouthequality.org/documents/Rosetta_Stone_2.pdf *Helping adults understand what their child may be trying to express. Trans Youth Equality: Top 11 Tips for Caregivers of Gender Non-Conforming Children and Youth website: http://www.transyouthequality.org/documents/Top_11_Tips.pdf *Guidance for parents and caregivers of gender non-conforming youth. Trans Youth Family Allies (TYFA) phone: (888) 462-8932 website: http://www.imatyfa.org/index.html *TYFA empowers children and families by partnering with educators, service providers and communities to develop supportive environments in which gender may be expressed and respected. Website includes a plethora of helpful resources. Page 8 9 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Families/Parents/Partners Support Groups (NY & NJ) Trans Youth & Families Support Group at IPG’s Highland Park Office, located at 8 South Third Avenue Highland Park, NJ monthly support group beginning Saturday June 16 th at 1:00pm. Contact 732-246-8439 for more information Transgender/Transfamilies PFLAG Support Group Meets 3rd Monday of every month from 7-9pm in the Church House of the Presbyterian Church at Shrewsbury; 352 Sycamore Avenue Shrewsbury, NJ 07702. Use rear parking lot, enter rear door, go up the stairs and to the right to the meeting room. For more information check out http://www.jerseyshorepflag.org/upcoming-events/ New Jersey Support Group is a nonprofit support group open to all transgender individuals, their spouses, significant others, family, and friends. To attend a meeting, please use the contact form on the website, at http://www.njsg.org. Our meetings are held on the first Saturday of every month at 8:00 PM in Washington's Crossing, New Jersey. Doors open around 7:00 PM. Charge a fee of $10 for members and $15 for nonmembers. There is no charge to attend your first meeting. Food and refreshments are supplied at each meeting and generally a program related to transgender issues. At 9:30 PM, we provide an optional group support session. Here you can share your feelings and talk to others like yourself. Please arrive before 8:00 PM if you need to change at the meeting. For additional info please call (206) 666-5990 or email info@njsg.org Parents of Trans Kids Support Group in Manhattan that meets either monthly or every two months, contact Judy Sennesh at jsennstrauss@aol.com Trans Youth Support Group For parents with a youth from 13 to 19 years old Mt. Sinai Adolescent Health Center at 320 E 94th St. weekly group starting May 2nd, 2012. *If your child is not a current patient in Mt. Sinai Adolescent Health Center, please contact Beth Zacher at 212-423-2928 or via email elizabeth.zacher@mountsinai.org to pre-register your child for the support group meeting. Trans Families and Friends A monthly drop-in group for family members and friends of someone who is transgender, transsexual, gender-different or gender questioning. Come together with other moms, dads, uncles, siblings, grandparents, friends and adult children of transgender individuals. Drop-in. No registration required. $5 suggested donation. No one turned away for lack of funds. Meetings are Wednesdays, 6 PM 7:30 PM. January 4, February 1 and March 7 at the LGBT Community Center located at 208 W. 13th St. NY, NY (between 6th and 7th avenues) For more information call (646) 556-9300 or visit http://www.gaycenter.org Trans Partners | Trans Amorous A monthly drop-in group to provide support and community for people of all genders to discuss and explore their attraction to and relationships with trans-identified or gender nonconforming individuals. Page 9 10 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Group is open to people currently or formerly in partnerships with trans-people and those exploring their attractions. Drop-in. No registration required. $5 suggested donation. No one turned away for lack of funds. Meets Wednesdays, 7:30 PM - 9 PM. January 4, February 1 and March 7 at the LGBT Community Center located at 208 W. 13th St. NY, NY (between 6th and 7th avenues) For more information call (646)556-9300 or visit http://www.gaycenter.org General Community Advocacy and Education Resources Gender Education & Advocacy (GEA) website: http://www.gender.org *A national organization focused on the needs, issues and concerns of gender variant people in human society. International Foundation for Gender Education: website: http://www.ifge.org/ *IFGE promotes acceptance for transgender people. We advocate for freedom of gender expression and promote the understanding and acceptance of all people. In addition to other contributions on its website, IFGE has also compiled a list of 70 carefully selected books on transgenderism and gender, crossdressing, transsexualism, and related topics which can be viewed at http://www.ifge.org/books/bookstore_catalog.htm The Renaissance Transgender Association phone: (610) 975-9119 website: http://www.ren.org *A non-profit, non-political, educational and social support organization founded and designed to educate and support persons regarding transgender issues, sexual orientation, sexual identity or gender identity without prejudice. National Transgender Advocacy Coalition website: http://www.ntac.org *Provides information on the transgender community as well as resources for connecting with others in the community. TransMentors International phone: (877)366-3888 website: http://www.transmentorgs.org *A non-profit organization which provides aid, support and assistance to