COUNTRY/ GRANTEE: Concern Worldwide in Zambia
NAME OF PROJECT: Zambia Female Youths Livelihood and Nutrition
Enhancement Project
Position: Evaluation and Baseline Design, Mongu, Western Province, Zambia.
Loan No. / Credit No. /TF No. / Grant No. TF081487
Request for CVs: IC/27/08/005
1. Background
In July 2015, Concern initiated the Zambia Female Youths Livelihood and Nutrition Enhancement
Project (FYNEP) in collaboration with World Bank with a Funding from the Japanese Social
Development Fund. The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve access to livelihood
opportunities and nutrition among selected female youths in targeted project areas. The project has 4
main components; a life skills curriculum to increase control and knowledge around life choices and
nutrition, a livelihoods component focussed on agricultural livelihoods related to improved nutrition,
a health component to directly support pre-conception nutrition and nutrition outreach. The project
is implemented in close coordination with government at the Provincial and District level and through
a National level Steering Committee chaired by the Ministry of Community Development Mother Child
Health (MCDMCH). This project will benefit an estimated 24,600 persons in Limulunga and Kaoma
Districts, through different project activities and will start on the 1st July 2015.
2. Objectives of the Consultancy
To generate quantitative and qualitative data for project indicators in line with proposal logframe and
project impact pathway to clearly show the status before the project intervention.
With project management, to identify the key result areas for deeper research and data
collection and develop SMART indicators for these at process, outcome and impact level.
To design the baseline data collection tools appropriate to address all agreed indicators
including and importantly those in the project results framework in addition to others from
the impact pathway.
To train the evaluators in the baseline data collection tools, field test the tools and refine.
3. Scope of Work
The survey will use both quantitative and qualitative methods depending on the data requirement of
proposed indicators. For the quantitative method, it will use a standardized questionnaire to address
agreed indicators. To maintain the quality of the data, as much as possible data collection will be
conducted using Digital Data Gathering Devices. Hence the questionnaire that will be prepared should
be in line with the DDG template. A statistically representative sample will be taken for the survey.
The consultant will:
Concern Worldwide Zambia - TOR – for Consultant for Evaluation Design
Desk review to understand the project context and focus. The Desk review will include Project
proposal, Contextual analysis report for Western Province, national statistics and specialised
With close consultation with Concern team and stakeholders clearly define project impact,
outcome and outputs indicators in line with the project result framework.
Develop data collection grid for each agreed indicator defining the data requirement, data
sources and the methods of data collection
Design baseline data collection tools such as questionnaires, Health facility assessment tools
and checklists and get approval from Concern;
Define sampling method, sampling size and get approval from Concern;
Train data collectors on the data collection tools and supervise initial data collection
Liaise with consultant/company collecting baseline data to make any necessary refinements
to the data collection instruments.
4. Reports and Schedule of Deliverables:
The consultancy work will be start in September and will take a total of 20 working days including a
trip to Zambia to train the enumerators. Specific deliverables include:
An inception report clearly outlining the indicators, data collection grid, methodology of the
survey, data collection tools that address all agreed indicators and work schedule. This
inception report will need to be approved by Concern before the start of the next step;
Baseline survey design, data collection tools and sampling frame.
Enumerator training, field testing of the survey and refining the tools
5. Data, services, personnel, and facilities to be provided by the Borrower
Concern Worldwide will provide transport, accommodation and an in-country per diem to the
consultant in addition to internet access and access to office facilities while in Zambia.
6. Institutional and Organizational Arrangements
The Consultant will report to the Director of Programmes and will work closely with the Project
Coordinator, Nutrition Coordinator and PM&E consultant. The consultant(s) will also liaise with the
District Project Coordinator and Conservation Agriculture Coordinator as appropriate.
5. Required Qualification
The consultant should have post graduate degree in Nutrition, development studies
or public health.
Practical, demonstrable and relevant experience in designing and conducing baseline
surveys of multidisciplinary indicators (related to health and livelihood). Background
in research or programming related to youth and health an advantage.
Applicants (either Individual Consultants or interested Individual Consultants who may be working for
a Consultants Firm) should submit their CVs to the address below on or before 9th October 2015.
Submission may be in hard or electronic copies. Submission of original copies of academic
qualifications and scrutiny of the same including verification from the issuing institutions will be a
condition of engagement of the successful applicant.
Concern Worldwide will only respond to candidates who are determined to have the above
qualifications and only those who will be short-listed and invited for interviews.
Concern Worldwide Zambia - TOR – for Consultant for Evaluation Design
Concern Worldwide Zambia
Attn: Dorah Chisambi – Director Systems,
5466, Libala Road, Kalundu, P.O Box 36700, Lusaka, Zambia
Robert Ntalo
Concern has a Staff Code of Conduct and a Programme Participant Protection Policy which have been
developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation and to clarify
the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, visitors to the programme and partner organization, and
the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context staff have a responsibility to the organization
to strive for, and maintain, the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct in their workplace in accordance
with Concern’s core values and mission. Any candidate offered a job with Concern Worldwide will be
expected to sign the Programme Participant Protection Policy and the Concern Staff Code of Conduct as an
appendix to their contract of employment. By signing the Programme Participant Protection Policy and the
Concern Staff Code of Conduct candidates acknowledge that they have understood the contents of both the
Concern Staff Code of Conduct and the Programme Participant Protection Policy and agree to conduct
themselves in accordance with the provisions of these two documents.
Concern Worldwide Zambia - TOR – for Consultant for Evaluation Design