Flavour Physics with LHCb “When Beauty Decays and Symmetries Break” Seminar RuG March 31, 2008 Marcel Merk Nikhef and VU Contents: • CP violation with the CKM matrix • Bs meson and “new physics” • B-physics with the LHCb detector 31-3-2008 1 LHCb CERN ATLAS CMS ALICE LHC: Search for physics beyond Standard Model Atlas CMS LHCb • Atlas/CMS: direct observation of new particles • LHCb: observation of new particles in quantum loops LHCb is aiming at search for new physics in CP violation and Rare Decays 31-3-2008 Focus of this talk 3 quarks I II u c ~3 1200 d s b ~7 120 4300 0.511 ne ~0 t 176300 106 nm ~0 LEP 1 4 neutrino’s 3 neutrino’s 2 neutrino’s t m e leptons III Cross section Flavour physics with 3 generations of fermions 1777 nt measurements ~0 Beam energy (GeV) 31-3-2008 Note: In the Standard Model 3 generations of Dirac particles is the minimum requirement to create a matter - antimatter asymmetry. 4 Quark flavour interactions • Charged current interaction with quarks: A g weak Wm J m I 5 m I 1 1 u d u, c, t 2 W d J I I gweak u , c , t ; d, s, b u d s b • Quark mass eigenstates are not identical to interaction eigenstates: J M u . . u u , c, t . M u . . . . . m † ; dM . . d . M d . . . d . s . b • In terms of the mass eigenstates the weak interaction changes from: J 31-3-2008 m I u 1 1 5 m dI 2 5 Quark flavour interactions • Charged current interaction with quarks: A g weak Wm J m I 5 m I 1 1 u d u, c, t 2 W d J I I gweak u , c , t ; d, s, b u d s b • Quark mass eigenstates are not identical to interaction eigenstates: J M u . . u u , c, t . M u . . . . . m † ; dM . . d . M d . . . d . s . b • In terms of the mass eigenstates the weak interaction changes to: J m u 1 1 5 m VCKM d 2 31-3-2008 VCKM M u† M d Cabibbo Kobayashi Maskawa quark mixing matrix 6 The CKM Matrix VCKM Vud V cd V td 31-3-2008 Vus Vub Vcs Vcb Vts Vtb 7 The CKM Matrix VCKM Vud V cd V td Vus Vub Vcs Vcb Vts Vtb Typical B-meson decay diagram: b d Vcb c d The B-meson has a relatively long lifetime of 1.5 ps Related to mass hierarchy? 31-3-2008 8 The CKM Matrix VCKM Vud V cd V td Vus Vub Vcs Vcb Vts Vtb Wolfenstein parametrization: VCKM 1 2 1 l l 2 1 2 l 1 l 2 3 2 A l 1 r i h A l 31-3-2008 Al 3 r ih Al 2 1 From unitarity (VCKM V†CKM=1) : CKM has four free parameters: 3 real: l 0.22 , A ( 1), r 1 imaginary: ih Particle → Antiparticle: Vij → Vij* => 1 CP Violating phase! 9 The CKM Matrix VCKM Vud V cd V td Vus Vub Vcs Vcb Vts Vtb Wolfenstein parametrization: VCKM 1 2 1 l l 2 1 2 l 1 l 2 i 3 2 A l 1 r i h A l e 31-3-2008 e Al 3 i r ih Al 2 1 From unitarity (VCKM V†CKM=1) : CKM has four free parameters: 3 real: l 0.22 , A ( 1), r 1 imaginary: ih Particle → Antiparticle: Vij → Vij* => 1 CP Violating phase! 