Trans-identified individuals. Has access to many resources, including online support forums for FTM, MTF, and SOFFA. Page 10 11 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies American Educational Gender Information Service website: http://www.gender.org/aegis *A nonprofit clearinghouse for information about transgender and transsexual issues. Hair Removal Services Affordable Permanent Electrolysis Shelley Mayron, C.E. 201 W. 21st St. #15D, New York, NY 10011 phone: (212) 633-1503 website: http://affordablepermanentelectrolysis.com Bonnie Electrolysis and Laser Bonnie Brandt, C.E. 330 W. 58th St. New York, NY 10019 phone: (212) 246-4699 website: http://www.electrolysisandlaser.com Carol Ramdoo Professional Electrolysis Carol Ramdoo, L.E. CPE Princeton Location: 12 Roszel Rd., Suite A-201 Princeton, NJ 08540 Highland Park Location: 320 Raritan Ave. Suite 309 Highland Park, NJ 08904 phone: (609) 520-9632 website: http://www.professionalelectrolysis.net A Hollywood Way Electrolysis Anita Weissman, C.E. 1270 Broadway (between 32nd & 33rd) Suite 202, New York, NY 10001 phone: (212) 736-4925 website: http://www.ahollywoodway.com Richard’s Body Beautiful East 7th Street (between First and A) New York, NY phone: (212) 979-5515 website: http://www.body-beautiful.com Stephanie Fischman C.E. 530 East 84th St. #3B New York, NY 10028 phone: (917) 612-1139 Page 11 12 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Vinessa Anthony L.E., CPE 531 Ridge Rd. Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 phone: (201) 935-8354 email: VAelectrolysis@yahoo.com Hair Restoration Services True & Dorin Medical Group 360 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1102 New York, NY 10022 phone: (866) 409-5078 website: www.truedorin.com Healthcare Advocacy and Education Samuel Laurie phone: (802) 453-5370 website: http://www.tgtrain.org *Offers transgender awareness training for health care providers, medical students, & human service providers. PFLAG –Transgender Network (TNET) phone: (202) 467-8180 website: http://community.pflag.org/Page.aspx?pid=380 *TNET is focused specifically on promoting the health and well-being of transgendered persons, their families and friends, and provides resources. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) phone: (612) 624-9397 website: http://www.wpath.org *The mission of WPATH is to promote evidence based care, education, research, advocacy, public policy and respect in transgender health. Healthcare Resources Transgender Care website: http://www.transgendercare.com *A website devoted exclusively to transgender health care issues Page 12 13 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Trans-Health website: http://www.trans-health.com *A website that provides information on health and fitness exclusively for transgender and transsexual people. Transgender Health Initiative of New York (THINY) a monthly drop-in advocacy group working to create a community-based trans-access to healthcare movement. For more information visit http://www.gaycenter.org/gip Healthcare Services Callen Lorde 356 W. 18th St. New York NY 10011 phone: (212) 271-7200 website: http://www.callen-lorde.org/transgender.html *Provides quality, sensitive primary care, women's health, HIV/AIDS care, adolescent care, senior care, transgender care, dental care, sexual health, supportive services, mental health services and pharmacy. Community Healthcare Network Transgender Family Program multiple locations in Brooklyn, Manhattan, & Queens. visit the website to find the clinic location nearest you. phone: (866) 246-8259 website: http://www.chnnyc.org/services/transgender-program/ *Transgender people have specific healthcare concerns and oftentimes face bias, discrimination, or ignorance when seeking medical care. CHN understands these concerns, and offers a unique and welcoming environment with high quality medical care. Mazzoni Center 1201 Chestnut St. Phila., PA 19107 phone: (215) 563-0652 website: http://www.mazzonicenter.org *Transgender services include: primary care, hormone therapy and monitoring, supportive counseling and referrals as needed. Positive Health Project 301 W. 37th Street New York, NY 10018 phone: (212) 465-8304 website: http://www.positivehealthproject.org *Offers medical services, acupuncture, & transgender support groups Page 13 14 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Healthcare Services for Youth Callen Lorde Health Outreach to Teens 356 W. 18th St. New York NY 10011 phone: (212) 271-7200 website: http://www.callen-lorde.org/health_outreach.html *Health Outreach To Teens is a welcoming, non-judgmental, confidential program designed specifically to meet the medical and mental health needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning adolescents and young adults ages 13-24. HEAT Program SUNY Downstate Medical Center 760 Parkside Avenue, Room 308, Brooklyn, New York, 11226 phone: (718) 423-2873 *HEAT provides comprehensive medical, case management, transgender health services including hormones, HIV counseling and testing, outreach, and support services to LGBT youth. Mt. Sinai Adolescent Clinic 94th Street between 1st & 2nd Avenues New York, NY phone: (212) 423-2873 *Confidential HIV/AIDS services, general medical care and counseling services available to those ages 10-21 years of age. Intersex Resources Bodies Like Ours website: http://www.bodieslikeours.org/forums *Public intersex community forum Intersex Society of North America (ISNA) website: http://www.isna.org *An organization devoted to systemic change to end shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries for people born with an anatomy that someone decided is not standard for male or female. Legal/Litigation Referrals Lambda Legal 120 Wall St. Suite 1500 New York, NY 10005 phone: (212) 809-8585 website: http://www.lambdalegal.org *A national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work. Page 14 15 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) phone: (415) 392-6257 website: http://www.nclrights.org *Through direct litigation and advocacy NCLR works to change discriminatory laws and to create new laws and policies benefiting oppressed members of the queer community. NCLR’s Transgender Law Project publishes several publications on transgender issues, which can be found online at http://www.nclrights.org/projects/transgenderproject.htm. Transgender Law Center phone: (415) 865-0176 website: http://www.transgenderlawcenter.org *Transgender Law Center works to change law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression. Website includes a list of jurisdictions that have enacted nondiscrimination laws that protect transgender people, as well as information on employers with transgender-inclusive nondiscrimination policies. Transgender Law & Policy Institute (TLPI) website: http://www.transgenderlaw.org *TLPI is a non-profit organization dedicated to engaging in effective advocacy for transgender people. TLPI brings experts together to work on law and policy initiatives designed to advance trans equality. Website has legal and legislative information, as well as general resources. Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) phone: (646) 862-9396 website: http://www.transgenderlegal.org *Organization committed to ending trans discrimination and transphobia via public education, test-case litigation, direct legal services, community organizing and public policy efforts. Legal Advocacy Referrals (NJ) Christine M. Heer Esq. 1 Cliff St., 2nd Floor, Somerville, NJ 08876 phone: (908) 450-7421 email: cheeresqr@optonline.net Leslie Farber, Atty. Academy Square 33 Plymouth St., Suite 204 Montclair, NJ 07042 phone: (973) 509-8500 x 213 website: http://www.lfarber.law.com Rebecca G. Levin, Atty. 5 Greentree Centre Suite 104, 525 Lincoln Dr. W., Marlton, NJ 08053 phone: (586) 817-6030 website: http://www.jplaw.com/transgender.html Page 15 16 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Male-Spectrum Support Groups and Resources Drop-In: Masculine Spectrum Wednesdays, 7:30 PM - 9 PM. February 1-March 21 at the LGBT Community Center located at 208 W. 13th St. NY, NY (between 6th and 7th avenues) A weekly drop-in group for those assigned female at birth who now identify as trans-masculine, trans-men, men, trans-male, boi, gender-queer, AG/Aggressive, transsexual, androgynous, exploring, etc. to explore and discuss their feelings and concerns about gender, trans-identities and their histories. Drop-in. No registration required. $5 suggested donation. No one turned away for lack of funds. For more information call (646)-556-9300 or visit http://www.gaycenter.org Forge-Forward Testosterone Fact Sheet website: http://www.forge-forward.org/handouts/Hormones.pdf *Provides extensive information on the hormone testosterone. FTM Guide website: http://www.ftmguide.org *This guide is intended to provide information on topics of interest to female-to-male (FTM, F2M) trans men, and their friends and loved ones. FTM International (FTMI) phone: (415) 553-5987 website: http://www.ftmi.org *FTMInternational chapters provide educational activities, support meetings, information, networking and referral services for the FTM community since 1986. Queer Transmen website: http://www.queertransmen.org/ *Website dedicated to raising awareness about the sexual health of trans men and sharing knowledge around our complex bodies, sexualities and sex lives. The Transitional Male website: http://www.thetransitionalmale.com *Site devoted to providing information and support to the FTM community. Includes resource lists (general resource index, surgeons, insurance), information about transitioning (“all about testosterone,” surgical procedures), and more support/advice oriented pages (disclosing advice, presenting tips, a list of support groups). Political Action and Initiatives Human Rights Campaign (HRC) phone: (202) 628-4160 website: http://www.hrc.org/issues/transgender *HRC seeks to improve the lives of LGBT Americans by advocating for equal rights and benefits in the workplace, ensuring families are treated equally under the law and increasing public support among all Americans. Page 16 17 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) phone: (415) 392-6257 website: http://www.nclrights.org *Through direct litigation and advocacy NCLR works to change discriminatory laws and to create new laws and policies benefiting oppressed members of the queer community. NCLR’s Transgender Law Project publishes several publications on transgender issues, which can be found at http://www.nclrights.org/projects/transgenderproject.htm. National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) phone: (202) 903- 0112 website: http://www.transequality.org *Social justice organization dedicated to advancing the equality of transgender people through advocacy, collaboration, and empowerment. Issues include discrimination, federal documents, hate crimes, health, homelessness, immigration, marriage, travel, veterans, & the