Vocabulary list

2nd Six Weeks Vocabulary
Chapter 6
1. George Washington
2. Battle of Saratoga
3. Treaty of Alliance
4. Battle of Yorktown
5. Treaty of Paris, 1783
6. Republican motherhood
7. Articles of Confederation
8. Northwest Ordinance,1787
9. Shays’s Rebellion
10. Constitutional Convention
11. Federalism
12. Virginia Plan
13. New Jersey Plan
14. Great Compromise
15. 3/5’s Compromise
16. Federalists
17. Anti-Federalists
18. Federalist Paper #10
19. Federalist Paper #51
20. James Madison
21. John Jay
22. Alexander Hamilton
Chapter 7
23. Bill of Rights
24. Judiciary Act of 1789
25. Report on Public Credit
26. Bank of the United States (BUS)
27. Strict construction
28. Loose construction
29. Report on Manufactures
30. Haitian Revolution
31. Proclamation of Neutrality
32. Whiskey Rebellion, 1794
33. Jay’s Treaty (Treaty of San Lorenzo)
34. Washington’s Farewell Address
35. The Federalists
36. Democratic- Republicans
37. XYZ Affair
38. Alien – Sedition Acts
39. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
40. Midnight Judges
41. Battle of Fallen Timbers
42. Treaty of Greenville
43. Revolution of 1800
44. Aaron Burr
45. Marbury v. Madison
46. Louisiana Purchase
47. Embargo Act of 1807
48. Battle of Tippecanoe
49. Wm Henry Harrison
50. Tecumseh
51. impressment
52. War of 1812
53. Treaty of Ghent
54. Battle of New Orleans
55. Andrew Jackson
56. Hartford Convention
57. Henry Clay
58. John Marshall
59. McCulloch v. Maryland
60. Gibbons v. Ogden
61. Fletcher v. Peck
62. Adams Onis Treaty
63. Monroe Doctrine
64. Henry Clay
65. John Quincy Adams
Chapter 8
66. Panic of 1819
67. Republican Motherhood
68. American Colonization Society
69. Henry Clay
70. Missouri Compromise
71. Second Great Awakening
72. Lyman Beecher
Chapter 9
73. Waltham-Lowell System
74. Robert Fulton
75. Samuel Slater
76. Eli Whitney
77. Market Revolution
78. Erie Canal
79. “Self-made man”
80. Benevolent Empire
81. Lyman Beecher
82. Charles G. Finney
83. “Burned over district”
84. Temperance Movement
85. American Temperance Society
86. Nativist movement
Chapter 10
87. political machines
88. Martin Van Buren
89. spoils system
90. American System
91. Internal improvements
92. Corrupt Bargain
93. Andrew Jackson
94. John Quincy Adams
95. Henry Clay
96. Tariff of Abominations
97. Nullification Crisis
98. Second BUS
99. Bank Veto
100. Nicholas Biddle
101. Daniel Webster
102. Indian Removal Act
103. Worcester v. Georgia
104. Trail of Tears
105. Whigs
106. John Calhoun
107. Panic of 1837
108. Tippecanoe and Tyler Too
Chapter 11
109. Trascendentalism
110. Ralph Waldo Emerson
111. Nathaniel Hawthorne
112. Henry David Thoreau
113. Utopian Societies
114. Shakers
115. Oneida
116. Mormons
117. Joseph Smith
118. Brigham Young
119. Mormon War
120. Nat Turner’s Revolt
121. Wm Lloyd Garrison
122. Angelina and Sarah Grimke
123. American Anti-Slavery Society
124. Underground Railroad
125. Gag rule
126. Dorothea Dix
127. Seneca Falls Convention
128. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
129. Lucretia Mott
130. Sojourner Truth