10 Unitarity Triangle: VCKM V†CKM = 1 Vud Vus Vub V V V cd cs cb V V V ts tb td 31-3-2008 Vud V Vcd V Vtd V 0 * ub * cb * tb Vud Vtd* Vus Vts* Vub Vtb* 0 11 Unitarity Triangle: VCKM V†CKM = 1 Vud Vus Vub V V V cd cs cb V V V ts tb td Vud V Vcd V Vtd V 0 * ub * Vud Vtd r ,h 1 l2 Im h Unitarity triangle: Individual CP violating phases in CKM are not observable The combinations ,, are * tb * * Vus Vts Vub Vtb 0 2 r ,h VtdVtb* VcdVcb* VudVub* VcdVcb* 0 31-3-2008 * cb r Amount of CP violation is proportional to surface of the triangle 1 Re 12 Unitarity Triangle and B-physics r ,h 1 l2 2r ,h Im h : Bd mixing phase : Bs mixing phase : weak decay phase B 0 , rr , r ,..... VtdVtb* VcdVcb* B 0 J /K S0 , ..... VudVub* Vcd Vcb* 0 r Bd DK , DK Bs Ds K Bd D * * 2 2 Precise determination of parameters through study of B-decays. Im 1 Re h Vud* Vtd Vub* Vtb VcdVcb* + 0 VcdVcb* r Vus* Vts / VcdVcb* Bs0 J / , ..... Re Benchmark Example: Bs→Ds K Vud Vcd V ei td 31-3-2008 Vus Vcs Vts Vub e Vcb Vtb i 14 Benchmark Example: Bs→Ds K Vud Vcd V ei td Vus Vcs Vts • Decay amplitudes: particles: Bs Ds K Ae i antiparticles: B s Ds K Ae i • But how can we observe a CP asymmetry? s Prob Bs D K Ae i 2 Vub e Vcb Vtb i s Prob B s D K Ae i 2 • Decay probabilities are equal? No CP asymmetry?? 31-3-2008 Make use of the fact that B mesons “mix”….. 15 B meson Mixing Diagrams A neutral B-meson can oscillate into an anti B-meson before decaying: u,c,t b Bd W d * 2 mt VtbVtd cc : mc VcbVcd c t ,c t : mc mtVtbVtd *VcbVcd * mc mt l 6 2 * 2 Bd W u,c,t b mt 2l 6 tt : 2 d mc 2l 6 GF2 2 md 2 mwh B S0 (mt2 / mW2 )mBd | Vtd |2 BBd f B2d 6 2 Dominated by top quark mass: Sept 28-29, 2005 mt 1 mB 0.00002 ps 2 GeV c 16 B0B0 Mixing: ARGUS, 1987 Produce a bb bound state, (4S), in e+e- collisions: Integrated luminosity 1983-87: 103 pb-1 e+e- (4S) B0B0 and then observe: B10 D1* m1n 1, D1* D 0 1 0 D K1 1 B20 D2* m2n 2 , D2* D 0 D K 2 2 2 , 0 ~17% of B0 and B0 mesons oscillate before they decay m ~ 0.5/ps, tB ~ 1.5 ps First sign of a really large mtop! Sept 28-29, 2005 17 Bd vs Bs mixing The top quark and its interactions can be studied without producing it directly! t b Bd W d d t Bd mixing B d → Bd B d → Bd 31-3-2008 Bd W b t b Bs W s d Bs W t s Bs mixing Bs mixing Bs → Bs Bs → Bs 18 The CP violating decay: Bs→Ds K Due to mixing possibility the decay Bs→Ds K can occur in two quantum amplitudes: a1. Directly: Coupling constant with CP odd phase a2. Via mixing: In addition, mixing and gluon interactions add a non-CP violating phase “d” between a1 and a2 31-3-2008 How do the phase differences between the amplitudes lead to an observable CP violation effect…? 19 Observing CP violation Compare the |amplitude| of the B decay versus that of anti-B decay; is the CP odd phase , d is a CP even phase BDs− K+ BDs+ K− A=a1+a2 A=a1+a2 A + a2 a1 d - A a1 d a2 |A||A| Only if both and d are not 0 Note for completeness: since the CP even phase depends on the mixing the CP violation effect becomes decay time dependent Sept 28-29, 2005 20 Double slit experiment with quantum waves DsBs 31-3-2008 K LHCb is a completely analogous interference experiment using B-mesons… 21 A Quantum Interference B-experiment pp at LHCb: 100 kHz bb “slit A”: B Ds K Measure decay time DsBs Decay time K “slit B”: 