military. National Gay and Lesbian Task Force phone: (212) 604-9831 website: http://www.thetaskforce.org *Works to build the political power of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community from the ground up. The Task Force organizes broad-based campaigns to defeat anti-LGBT referenda and advance pro-LGBT legislation, builds the organizational capacity of the movement and generates groundbreaking research through their policy Institute. The New York Association for Gender Rights Advocacy (NYAGRA) website: http://www.nyagra.com *Advocates for freedom of gender identity and expression for all. Works toward securing the full inclusion of all transsexual, transgendered, and gender variant people in discrimination and hate crimes law at the state and local level in New York. For more information or to join NYAGRA, please visit the website. Transgender Law Center phone: (415) 865-0176 website: http://www.transgenderlawcenter.org *Transgender Law Center works to change law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression. Website also has a number of excellent resources regarding health and the law. Transgender Law & Policy Institute (TLPI) website: http://www.transgenderlaw.org *TLPI is a non-profit organization dedicated to engaging in effective advocacy for transgender people. TLPI brings experts together to work on law and policy initiatives designed to advance trans equality. Website has legal and legislative information, as well as general resources. Page 17 18 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) phone: (646) 862-9396 website: http://www.transgenderlegal.org *Organization committed to ending trans discrimination and transphobia via public education, test-case litigation, direct legal services, community organizing and public policy efforts. Trans Justice Group meets every 1st Weds of the month 6:30-8:30pm at 55 W. 17th St. 5th Floor (between 5th & 6th Avenues) in New York City. TransJustice is a political group created by and for Trans and Gender Nonconforming people of color. TransJustice works to mobilize its communities and allies into action on the pressing political issues they face, including gaining access to jobs, housing, and education; the need for Transsensitive healthcare, HIV-related services, and job-training programs; resisting police, government and antiimmigrant violence. Religious/Spiritual Support (NJ & NY) East Brunswick Unitarian Universal Society 176 Tices Lane, East Brunswick, NJ 08816 call (732) 246-3113 or visit http://www.unitariansociety.org First Unitarian Universal Society of Plainfield 724 Park Ave. Plainfield, NJ 07060. Call (908) 756-0750 or visit http://www.fusp.org for more information GenderPeople A weekly trans-spirituality group hosted by the Metropolitan Community Church in NYC. Meets Sundays at 12:00 noon. Call (212) 629-7440 or go to http://www.mccny.org for more information. Keshet (Formerly Jewish Mosaic) Keshet's mission is to ensure that gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Jews are fully included in all parts of the Jewish community. For more information visit http://www.keshetonline.org Metropolitan Community Church of Christ the Liberator (MCC CTL) MCC CTL worships at The Pride Center of NJ, located at 85 Raritan Ave. in Highland Park, every Sunday at 10:45 AM; there is a fellowship meal after service on the second Sunday of the month, as well as other periodic events. Everyone is welcome at MCC CTL. MCC CTL preaches a gospel of inclusion for all, celebrating rather than tolerating our queerness. For further info, please call (732) 823.2193 or visit www.mccctl.com. Presbyterian Church at Shrewsbury located at 352 Sycamore Ave. Shrewsbury, NJ 07702. Call (732) 747-3557 or visit http://www.tpcas.org for additional information. Torah Queeries Torah study through a queer lens, using as a jumping point for discussion, the book: Torah Queeries, Weekly Commentaries on the Hebrew Bible (available through Amazon). Its chapters contain liberating and healing messages, inspired by and drawn from Biblical texts, on the interface of our Jewish and LGBT identities. For inquiries or to register, contact David Rogoff at dvdgrog@aol.com. $3.00 donation to PCNJ requested at each session. Meets on the 4th Sunday of each month at the Pride Center in Highland Park (85 Raritan Ave. Suite 100) from 4:30-6:00PM. Page 18 19 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Unity Fellowship Church of Christ located at 230 Classon Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205 is a trans-friendly place of worship. For more information contact (718) 636-5646. Scholarship Programs Financial Aid for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Students website: http://www.finaid.org/otheraid/lgbt.phtml *Source describes a number of scholarships available to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered students. Point Foundation phone: (866) 337-6468 website: http://pointfoundation.org *Point Foundation provides financial support, mentoring, leadership training and hope to meritorious students who are marginalized due to sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Transgender Scholarship & Education Legacy Fund (TSELF) phone: (781) 899-5703 website: http://www.tself.org *Financial Assistance for trans-identified students in the helping and caring professions including but not limited to social services, health care, religious instruction of all denominations, teaching, & law. Surgeons