Book Report Analysis


Persuasive Speeches & Analysis Report

Due Monday, February 29, 2016

You will select a speech from the list provided by Ms. Stewart. The Author and speech selected will be used to complete your paper. Below provides the make-up of how your paper should be submitted, by paragraph.

Paragraph #1 – Speech overview

Provide the title of the Speech and the name of the speaker

Tell why this speech is relevant

Provide several quotes from the speech that are important

Paragraph #2 – Author & Speech Analysis

Provide information about other speeches the author has given

What made this speaker create this type of speech? (What happen, what is happening?)

What are other rhetorical devices the speaker is using? (i.e. parallelism, repetition, bias, etc)

What was the theme of the speech

Does the speech use ethos, pathos, and ethos? Explain which one(s) and provide an example

What was the speaker trying to persuade readers to do, think about, believe?

Who was the speaker directly their speech towards? Why?

What was the importance of giving this speech?

Paragraph #3 – Conclusion Paragraph

Sum up what the speech is about

Make connections to: o Text to Self (your life, experiences, etc) o Text to World (society – past, present or future) o Text to Text (books, stories, movies, songs)

How did this speech affect you?

Did the speaker persuade you to take their side?

Overall, what did you learn?


It must be typed, if not, you MUST write so that I can understand your handwriting

It must include ALL information in each paragraphs

Any element or piece of required information missing from the paragraph will reduce the grade.

DUE DATE: February 29, 2016

Be sure to spell check and grammar check, yes it matters!

Place this sheet at the back of your paper.

Speeches to choose from: o Sojourner Truth 's "Ain't I a Woman?" speech o Clara Barton testified before Congress about the o The Hypocrisy of American Slavery by Frederick horrors she witnessed o The Gettysburg Address by President Abraham

Douglass Lincoln o We Shall Fight on the Beaches by Winston Churchill o The Moon Speech” by

President John F. Kennedy o I am Prepared to Die by Nelson Mandela o Wrath of Grapes Boycott by Cesar Chavez o o

Tear Down this Wall by President Ronald Reagan

Presidential Inauguration Ceremony, 1993, Maya


Persuasion Unit – Public Speeches Page 1

Persuasive Speeches & Analysis Report

Due Monday, February 29, 2016

Submit the paper with a cover page that includes o

Your Name o The title of the speech (ex: “I Have A Dream”) o The speakers Name (ex: Speech presented by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) o The Class and class period (ex: English I – Period 1)


Sir Student Longhorn

“I Have A Dream….”

Presented by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

English I - Class Period 8

Persuasion Unit – Public Speeches Page 2