6-sept-2007 B B Ds K Nikhef-evaluation 22 CP Violation: matter – antimatter asymmetry Bs Ds K Bs Ds K An interference pattern: Ds Bs Decay time Bs Bs Ds K Bs Ds K K Decay time 6-sept-2007 Nikhef-evaluation 23 CP Violation: matter – antimatter asymmetry Bs Ds K Bs Ds K Ds Matter Bs CP-mirror: Antimatter An interference pattern: Decay time Bs Bs Ds K K Bs Ds K B s Ds K Bs Ds K Ds+ Bs Decay time K Bs Bs Ds K 6-sept-2007 Observation of CP Violation is a consequence of quantum interference!! Nikhef-evaluation Decay time Difference between curves is proportional to the phase 24 Searching for new virtual particles Bs J / Standard Model Standard Model J/ Bs Decay time 6-sept-2007 Nikhef-evaluation 25 Searching for new virtual particles Bs J ΔB=2 / B → B → D π s s *μ μ ΔB=1 Tiny ΔB=1 Bs→μ μ B0→Kweak phase in couplings! s Bs→ Bs→ J/ψφ SM: Bs Standard Model b W t s t b b̃ s̃ s New g B g̃ ̃ Physics: s s Bs→ sB b̃ Dsπ b ̃ xs→ ΔB=2 Bs→ Bs→ J/ψφ SM: Bs b W t s NewNew B Physics: s Physics b s Bs B0 W t b̃ g̃ s̃ x x s b s̃ g̃ b̃ s b d b s W t x b Bs W s Bs B0 J/b d Bs g̃ s *x Bs B0 b b d t K* μ μ g̃ b̃ K* μ μ s W d s Bs μ ΔB=1 B0→K b̃ μ sμ̃ B0 K* μ x s s̃ K* μ μ b s Bs t W s̃ g̃ x b b̃ μ ΔB=1 Bs→μ s Bs b t W s̃ Bs Decay gtime ̃ s b x b̃ Possible weak phase in couplings! 6-sept-2007 Nikhef-evaluation 26 Searching for new virtual particles Bs J ΔB=2 / B → B → D π s s ΔB=1 B0→K*μ μ s Bs→ Bs→ J/ψφ SM: Bs Standard Model b W t s W t s b Bs B0 Bs B0 Bs B0 x Bs b̃ s̃ s b New g B g̃ ̃ Physics: s s Bs→ sB b̃ Dsπ b ̃ xs→ ΔB=2 Bs→ Bs→ J/ψφ SM: Bs b W t s NewNew B Physics: s Physics 6-sept-2007 b s W t b̃ g̃ s̃ x x s b s̃ g̃ b̃ s b Bs b J/b d d ΔB=1 Bs→μ μ s * t Search forsa CP K asymmetry: W Bs W μ B->J/b t μ B->J/ Bs J s/ g̃ s x ΔB=1 B0→K b̃ *μ sμ̃ B0 b b d s W t d K* μ μ g̃ b̃ s̃ K* B g ̃ s μ B Jb/ x s ΔB=1 B →μ ̃ s b μ μ x s s̃ K* μ μ Mission: To search for new particles and interactions that affect the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry in Nature, by making precision measurementsNikhef-evaluation of B-meson decays. s Bs b t W s̃ B Decay gtime ̃ s s b x b̃ 27 ΔB=2 Bs→ Bs→ J/ψφ First sign of New Physics in B mixing? s d b t s B Bs→ Bs→ Dsπ ΔB=2 iSM Bs→ Bs→ J/ψφ SM: BBs 0→K*μ μ W ΔB=1 i Ae M: Bs b s ew B hysics: s b s W t W t x ̃ bS.M. s̃ g̃ g̃ s̃ x b̃ s b s b d New b + Bs b W t s d g̃ Bs B0 Bs B0 Physics: SM box has (to a good approx.) no weak phase: SM = 0 31-3-2008 s Be b b̃ x NP 0 W t b b Bs ΔB=1 Bs→μ iμ Ce s x b̃ g̃ s s̃ x s̃ s 0 s̃ K*s BW Bs Bs g̃ b b̃ μ b μ s * N.P. K g̃ Bs s μ b μ t d b s̃ x b̃ W t μ g̃ x b̃ μ s̃ μ μ 28 ΔB=2 Bs→ Bs→ J/ψφ First sign of New Physics in B mixing? s d b t s B Bs→ Bs→ Dsπ ΔB=2 iSM Bs→ Bs→ J/ψφ SM: BBs 0→K*μ μ W ΔB=1 i Ae M: Bs b s ew B hysics: s b s W t W t x s b ̃ bS.M. s̃ g̃ g̃ s̃ x b̃ s b d New b + Bs b W t s d g̃ Bs B0 Bs B0 Physics: SM box has (to a good approx.) no weak phase: SM = 0 UTfit collab.; March 5, 2008 Combining recent results of CDF, D0 on s Be Bs J / with Babar, Belle results: b b̃ x NP 0 W t