Christine McGinn MD. Papillon Gender Wellness Center 18 Village Row Suite 43, New Hope, PA 18938 phone: (215) 693-1199 website: http://www.drchristinemcginn.com Toby Meltzler, MD. 7025 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 302 Scottsdale, AZ 85253 phone: (480) 657-7006 or (866) 876-6329 website: http://www.tmeltzer.com Sherman Leis MD. The Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery 19 Montgomery Ave. Bala Cynward, PA USA phone: (610) 667-1888 email: DrShermanLeis@DrShermanLeis.com website: http://www.trangendercenter.com Page 19 20 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Douglas K. Ousterhout MD. 45 Castro St. Suite 150 San Francisco, CA 94114 phone: (415) 626-2888 website: http://www.drdouglasousterhout.com *facial feminization surgeon Pierre Brassard, MD. 995 De Salaberry Montreal, Quebec H3L 1L2 Canada phone: +1 (514) 288-2097 website: http://www.grsmontreal.com Marci Bowers, MD. Clinics in San Mateo, CA. and Seattle, WA. phone: (719) 846-9500 or (877) 439-9922 website: http://www.marcibowers.com email: mail@marcibowers.com Trans Support Groups (New Jersey) Social Meetings & Events for the trans community can often be found at: *NJ Pride Center - http://www.pridecenter.org/calendar *Jersey Shore PFLAG - http://www.jerseyshorepflag.org/upcoming-events/ *Hudson Pride Connections Center - http://hudsonpride.org/calendar/ Trans Youth & Families Support Group at IPG’s Highland Park Office, located at 8 South Third Avenue Highland Park, NJ monthly support group beginning Saturday June 16 th at 1:00pm. Contact (732) 246-8439 for more information Transgender/Transfamilies PFLAG Support Group Meets 3rd Monday of every month from 7-9pm in the Church House of the Presbyterian Church at Shrewsbury; 352 Sycamore Avenue Shrewsbury, NJ 07702. Use rear parking lot, enter rear door, go up the stairs and to the right to the meeting room. For more information check out http://www.jerseyshorepflag.org/upcoming-events/ The Community Alliance of Transexuals (CATS) A trans-oriented support group, meets on the 4th Saturday of each Month in Mount Holly, NJ Contact CandaceKT@aol.com for more info. New Jersey Support Group is a nonprofit support group open to all transgender individuals, their spouses, significant others, family, and friends. To attend a meeting, please use the contact form on the website, at http://www.njsg.org. Our meetings are held on the first Saturday of every month at 8:00 PM in Washington's Crossing New Jersey, doors open around 7:00 PM. We charge a meeting fee of $10 for members and $15 for non-members. There is no charge to attend your first meeting. Page 20 21 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Food and refreshments are supplied at each meeting and generally a program related to transgender issues. At 9:30 PM, we provide an optional group support session. Here you can share your feelings and talk to others like yourself. Please arrive before 8:00 PM if you need to change at the meeting. For additional info please call (206) 666-5990 or email info@njsg.org Rainbow Mountain Resort Two transgender oriented weekends are held each May and October at this LGBT owned and operated resort in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. For a complete calendar of events please visit http://www.rainbowmountain.com or for more information call (570) 223-8484 The Renaissance Transgender Association A non-profit, non-political, educational and social support organization founded and designed to educate and support persons regarding transgender issues, sexual orientation, sexual identity or gender identity without prejudice. To find out about support groups closest to you call (610) 975-9119 or visit the website: http://www.ren.org Renaissance Transgender Support Group, South Jersey Chapter Meetings the 1st Saturday of each month at the Atlantic Mental Health Center, Inc. located at 2002 Black Horse Pike, Mckee, NJ. For more information call (609) 435-5401 or (800) 933-2233, or visit http://www.ren.org TrueSelves (Transgender Support Group): 3rd Sunday, 4 -6 PM at The Pride Center of NJ located at 85 Raritan Ave Suite 100 Highland Park, NJ. A facilitated support group exclusively for and about transgender-identified individuals, regardless of where on the transgender spectrum you believe you live. TrueSelves is a safe place where you can share your feelings and experiences in an open, non-judgmental and accepting atmosphere. For more information please contact Stephanie Battaglino at stephaniefyh@gmail.com. TrueSelves does not meet during the months of July and August. For more info go to http://www.pridecenter.org or call (732) 8462232 Trans Support Groups (New York) NYC Trans Community Events Calendar can be located here http://www.gaycenter.org/gip/nyctransevents Social Events at The Center can be found at http://www.gaycenter.org/events T-HOT is the Trans Hands On Team! We are a group of transgender, gender non-conforming people and allies who meet on an ongoing, monthly basis. Join the GIP to develop, plan and conduct community events & outreach. T-HOT meets monthly on a Wednesday, from 6 - 7:30pm at The Center in Manhattan 208 W. 13th St between 6th and 7th Ave, and is open to transgender, gender non-conforming people and allies. This is a dropin, no registration required. Free to all. Trans Peer Support Group Where on the gender spectrum do you see yourself? Do you identify as transgendered, intersex, pre-op, post-op, non-op, cross-dresser? Or are