DPT 312 METROLOGY CHAPTER 3 MEASUREMENT AND TOLERANCES ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Introduction DEFINITION 1. 2. 3. Engineering design What is to be manufactured? Product What has been manufactured? Part inspection How we compare the product with the engineering design? Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing Ensure the most economical and effective production of the parts ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Tolerance o o o The total amount that a specific dimension is permitted to vary In dimensional metrology, tolerances are applied to both position (where) and size (how big) dimensions (see figure 3.1) Both types of dimensions must have tolerances for economical manufacture ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) A E B D C Figure 3.1 Tolerances apply to both dimensions of size (A,B, E) location and dimensions of location ( C and D) ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) GD&T is a means of dimensioning and tolerancing a drawing with respect to the actual function or relationship of part features that can be most economically produced It is a language of symbols used on mechanical drawings to efficiently, and accurately communicate geometry requirements for features on parts and assemblies. This type of dimensioning and tolerancing should be used when: i. ii. iii. iv. Features are critical to be functionality or interchange ability of the part Datum references are desirable to ensure consistency between design, manufacturing and inspection Computerization techniques in design and manufacturing are being used or are desirable Standard interpretation or tolerance is not already implied ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Key terms in GD&T Feature – general term applied to a physical portion of a part such as a surface, hole or slot Datum- a theoretically exact plane, point axis from which a dimension is measured Datum feature – part feature that contacts a datum (use as the origin for measurement) Datum reference plane- a set of three mutually perpendicular datum planes (see figure 3.2) Feature of size- one cylindrical or spherical surface, or a set of two opposed parallel surface associated with a size dimension i. internal – the diameter of a hole or the width of a slot ii. External – the width or length of a block or a shaft diameter ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Figure 3.2: Datum Reference Plane ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) SYMBOL AND MODIFIERS The language of geometric tolerancing is a set of symbols. This symbols are divided into five types of dimensioning control 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Form Profile Orientation Location Runout * Geometric controls of form never use a datum reference. *Form control (straightness, flatness, circularity or cylindricity) are always relative to themselves and not other features. *some geometric controls (orietation, location, or runout) must have a datum reference ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) 1. Form tolerance State how far an actual surface or feature is permitted to vary from the desired form implied by the drawing ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) 2. Profile tolerance States how far an actual surface or feature is permitted to vary from the desired form on the drawing and/ or vary relative to a datum ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) 3. Orientation tolerance States how far an actual surface or feature is permitted to vary relative to a datum ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) 4. Location tolerance States how far an actual size feature is permitted to vary from the perfect location implied by the drawing as related to a datum or other feature ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) 5. Runout feature States how far an actual surface or feature is permitted to vary from the desired form implied by the drawing during full 360 degree rotation of the part on a datum axis ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Material condition 1. Maximum material condition (MMC) 2. Least material condition (LMC) 3. The condition in which a feature of size contains the materials within its stated tolerance limit LMC is the condition in which a feature of size contains the least amount of material within its permissible limits Regardless of Feature Size (RFS) Indicates a geometric tolerance that applies at any increment of size of the feature within its permissible limits. ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) APPLICATION OF GEOMETRIC TOLERANCING Form tolerance Straightness Flatness Flatness Circularity (Roundness) Cylindricity Profile tolerance Profile of line Profile of surface Orientation tolerances Angularity Perpendicularity Parallelism Location tolerance Position Concentricity Symmetry Runout tolerances Circular runout Total runout ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) 1. Form Tolerance State how far an actual surface or feature is permitted to vary from the desired for Straightness , flatness, circularity, and cylindricity are most frequently applied to single features or portions of a feature. ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) i. Straightness The condition where one line element of an axis, or surface is in straight line. (see figure 3.3) Straightness tolerances can be applied to an axis or to a surface ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Figure 3.3: Straightness tolerance ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) o When applied to an axis, straightness is specified in the view where the axis is in straight line oThe tolerance zone is a space between two parallel straight lines o MMC of LMC Figure 3.4: Straightness tolerance applied to an axis ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) o When a surface is to be controlled, the feature control frame is attached to the surface with leader or extension line oRFS Figure 3.5: Straightness tolerance applied to a surface ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) ii. Flatness The condition of surface having all elements in one plane When flatness is specified, the feature control frame is attached directly to the surface or to an extension line of the surface The flatness tolerance zone is defined by two parallel planes All points of the surface must be within the limits of the tolerance zone defined by these two planes. (see figure 3.6) The smaller the tolerance zone, the flatter the surface Always applied RFS, no feature modifier such as MMC or LMC are allowed ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Flatness (cont’) Figure 3.6: Flatness tolerance ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) iii. Circularity (roundness) Circularity is identified with any given cross section taken perpendicular to the axis of a cylinder or cone or through the center of sphere The tolerance is bounded by two concentric circles Each circular element of the surface must be contained within these concentric circles The circularity tolerance must be less than the size tolerance, except for parts subject to free state variation For RFS ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Figure 3.7: Circularity tolerance ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) iv. Cylindricity Defined as the condition of a surface of revolution in which all points of the surface are equidistant from a common axis The tolerance zone for cylindricity is bound by two concentric cylinder All surface elements must lie within these concentric circles The tolerance applies simultaneously to both the circular and the longitudinal elements of the surface For RFS ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Figure 