b b Bs ΔB=1 Bs→μ iμ Ce s x b̃ g̃ s s̃ x s̃ s 0 s̃ K*s BW Bs Bs g̃ b b̃ μ b μ s * N.P. K g̃ Bs s μ b μ t d b s̃ x b̃ W t μ g̃ x b̃ μ s̃ μ μ March 5, 2008 3.7 s deviation From 0 If S ≠ 0 then new physics outside the CKM is present… 31-3-2008 29 The LHCb experiment LHCb experiment: 700 physicists 50 institutes 15 countries LHCb ATLAS q CMS b q b ALICE LHCb experiment in the cavern Shielding wall (against radiation) Offset interaction point (to make best use of existing cavern) Electronics + CPU farm Detectors can be moved away from beam-line for access 31-3-2008 31 b-b detection in LHCb Background Supression Flavour tagging Decay time measurement LHCb event rate: 40 MHz 1 in 160 is a b-bbar event 1012 b-bbar events per year 31-3-2008 • vertices and momenta reconstruction • effective particle identification (π, К, μ, е, γ) • triggers 32 GEANT MC simulation Used to optimise the experiment and to test measurement sensitivities 33 A walk through the LHCb detector ~ 200 mrad ~ 300 mrad (horizontal) p p 10 mrad Inner acceptance ~15 mrad (10 mrad conical beryllium beampipe) 34 LHCb Tracking: vertex region Vertex locator around the interaction region Silicon strip detector with ~ 30 mm impact-parameter resolution 31-3-2008 35 LHCb tracking: vertex region Pile-Up Interaction Stations Region s=5.3 cm y y x x 36 LHCb tracking: momentum measurement Tracking: Mass resolution for background suppression in eg. DsK B [T] y Bfield: B dl = 4 Tm 0.15 Tm 37 LHCb tracking: momentum measurement All tracking stations have four layers: 0,-5,+5,0 degree stereo angles. Straw tubes ~65 m2 Silicon: ~1.41.2 m2 38 LHCb tracking: momentum measurement Red = Measurements (hits) Blue = Reconstructed tracks Eff = 94% (p > 10 GeV) ~1.41.2 m2 • Typical Momentum resolution dp/p ~ 0.4% • Typical Impact Parameter resolution sIP ~ 40 mm 39 LHCb Hadron Identification: RICH RICH1: 5 cm aerogel n=1.03 RICH2: 100 m3 CF4 n=1.0005 4 m3 C4F10 n=1.0014 Cerenkov light emission angle 3 radiators to cover full momentum range: Aerogel C4F10 CF4 RICH: K/ separation e.g. to distinguish Ds and DsK events. 40 LHCb calorimeters e h Calorimeter system : • Identify electrons, hadrons, neutrals • Level 0 trigger: high electron and hadron Et (e.g. Ds K events) 41 LHCb muon detection m Muon system: • Identify muons • Level0 trigger: High Pt muons 42 View of LHCb in Cavern Muon Muondet det Calo’s Calo’s RICH-2 RICH-2 OT OT Magnet RICH-1 VELO 31-3-2008 It’s full! Installation of major structures is essentially complete 43 Hope to soon see the first events from… 31-3-2008 44 Display of LHCb simulated event 31-3-2008 45 Prepare Bs→DsK Reconstruction… p 47 mm 144 mm ,K K Bs K Ds d 440 mm Invariant Mass • Trigger : – ET Calorimeters, Vertex topology • Flavour Tag: – Lepton-ID, Kaon-ID • Background suppression: – Mass resolution, K/ ID • Decay time: – Decay distance measurement – Momentum measurement 46 … to see time dependent CP violation signal! The amplitude of these “wiggles“ are proportional to the imaginary part of the CKM phase gamma! 