you a spouse, significant other, ally or friend? Wherever you are along the gender continuum, we invite you to participate in our group that will explore the process of gender identification, gender conformity—including issues of positive selfidentification, coming out, and relationships—and other critical topics our members will bring in week to week. Page 21 22 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Join in a safe and open environment for support, community, and sharing. An orientation meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 16th 2012 from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. The 8 weekly meetings will begin on Wednesday, May 23nd from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. A $25 donation is requested to cover expenses. If interested in joining this group or to find out additional information please contact Ed, the group’s organizer, at edscz@yahoo.com Trans Justice Meeting every 1st Weds of the month 6:30-8:30pm at 55 W. 17th St. 5th Floor (between 5th & 6th Avenues) TransJustice is a political group created by and for Trans and Gender Non-conforming people of color. TransJustice works to mobilize its communities and allies into action on the pressing political issues they face, including gaining access to jobs, housing, and education; the need for Trans-sensitive healthcare, HIVrelated services, and job-training programs; resisting police, government and anti-immigrant violence. Veteran Advocacy Initiatives Transgender American Veterans Association (TAVA) website: http://www.tavausa.org *TAVA was formed to address the growing concerns of fair and equal treatment of transgender veterans and active duty service members. TAVA aims to create a better understanding of the individuals in the military who identify as being gender-different. Violence Prevention Initiatives Survivor Project phone: (503) 288-3191 website: http://www.survivorproject.org *A non-profit organization dedicated to addressing the needs of intersex and trans survivors of domestic and sexual violence through caring action, education and expanding access to resources and to opportunities for action. Sylvia Rivera Law Project phone: (212) 337-8550 website: http://www.srlp.org *Works to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination or violence. Vocal Training Resources Deep Stealth Productions- Finding Your Female Voice website: http://www.deepstealth.com/film/female-voice.htm *Instruction in voice feminization entitled “Finding Your Female Voice”. Exceptional Voice toll free: 1-866-4-MY-VOICE or call (303) 722-2181 website: http://exceptionalvoice.com Page 22 23 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Christie Block phone: (347) 677-3619 website: http://www.transgendervoice.net *NY based speech pathologist who works with exclusively with trans community (both MTF & FTM). Heart Corps – Melanie Speaks website: http://www.heartcorps.com/ *Website also offers useful voice exercises “How to Develop a Female Voice” among other useful resources. Norma Garbo phone: (212) 475-2233 website: http://www.normagarbo.com/songbook.cfm *Trans-friendly vocal instructor in the NY area. Offers a DVD entitled “Feminizing the Voice”. Websites and Online Support GENDER. ORG website: http://www.gender.org *Provides information concerning transgender issues. The website is primarily a tool for both education and advocacy. GenderEvolve website: http://www.genderevolve.com/ *Supports the transgender community by providing an internet portal linking the best websites catering to crossdressers, transvestites, transsexuals and all transgendered people. GenderFork website: http://www.genderfork.com *Supportive community for the expression of identities across the gender spectrum GenderTalk website: http://www.gendertalk.com/info/resource/general-info.shtml *Includes lists of resources in many different categories for the trans community. I Am Transgendered website: http://www.iamtransgendered.com *Links to resources, as well as a list of all upcoming trans-focused conferences and events nationwide. Laura’s Playground website: http://www.lauras-playground.com/ *Laura's Playground is a free support site for MTF, FTM, transsexual, transgendered, crossdressers, intersex, androgynous and their significant others and friends. Page 23 24 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Safe2Pee website: http://www.safe2pee.org *A directory of gender neutral bathrooms, unisex restrooms, and accessible toilets by city and state. The listing includes maps to aid in finding a restroom in time of need. Susan’s Place for Transgender Resources website: http://www.susans.org/ *Offers lists of many resources including lists of doctors and support forums. Transgender Equality Blog website: http://transgenderequality.wordpress.com/ *Blog is maintained by the National Center for Gender Equality. It covers non-transgender specific issues through a transgender lens. TransMentors International phone: (877)366-3888 website: http://www.transmentors.org *A non-profit organization which provides aid, support and assistance to Trans-identified individuals. Has access to many resources, including online support forums for FTM, MTF, and SOFFA. Trans-Ponder website: http://www.trans-ponder.com/cms/aggregator/sources/7 *Website with podcasts about transgender and gender LGBT issues. The podcast was nominated two years running as the best LGBT podcast out there. Trans Road Map website: http://www.tsroadmap.com *Tons of