3.8: Cylindricity tolerance ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) 2. Profile tolerance Allows us to control the form or shape of a surface A profile is the outline of an object represented by a cross section through the part or by and end view of the part Basic dimensions are generally used to define a profile Profile tolerance can be applied as either a profile of line, or profile or a surface ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) i. Profile of line Used where parts have a change in the cross section through the length The tolerance zone is two dimensional, extending along the length of the applicable feature See figure 3.9 ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Figure 3.9: Profile of a line with all around symbol ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) ii. Profile of a surface Use to control the entire surface of single entity The tolerance zone is three dimensional, extending along the total length and width or circumference of the part or feature ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Figure 3.10 Application of profile of a surface ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) 3. Orientation tolerance Orientation tolerance control features in relation to one another; therefore a datum reference is required Orientation controls can be applied to the surface or the axis of the part feature. Angularity, parallelism, and perpendicularity are orientation tolerances ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) i. Angularity Angularity is the condition of a surface, center plane, or axis at a specific angle from a datum plane or axis. The tolerance zone is established by two parallel planes or a cylindrical zone at any specified angle other than 90%, to a datum plane or an axis Where angularity is applied to a surface, the feature control frame is connected to the surface by a leader See figure 3.11 The angle is specified by a basic angle from the datum plane For RFS ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Angularity tolerance applied to Angularity tolerance an axis applied to a surface Figure 3.11 ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) ii. Perpendicularity Perpendicularity is the condition when a surface, center plane or axis is at exactly 90 degree to a datum The tolerance zone for perpendicularity is established by two parallel planes or cylindrical zones that are 90 degree to a specified datum plane or axis Perpendicularity can be applied to a surface or an axis When applied to a surface, the shape of the tolerance zone is parallel planes that are at a 90 degree angle to a datum plane. See figure 3.12 The tolerance value identifies the size of the tolerance zone All elements of the surface must lie within this tolerance zone For RFS ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Figure 3.12 Perpendicularity tolerance applied to surface Perpendicularity tolerance applied to an axis ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) iii. Parallelism Parallelism is the condition where a surface, center plane or axis is exactly parallel to a datum. Parallelism may be applied to a surface, resulting in a tolerance zone of two parallel planes, or applied to an axis resulting in a cylindrical tolerance zone. When surface is controlled parallel to a datum, all elements of that surface must lie within two parallel planes, parallel to the datum Parallelism may be applied to the axis of two or more features where a parallel relationship is required. See figure 3.13 ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Figure 3.13 Parallelism tolerance applied to a surface Parallelism tolerance applied to an axis ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Location tolerance Location tolerance are used to locate or position features from datums Location tolerances include position, concentricity and symmetry Position tolerancing provides the maximum benefit of GD&T, allowing increase in tolerance of the feature by 57% and reducing scrap Location tolerances can be used to control position, symmetry and coaxiality ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) i. Position Position tolerance defines a condition where the center, axis or center plane of a feature of size is allowed to vary from true position True position is the theoretically exact location of a feature. The location of each feature is given by basic dimension and the location tolerance is indicated by the position symbol, a tolerance value, applicable modifiers and datum references ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Figure 3.14: Position tolerance ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) ii. Concentricity Concentricity is used to control the relationship between the axes of two or more cylindrical features. When the axes of each cylinder fall on the same centerline, they are concentric. (see figure 3.15) The tolerance zone for concentricity is a cylindrical tolerance zone whose axis coincide with the axis of the datum feature Concentricity is a relative measurement, so it requires a datum specification The tolerance can only be applied on an RFS basis ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Figure 3.15: Concentricity tolerance. Concentricity is defined as the condition where all median points of diametrically opposed elements ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 of a cylinder are 08/09) congruent with the axis of a datum feature iii. Symmetry Symmetry is a positional tolerance where the median points of all opposed elements of two or more feature are congruent with the axis or center plane of a datum feature Concentricity and symmetry are similar concepts The difference is that they are applied to different geometric configurations- concentricity applies to cylindrical features while symmetry is applied to planar features The tolerance zone is centered about the center plane of the datum Symmetry is always used with a datum reference and applied on an RFS basis. ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Figure 3.16: Symmetry tolerance ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Runout tolerance Runout tolerance are a combination of tolerances used to control the relationship of one or more features of a part to a datum axis. The features can be surfaces perpendicular or surfaces around the datum axis There are two types of runout control: 1. 2. Circular runout Total runout ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Circular runout Circular runout controls circularity and coaxiality (the condition where two or more features share a common axis) The tolerance is measured by full indicator movement of a dial indicator placed at several locations while the part is rotated 360 degree. Circular runout is measured as a single circular element at each measured location ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Figure 3.17: Circular runout ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Total runout Total runout is used to provide total composite control of all surface elements. (see figure 3.18) The total tolerance is applied to both circular elements and the profile When applied to the surface around and at right angle to a datum axis, total run out may be used to control a combination of circularity, straightness, angularity, taper and profile. ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) Figure 3.18: Total runout ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09) References Dotson C.l., Fundamentals of Dimensional Metrology, Thomson Delmar Learning, 2006 Meadows J.D., Measurement of Geometric Tolerance in Manufacturing, Marcel Dekker, 1998 Griffith G.K, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing, Prentice Hall, 2002. ROSHALIZA HAMIDON (DPT 312 08/09)