Taite Kurzka Committee: Special Political and Decolonization Topic

Taite Kurzka
Committee: Special Political and Decolonization
Topic: Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
Country: Sweden
Population growth has skyrocketed in this past decade, and Sweden is a country amongst
those who are growing as well. This means that more kids are going to schools, getting
their education, and finding their place in the workforce. We can all use these great minds
to grow, and further expand the world to a bigger and better place. In Sweden, there are
high expectations in education, with 87% of adults ages 25-64 have earned a high school
diploma; this is higher amongst the OECD average of 74%. By using all these great
minds, we all together will be able to explore both the seas, and space for generations to
come; the problem is that there are no programs to support peaceful uses of space.
Sweden believes that outer space must be used to further our understanding of the world,
and grow our world education base as a whole. Sweden trusts that the most peaceful way
to explore space is though the purpose of expanding education as a whole.
Sweden also draws concern over the environment, and is very active in moving towards
clean energy. In Sweden, 45.5% of the country’s electricity is created by Hydroelectric
plants; 24.6% from nuclear fuels, 16.6% from other renewable resources, and only 13%
from fossil fuels. Overall Sweden is very gratified to have the ability to successfully
sustain over 9 million people. Chiefly Sweden is very concerned over the environment,
and would not support any resolution that would affect the environment in a negative
way. To prevent this, Sweden proposes a necessity for space travel/exploration practices
that are sustainable to the earth. Actions within space that may not be sustainable. In
order to achieve a sustainable practice in space travel, Sweden would like to host any
programs with the mission of exploring for education purposes. By allowing this, all the
space programs would be running on clean energy, and the world can explore new worlds
without destroying our own. For this to be permitted, all programs must meet the
requirements of Sweden’s “Decree on Space Activities” and “Act on Space Activities”
In the past Sweden has rejected to participate in the past initiative to launch a space
European International Space Station (ESA), because of large concerns over the cost of
the program.
Sweden believes that all nations are capable and obligated to provide environmentally
safe programs to expand space travel for the purposes of education. Sweden being a
nation with no international issues, provides a perfect opportunity to get involved in
peaceful international affairs, via space programs. The kingdom of Sweden would also
like to note that we are a member of numerous environmental protection programs, such
as the Kyoto Protocol and will not get involved in any resolutions that would be a conflict
of interest. In the end Sweden will collaborate and compromise as much as possible to
find the best resolution for peaceful uses of outer space.