Engineering Drawing and Design Seventh Edition Chapter 16 GD&T stands for Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing DIMENSION is a geometric characteristic the size of which is specified such as length,angle,location,or center distance TOLERANCE on a dimension is the total permissible variation in its size, which is equal to the difference between the limits of size. GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING DIMENSIONS OF A PART GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING TOLERANCE SIZES GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING TYPE OF TOLERANCE GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING SIZES OF MATING PARTS Deviations The difference between the basic size and the maximum and minimum sizes are called the UPPER & LOWER deviations. The BASIC DIMENSION represents the theoretical exact size or location of a feature. GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING DEVIATIONS GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING BASIC (EXACT) DIMENSIONS Are shown in a rectangle to indicate that the tolerances in the general tolerance note do not apply Datum A DATUM is a theoretical exact feature from which dimensions may be taken. A DATUM is generally chosen as an edge or feature which has the greatest influence in a specific measurement. GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING EXAMPLES OF DEVIATION OF FORM WHEN PERFECT FORM AT THE MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION IS REQUIRED GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING EXAMPLES OF DEVIATION OF FORM WHEN PERFECT FORM AT THE MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION IS REQUIRED Geometric Tolerance A geometric tolerance is the maximum permissible variation of form, profile, orientation, location, and runout from that indicated or specified on a drawing. Feature control frame for an individual feature is divided into compartments containing, at the least, the geometric tolerance symbol and the geometric tolerance value Feature control frame (fig.1616) Geometric characteristic symbol Geometric tolerance Datums (if used) Modifiers as required (*MMC for example) GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING TYPE OF TOLERANCE CHARACTERISTIC FEATURE INDIVIDUAL FEATURES FORM SYMBOL STRAIGHTNESS GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOLS SEE UNIT 16-2 16-5 GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING FEATURE TYPE OF CHARACTERISTIC TOLERANCE SUPPLEMENTARY SYMBOLS SYMBOL MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOLS SEE UNIT 16-4 GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING FEATURE TYPE OF CHARACTERISTIC TOLERANCE SUPPLEMENTARY SYMBOLS SYMBOL LEAST MATERIAL CONDITION GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOLS SEE UNIT 16-4 GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING FEATURE TYPE OF CHARACTERISTIC TOLERANCE SUPPLEMENTARY SYMBOLS SYMBOL PROJECTED TOLERANCE ZONE GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOLS SEE UNIT 16-9 GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING FEATURE TYPE OF CHARACTERISTIC TOLERANCE SUPPLEMENTARY SYMBOLS SYMBOL BASIC DIMENSION GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOLS SEE UNIT 16-9 16-11 GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING FEATURE TYPE OF CHARACTERISTIC TOLERANCE SUPPLEMENTARY SYMBOLS SYMBOL DATUM FEATURE GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOLS SEE UNIT 16-6 GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING FEATURE TYPE OF CHARACTERISTIC TOLERANCE SUPPLEMENTARY SYMBOLS SYMBOL DATUM TARGET GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOLS SEE UNIT 16-11 Form Tolerances FORM TOLERANCES control the straightness, flatness, circularity and cylindricity Form tolerances apply to individual features and as such do not require locating dimensions. ORIENTATION TOLERANCES control angularity, parallelism, and perpendicularity More on FORM TOLERANCES Straightness-a condition in which the element of a surface or a median line is a straight line Flatness of a surface is a condition in which all surface elements are in one plane GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING FEATURE CONTROL FRAME GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING ATTACHED USING A LEADER APPLICATION OF FEATURE CONTROL FRAME MMC, RFS, LMC applies to features subject to variations in size MMC (Maximum Material Condition) is when a feature or part is at the limit of size, which results in its containing the maximum amount of material. LMC (Least Material Conditon) refers to the size of a feature that results in the part containing the minimum amount of material. Thus it is the minimum limit of size for an external feature. RFS (Regardless of feature size) indicates that a geometric tolerance applies to any size of a feature that lies within its size tolerance. Datums and the 3-plane concept (16-5) Datum is a theoretical point, line, plane, or other geometric surface fromwhich dimensions are measured when so specified or to which geometric tolerances are referenced Datum feature is a feature of a part, such as a surface, that forms the basis for a datum or is used to establish its location 3-plane system The three planes constitue a datum system from which measurements can be taken. They will appear on the drawing. Datum feature symbol is used on the drawing to identify these surfaces GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING THE DATUM PLANES GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING THE DATUM PLANES GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING THE DATUM PLANES Orientation tolerancing (16-6) Angularity, parallelism and perpendicularity are orientation tolerances applicable to related features Angularity is the condition of a surface or axis at a specified angle (other than 90⁰or 0⁰) from a datum plane or axis Perpendicularity is the condition of a surface at 90⁰ to a datum plane or axis. *A perpendicularity tolerance for a flat surface specifies a tolerance zone defined by two parallel planes perpendicular to a datum plane or axis Parallelism is the condition of a surface equidistant at all points from a datum plane. Parallelism for a flat surface specifies a tolerance zone defined by two planes or lines parallel to a datum plane or axis. Datum Targets (16-11) Datum target symbols are used to locate specific reference positions to be used on large datum surfaces* the surface of a feature may be so large that a gage designed to make contact with the full surface may be too expensive or cumbersome to use Functional requirements of the part may necessitate the use of only a portion of a surface as a datum feature CAD APPLICATIONS TOLERANCE DIALOG BOX CAD APPLICATIONS TOLERANCE SYMBOL DIALOG BOX