

Do Now!!

o Now

 What is the purpose of Mitosis?

 If a cell that has 12 chromosomes in interphase goes through mitosis, how many chromosomes will be in each cell?

 How is a baby made? (on a CELLULAR level…)


 To list the steps of Meiosis.

 To compare and contrast Meiosis and Mitosis.

 To explain why Meiosis is necessary.


 Purpose: to make sex cells

 Gamete: sex cell

 Male gamete= sperm

 Female gamete= egg (ovum)

Somatic Cells vs. Gametes

 Somatic cells: non-sex cells

 Our somatic cells contain 46 chromosomes:

 1 chromosome from Mom and 1 from Dad. These are called

homologous chromosomes.

 Each gamete (sex cell) contains only 23 chromosomes !

 Why are there 46 chromosomes in our somatic cells?

Diploid vs. Haploid

 Diploid cell

 Any cell with 2 homologous chromosomes

 Abbreviated as 2n

 Ex: somatic cells

 Haploid cell

 Any cell with a single chromosome set

 Abbreviated as n

 Ex: gametes

How do we become a Diploid Zygote?

 Haploid egg cell fuses with haploid sperm cell in a process called Fertilization .

 Half from mom and half from dad make up our homologous chromosomes! (23 pairs)

 Our cells then undergo mitosis to create us.

 But how did our parents create the sex cells to produce us?


 TWO divisions!

 Meiosis I and Meiosis II

 Each are similar to mitosis

 Produces 4 daughter cells

 Phases are still IPMAT, however there are two of each of the PMAT phases.

Meiosis: 2 divisions

Meiosis I:

Prophase 1

Metaphase 1

Anaphase 1

Telophase 1 and cytokinesis

Meiosis II:

Prophase II

Metaphase II

Anaphase II

Telophase II and cytokinesis

Do Now!!

 What are somatic cells? Gametes?

 If a somatic cell has a diploid number 2n=24, what is the haploid number?

 List the steps of meiosis!


 To list the steps of meiosis

 To describe each step of meiosis in detail

Crash course biology!!

 mR9-YY7o

Prophase I

 Pairing of homologous chromosomes occurs forming a tetrad (synapsis)

 Nuclear envelope breaks down

 Crossing over can occur: homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material

Crossing Over

o Crossing over does NOT occur during mitosis o Allows recombination of genes between chromosomes o How is crossing over related to genetic variation?

Metaphase I

 Chromosome centromeres attach to spindle fibers

 Homologous chromosomes line up at the equator

Anaphase I

 Homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles

Telophase I and Cytokinesis

 The spindles break down

 Chromosomes uncoil,

2 new nuclei form

 The cell divides

Prophase II

 Chromosomes condense

 Spindles form in each new cell

 Spindle fibers attach to chromosomes

Metaphase II

 Chromosomes line up at equator of each cell

Anaphase II

 The sister chromatids are pulled apart at the centromere by spindle fibers

 Move toward the opposite poles of the cell

Telophase II and Cytokinesis

 The chromosomes reach the poles, and the nuclear membrane and nuclei reform

 Spindles break down

 Cytokinesis results in four haploid cells

 Each with n number of chromosomes
