Session One, Course Overview

Introduction To
ISQS 3344 – 014,
Spring 2013
Roozmehr Safi
Introduction To Operations Management
ISQS 3344 – 014, Spring 2013
Office: BA E326
Phone: 834-5645
Office hours: 10:00 am – Noon on
Wednesdays or by appointment
Objective Of The Lab Portion
 To
give students an opportunity to
experience OM in situations that will
mirror real life operational
 Students
will take a product idea and
develop it from facility location
planning for the product manufacture.
 Students will also learn to utilize
quantitative operations management
Learning Outcomes
Students who complete the course will:
Integrate OM theory into a mock
manufacturing project
Compare and contrast different business
forecasting models
Propose different business strategies for
different business environments
Create business proposals for potential
Present the business proposal to mock
Lab Outline
 The
class will be broken up into
teams of 3 students for group work.
 Each
group will make two
presentations of 15-20 minutes
each. One group will be assigned
to critique the presentation and will
be graded on the critique.
 Groups
will be required to turn in a
“project” paper (in two parts).
800 Total Possible Course Points:
Lecture (400):
Lab (400):
Three 100 point exams (3rd exam on Finals Day, noncomprehensive)
100 Three Homework assignments (33 points each).
150 Two group presentations in the Lab class (75 points each)
150 Two group projects in the Lab class (75 points each)
40 Grade assigned to each group member by fellow members
60 Attendance grade for Lab phase (attendance is mandatory)
Each non-excused absence will result in a loss of 20
points up to a total of 60. Attendance includes two
mandatory office meetings with instructor (part 1 and 2).
 Each
group is required to meet with me
prior to presenting their project to the
 For the presentation, if your group cannot
present on the assigned day you can
present at a later date for a penalty of 25
points. This must be pre-approved
otherwise your group will get a “0” for the
Students with disabilities
 Please
let me know about any disabilities
that you may have to make necessary
arrangements as early as possible.
You are required to give your lab instructor an
electronic copy of each power point
presentation and each written presentation
before a grade on your project can be
All power point and written presentations are
kept on file. If it is determined that you have
turned in a presentation that is someone
else’s work your grade for the assignment will
be “0.”
It’s certainly acceptable for your team to
develop a product that someone else has
used, just not a copy of someone else’s work.