The Odyssey Vocabulary

The Odyssey Vocabulary
Part I and Part II
Mrs. Leach and Mrs. Flatt
Part I
Plunder: (verb)
Definition: To take goods by force.
Synonym: raid, pillage, sack, loot
Sentence: The Capital One Vikings used to pillage
and plunder the city but now they have to find
real jobs.
dispatched: (verb)
Definition: Finished quickly; to make haste.
Synonym: to hurry
Sentence: Once 911 was called they dispatched an
ambulance within 5 minutes.
assuage: (verb)
Definition: To calm or pacify.
Synonym: to soothe
Sentence: The wolf dog sung to the baby to
assuage it’s crying.
bereft: (adjective)
Definition: deprived.
Synonym: to go without
Sentence: Bereft of sleep, the child threw a
temper tantrum.
ardor: (noun)
Definition: Passion; enthusiasm
Synonym: with great intensity
Sentence: The fans cheered with great ardor when
they found out Italy won The World Cup.
insidious: (adjective)
Definition: characterized by craftiness and
Synonym: sly, treacherous
Sentence: The traitor’s insidious actions led to the
city’s downfall.
contrived: (verb)
Definition: thought up; devised.
Synonym: mannered, created
Sentence: Gru told his minions that he contrived
a plan to steal the moon.
libations: (noun)
Definition: wine or other liquids usually poured
upon the ground for sacrifice.
Synonym: beverages
Sentence: Castor was excited to see the man and
yelled out “Libations for everybody!” in the
dance club.
VIDEO (fast forward to 2:45)
Nectar and ambrosia: (noun)
Definition: drink and food of the gods.
Sentence: The goddess Hera, wearing a crown,
and holding a royal scepter, is served ambrosia
and nectar by her daughter Hebe.
mutiny: (adjective)
Definition: complete rebellion in which the
captain or person in charge is removed from
Synonym: uprising, revolt
Sentence: Captain Jack Sparrow’s crew
participated in a mutiny to stop his power.
Part II
dissemble: (verb)
Definition: conceal one’s true motives, feelings, or
Synonym: to hide or pretend
Sentence: In Harry Potter, Draco had to dissemble
his true feelings for Hermione.
incredulity: (noun)
Definition: The state of being unable or unwilling
to believe something.
Synonym: disbelief, distrust
Sentence: “Ralph, felt a flicker of incredulity —
a beast with claws that scratched, that sat on a
mountaintop, that left no tracks” . . . how was
this possible?- The Lord of the Flies
bemused: (verb)
Definition: puzzled, confused, or bewildered.
Synonym: stunned or confounded
Sentence: The dog was bemused by the
movement of the escalator.
equity: (noun)
Definition: the quality of being fair and impartial.
Synonym: justice, fairness, justness
Sentence: The judge showed great equity when he
sentenced the man to life in prison for murder.
maudlin: (adjective)
Definition: self pitying or tearfully sentimental.
Sentence: Gru had a joyful yet maudlin feeling as
he recalled his childhood.
contempt: (noun)
Definition: The feeling that a person or a thing is
beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving
Synonym: disdain, disregard
Sentence: The judge found the man in contempt of
court after talking to a new station.
haughty: (adjective)
Definition: arrogantly superior
Synonym: proud, uppity, nose-in-the-air
Sentence: The woman shamed the haughty
women for spewing racial hatred about her
wiliest: (adjective)
Definition: craftiest; slyest
Synonym: cunning
Sentence: Wile E. Coyote never gave up. He
always came up with the wiliest ways to
capture the Road Runner.
abyss: (noun)
Definition: A deep or seemingly bottomless
Synonym: precipice, depths
Sentence: I was sitting in an abyss of boredom.
revelry: (noun)
Definition: noisy festivity.
Synonym: shouting, celebration
Sentence: The men shouted in revelry after
winning the war.