SOCIAL STUDIES TECHNOLOGY PROJECT 8th Grade American History By: Andrew Rice TABLE OF CONTENTS Ohio Social Studies Strands: History People in Societies Geography Economics Government Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities Social Studies Skills & Methods Science Technology & Society HISTORY HISTORY ACTIVITIES Revolutionary War Scavenger Hunt Click on the Minuteman statue Click on each highlighted word to help you find the correct answer If you answer all the questions correctly, you win INDEPENDENCE! rwhunt.html HISTORY ACTIVITIES Colonial Williamsburg Click on box to take a virtual tour of the historical buildings Notice the types of clothing worn during the colonial era Write an essay the different jobs people did in 18th century Colonial Williamsburg xperience/ HISTORY ACTIVITIES Today in History Click on the calendar Read about the historical events that occurred on that day in history Choose an event that happened during the Colonial era for further study me.html HISTORY ACTIVITIES The Boston Massacre View Paul Revere’s most famous engraving Is his engraving of the Boston Massacre a form of political propaganda? http://www.earlyameric massacre.html HISTORY ACTIVITIES Salem Witch Museum 1692 Click on the Witch Were the people accused of being witches in Salem really evil? http://www.salemwit PEOPLE IN SOCIETIES PEOPLE IN SOCIETIES ACTIVITIES Oneida Indians Click on Indian attacking British soldier Learn about the Oneidas and the birth of the American nation In what battle did the Oneida Iroquois fight alongside with patriots during the Revolutionary War? PEOPLE IN SOCIETIES ACTIVITIES African Americans Click on Soldier What role did African Americans play during the Revolutionary War? Were they really free? http://www.americanrev /BLACKS.HTM PEOPLE IN SOCIETIES ACTIVITIES Puritans Click on image Read about the Puritans Why did they come to America? What are the differences between the Puritans and the Pilgrims? http://xroads.virginia.ed u/~CAP/puritan/purhist .html PEOPLE IN SOCIETIES ACTIVITIES Pilgrims Click on image Why did the Pilgrims come to America? What are the differences between the Pilgrims and the Puritans? http://xroads.virginia.ed u/~CAP/puritan/purhist .html PEOPLE IN SOCIETIES ACTIVITIES Patriots & Loyalists Click on appropriate flags What were the Patriots’ beliefs concerning the British? What were the Loyalists’ beliefs concerning the British? Write an essay explaining their different beliefs efs.htm GEOGRAPHY GEOGRAPHY ACTIVITIES 13 Colonies Map Click on Map How many colonies existed in America before the Revolutionary War? What geographic area was the 13 original colonies located in? GEOGRAPHY ACTIVITIES The 50 States Click on the name of any State Find out interesting facts about that particular state Write a report on a state other than Ohio http://www.teachersfirst .com/share/states/ GEOGRAPHY Map of Famous Battles of the American Revolution Click on Battle Map Where were most of the battles fought? mmem/gmdhtml/armht ml/armhome.html GEOGRAPHY ACTIVITIES Geo-Globe Click on Banner Take a geography quiz Learn where to find locations of countries, cities, rivers, lakes, mountains, and famous landmarks http://library.thinkquest.o rg/10157/geoglobe.html GEOGRAPHY ACTIVITIES Map of 18th Century England Consider the distance between the 13 Colonies and England Read on-line textbook Write a paper on why Colonists felt separated from the Motherland wiki/US_History:Road_ to_Revolution ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ACTIVITIES “No Taxation Without Representation” Why did the Colonists dislike paying taxes on sugar, stamps, and tea? Read the eyewitness account by a participant in the Boston Tea Party http://www.historyplace. com/unitedstates/revolut ion/teaparty.htm ECONOMICS ACTIVITIES I Have No Money, Would You Take Wampum? Learn how people received goods and services before there were coins and paper money Click on wampum belt http://www.econedlink.o rg/lessons/print.cfm?less on=EM67 ECONOMICS ACTIVITIES Escape from Knab Click on the moving planet Play the on-line economic game If you make the right economic choices, you can return to planet Earth However, if you make the economic choices, who knows what may happen on the strange and slimy planet Knab! http://www.escapefromknab. com/ ECONOMICS ACTIVITIES Don’t Fence Me Out! Click on clothing Learn about the barriers to trading with other countries Do you like to buy and wear imported clothing? http://www.econedlink.o rg/lessons/print.cfm?less on=EM68 ECONOMICS ACTIVITIES Thanksgiving Cyberchallenge What does Scarcity mean? How did the Pilgrims overcome this problem? Read about the Pilgrims’ plentiful First Thanksgiving http://www.apuritansmi FirstThanksgiving.htm GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES The Mayflower Compact Click on document Read the document on-line Did this document provide the Pilgrims with a form of written laws for living in the new world? unitedstates/revolution/mayfl ower.htm GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES The Declaration of Independence Who was the author? Write an essay that gives Jefferson’s view on the issue of slavery http://www.ushistory.or g/presidentshouse/news/ inq022303a.htm GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES First President of the United States Click on Washington’s picture Did President Washington have a military career? Write an essay giving your opinion on his decision about crossing the Delaware istory/presidents/gw1.html GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES The Constitution Click on document Who were the authors of this important document? What does this document mean to you as an American? http://www.usconstitutio GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES First Continental Congress Who were its members? What did they accomplish? Research and write an essay on your local Congressman html CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES ACTIVITIES Immigration to America (1607-1830) Why did so many European immigrants come to America? Why did the Pilgrims and Puritans leave England? AAST/Projects/Immigra tion/reasons_for_immig ration.html CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES ACTIVITIES U.S. Citizenship Test Take the on-line U.S. citizenship practice test Did you pass? If you could become a citizen of another country, which one would you choose? enship.htm CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES Exercise your Right to Vote! Click on the picture Why is voting so important? If you could legally vote, who would vote for in the ’04 presidential election? http://www.rockthevote. com/ CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES ACTIVITIES Political Endorsements in Newspapers Read the Dayton Daily Newspaper or USA Today Find political articles that endorse a particular candidate Do you agree with their endorsements? CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES ACTIVITIES Fugitive Communities in Colonial America Were all inhabitants of America considered to be citizens? Why were the Indians and African Americans excluded? /review/2001_summer_f all/fugative.html SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS & METHODS SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS & METHODS ACTIVITIES Early American History Crossword Puzzle Click on the title image Type in your answers by using a computer http://www.earlyameric t/puzzle4.html SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS & METHODS ACTIVITIES Lost Colony of Roanoke Search the WWW for information about this lost colony Write a report publishing your findings oanoke.htm SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS & METHODS ACTIVITIES Spy Letters Read actual spy letters of the American Revolution Discover the spies’ secret methods to make a letter Make your own spy letter ml SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS & METHODS ACTIVITIES American Revolution Timeline Research facts and dates at website Construct a timeline of the American Revolution http://www.historyplace. com/unitedstates/revolut ion/rev-early.htm SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS & METHODS ACTIVITIES Point of View The Boston Massacre Compare Cap. Thomas Preston’s personal account with Samuel Adam’s anonymously written personal experience Which person is telling the truth? 11775/bostonmassacre/prest.htm SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY ACTIVITIES Benjamin Franklin “Glimpses of the Man” Watch the Quicktime Movie Scientist Inventor Statesman Make a picture scrapbook of his inventions /rotten.html SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY ACTIVITIES Chronology of Personal Computers Research the computer timeline from 1947 to the present How does a personal computer help you do your school work? m/~kpolsson/comphist/ SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY ACTIVITIES Microsoft Read about Bill Gates’ life before Microsoft How does his Windowsbased computer software help you complete school projects? ry/Gates.Mirick.html SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY ACTIVITIES Apple Computers Who invented the first Apple computer? What are the major differences between an Apple and IBM computer? http://inventors.about.c om/library/weekly/aa12 1598.htm SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY ACTIVITIES History of the Internet & WWW Read about the origins of the Internet & WWW What Vice President coined the phrase: Information Superhighway? Write an essay on how the Internet has impacted your life? val1.html