information, how-to’s, & links for trans community T-VOX website: http://www.t-vox.org *Essentially a trans-wikipedia: T-VOX is comprehensive advice, information and support website on the internet for genderqueer, intersex, transgender and transsexual people, as well as their friends/families. Women’s Spectrum Support Groups and Resources Drop-In: Feminine Spectrum Wednesdays, 7:30 PM - 9 PM. February 1 - March 21 at the LGBT Community Center located at 208 W. 13th St. NY, NY (between 6th and 7th avenues) A weekly drop-in group for those assigned male at birth who now identify as trans-femme, trans-women, women, trans-female, cross-dresser, drag queen, transsexual, femme queen, exploring, etc. to explore and discuss their feelings and concerns about gender, trans-identities and their histories. Drop-in. No registration required. $5 suggested donation. No one turned away for lack of funds. For more information call (646)-556-9300 or visit http://www.gaycenter.org Page 24 25 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Dr. Anne Lawrence website: http://www.annelawrence.com/index.html *Provides a multitude of resources for trans women. Transgender Support Group meets Thursdays 6:00-7:00PM at 301 W. 37th St. (at 8th Ave) New York, NY 10018. This affirming and safe space for women of transgender experience offers a venue for collaborative learning and sharing, as well as the opportunity to receive harm reduction education, support, and referrals. For more information please visit http://www.positivehealthproject.org Transsexual Women’s Successes: Links & Photos website: http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TSsuccesses/TSsuccesses.html *Site provides access to the photos and stories of trans women who have successfully transitioned as well as links to support sites and resources. Transview Group provides support to HIV+ Transgender women. The group meets weekly on Tuesday evenings at The Hudson Pride Connections Center, located at 32 Jones Street, Jersey City, NJ 07306 from 6pm9pm for discussions, fabulous parties, and other social events. For more information visit http://www.hudsonpride.org Workplace Resources The Center for Gender Sanity website: http://www.gendersanity.com *Assists with all aspects of transition in the workplace. Consults with employers and HR professionals to guide them through an employee’s change to a different gender presentation. Offers diversity training specifically on transgender issues for all levels of management and workers FAQ’s for Transgender Job Seekers website: http://www.uvm.edu/~career/pdf/FAQtransjobseekers.pdf *Awesome resource produced by The University of Vermont consisting of answers to common questions that transgender people have in terms of employment. LGBT Career Link website: http://lgbtcareerlink.com/ *Out & Equal Workplace Advocate’s site for the LGBT workforce. Find jobs, learn about employment at diversity-friendly companies and research careers by networking with your LGBT and allied colleagues. Out for Work website: http://www.outforwork.org/ *Out for Work functions as a complimentary component in the total educational experience of LGBT students, primarily in the development, evaluation, initiation and implementation of career plans and opportunities. Transgender Job Bank website: http://www.tjobbank.com/ * A free service provided to assist members of the transgender community gain employment Page 25 26 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Trans Road Map: Work Transition website: http://www.tsroadmap.com/reality/jobtrans.html *Information about work transition for transgender people Transgender at Work website: http://www.tgender.net/taw/ *Provides resources specifically about transgender issues in the workplace. Since workplace harassment is something experienced by nearly all transgender people, this site is a great place to start for ways to better the workplace environment for people of all gender identities. TransWorkPlace – Transgender Workplace Diversity Network website: http://transworkplace.ning.com/ *800-strong network on transgender workplace diversity for HR managers, diversity professionals, lawyers, transgender employees and allies. Youth Advocacy Initiatives The Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) phone: (212) 727-0135 website: http://www.glsen.org *GLSEN works with educators, policy makers, community leaders and students on the urgent need to address anti-LGBT behavior and bias in schools. GenderSpectrum phone: (510) 567-3977 website: http://www.genderspectrum.org/ *Gender Spectrum provides education, training and support to help create a gender sensitive and inclusive environment for all children and teens. We provide consultation, training and events designed to help families, educators, professionals, and organizations understand and address the concepts of gender identity and expression. Website has extensive resource list for parents, families, schools, and providers. TransActive phone: (503) 252 3000 website: http://www.transactiveonline.org *An internationally recognized non-profit focused on serving the diverse needs of transgender (TG) and gender nonconforming (GNC) children, youth, their families and allies. Trans Youth Family Allies (TYFA) phone: (888) 462-8932 website: http://www.imatyfa.org/index.html *TYFA empowers children and families by partnering with educators, service providers and communities to develop supportive environments in which gender may be expressed and respected. Website includes a plethora of helpful resources. Page 26 27 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies TrueChild phone: (202)309-1416 website: http://www.truechild.org *TrueChild is an action tank of leading experts that promotes “gender transformative” approaches to reproductive health, gender-based violence, and educational achievement. Youth Resources and Support (New Jersey) Trans Youth & Families Support Group at IPG’s Highland Park Office, located at 8 South Third Avenue Highland Park, NJ monthly support group beginning Saturday June 16 th at 1:00pm. Contact 732-246-8439 for more information The After School HangOUT: Support and Social Group for LGBTIQ youth 17 and younger and their straight allies! Come hang out with us at a safe place to talk, meet new people, and have fun! It's an extension of our current Youth Drop-In that happens the Second and Forth Saturdays of the month! Meeting every Friday afternoon at 3:30-6:30pm at The Pride Center of NJ, located at 85 Raritan Avenue Suite 100 in Highland Park. Visit http://www.pridecenter.org for more info. Camp Aranu’tiq is a summer camp for transgender & gender-variant youth. Aranu'tiq has two locations: Southern New England and Southern California. For more information call (617) 467-5830 or visit http://www.camparanutiq.org LGBT Youth Connect Hudson Pride provides a safe space for LGBTQ youth to interact with their peers as well as a place to interact with, learn from, and be mentored by LGBT adults. The YouthConnect program provides academic tutoring, empowerment workshops, job development assistance, computer access, meals, a social support group, HIV testing and prevention education, and much more. Members plan fun social events including movie nights, ice cream parties, & BBQ’s. They learn how to be healthy and powerful young LGBT individuals. Meetings are every Friday from 3:00-8:00pm at The Hudson Pride Connections Center, located at 32 Jones Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306. For more information call Jerrilee at (201) 963-4779 or visit http://www.hudsonpride.org Trans Youth & Families Support Group at IPG’s Highland Park Office, located at 8 South Third Avenue Highland Park, NJ monthly support group beginning Saturday June 16 th at 1:00pm. Contact 732-246-8439 for more information Youth Drop In: For LGBTIQ youth and their straight allies ages 17 and under. Meets second and fourth Saturdays at The Pride Center in Highland Park at 1:00 p.m. Visit http://www.pridecenter.org for more info. Youth Resources and Support (New York) ACQC Weekly support group for LGBT youth at AIDS Center of Queens County 97-45 Queens Blvd. Suite 1220 call (718)-896-2500 or visit http://www.acqc.homestead.com for more information Audre Lorde Project Programs for LGBT people of color, plus summer youth program. 85 South Oxford Street, Brooklyn 11217. Call (718) 596-0342 or visit http:///www.alp.org Page 27 28 The Institute for Personal Growth, Counseling & Psychotherapy Resource Guide for Transgender Clients & Allies Camp Aranu’tiq is a summer camp for transgender & gender-variant youth. Aranu'tiq has two locations: Southern New England and Southern California. For more information call (617) 467-5830 or visit http://www.camparanutiq.org The Door offers health, legal, education, leadership, & career services; also provides a wide range of programs and services specifically catered to its LGBTQ members. For more information go to http://www.door.org/programs-services/lgbtq or call (212) 941-9090 Fierce! Community organizing and advocacy for LGBT youth of color. 147 W. 24th St. 6th Floor M-F 4-8pm Call (646)336-6789 or visit http://www.fiercenyc.org for more information. GLOBE Youth projects and after school drop-in group for LGBT youth in Bushwick 301 Grove St. (between Myrtle & Knickerbocker) Brooklyn, NY 11237 call 718-418-7690 ext 207 or visit http://www.maketheroad.org Green Chimneys has a long history of serving trans youth. The NYC branch of Green Chimneys operates a wide range of residential, social service and educational programs that specifically focus on the needs of GLBTQ youth and their families. For more information, contact (212) 677-7288. Hetrick-Martin Institute After-school program for LGBT youth. Home of the Harvey Milk High School. Call to make an appt for an intake to become a member or drop by the center from 3:00 – 6:00 pm, Mon – Fri. Free and confidential, bring ID if possible. 2 Astor Place (near Broadway and 8th St.) Ages 21 and under. Call (212) 674-2400 or visit http://www.hmi.org for more information New Neutral Zone Drop-in center for LGBT youth, and straight allies, ages 14-21. Located at 2273 3rd Avenue (between 123rd-124th street) Top Floor. For more info contact (917) 251-6535 Trans Youth Support Group For youths from 13 to 19 years old & their families at Mt. Sinai Adolescent Health Center at 320 E 94th St. weekly group starting May 2nd, 2012. *If your child is not a current patient in Mt. Sinai Adolescent Health Center, please contact Beth Zacher at (212) 423-2928 or via email elizabeth.zacher@mountsinai.org to pre-register your child for the support group meeting. West Side YMCA Support group for GLBTQ youth 5 West 63rd Street, New York, NY 10023 Call (212) 875-4218 or visit http://www.ymcanyc.org/westside YES Program at The Center located at 208 West 13th Street New York, NY for more info visit http://www.gaycenter.org/youth or call (646) 556-9300 ©2012, The Institute for Personal Growth, P.C. Page 28