5 years data: Bs→ Ds- Bs→ Ds-K+ Vud Vcd V e i td 31-3-2008 Decay time (ps) → Vus Vcs Vts Vub e Vcb Vtb i 47 Conclusion: after 5 years of LHCb… CKM Unitarity Triangle in 2007: 31-3-2008 Expected errors after 5 years (10 fb-1) of LHCb: To make this plot only Standard Model physics is assumed. 48 Conclusion and Outlook LHCb The collaboration has organised analysis groups and identified “hot topics”: • CP Violation • Measure the Bs mixing phase (Bs→J/ ) • Measure the CKM angle gamma via tree method (Bs → DsK) • Measure the CKM angle gamma via penguin loops (B(s) → hh ) • Rare Decays • Measure Branching Ratio Bs → m+ m • Measure angular distribution B0 → K* m+ m • Measure radiative penguins decays: b → s B → Xs • Other Flavour Physics • Angle beta, B-oscillations, lifetimes, D-physics, Higgs,…? • Atlas and CMS look for new physics via direct production of particles • LHCb tries to study it via the (possibly complex) couplings in B decay loop diagrams 31-3-2008 49 Summary of Signal Efficiencies 31-3-2008 50 Thank you for the attention. 31-3-2008 51 31-3-2008 52 31-3-2008 53 31-3-2008 54 Research Questions • Is flavour physics fully described by the CKM mechanism • Is CP violation in CKM sufficient to describe baryogenesis • Many models beyond the SM include a rich flavour physics structure • Are the penguin, box and tree diagrams governed by the same physics? • Search for CP violation where SM predicts none • Measure Branching Ratio for processes which are forbidden in SM • For the hypothesis that neutrinos are not massless the lepton system has a similar flavour strcture VCKM → VPMNS 31-3-2008 55 Bd meson vs Bs meson x m 1 m x 1 These B bbar oscillations allow for a beautiful CP experiment 31-3-2008 56 Result of track finding On average: 26 long tracks 11 upstream tracks 4 downstream tracks 5 T tracks 26 VELO tracks Typical event display: Red = measurements (hits) Blue = all reconstructed tracks T1 T2 T3 TT VELO 2050 hits assigned to a long track: 98.7% correctly assigned Efficiency vs p : Ghost rate vs pT : Ghost rate = 3% (for pT > 0.5 GeV) Eff = 94% (p > 10 GeV) Ghosts: Negligible effect on b decay reconstruction 57 Experimental Resolution Momentum resolution Impact parameter resolution sIP= 14m + 35 m/pT dp/p = 0.35% – 0.55% p spectrum B tracks 1/pT spectrum B tracks 58 Particle ID RICH 1 RICH 2 e (K->K) = 88% e (p->K) = 3% Example: Bs->Dsh Bs Prim vtx ,K Ds K K 59 Event in the Simulation 31-3-2008 60 Zoom in on the Velo detector 31-3-2008 61 4. Expected results • Example of an early physics measurement that is expected from LHCb: Measurement of Bs–Bs oscillations Use channel Bs Ds+ • Plot made for one year of data 80,000 selected events for ms = 20 ps-1 (SM preferred) Proper time distribution for events produced as Bs (rather than Bs) • Need to take care of flavour tagging, proper-time resolution, background rejection and acceptance correction • Can measure frequency accurately cf recent result ms = 17.8 ± 0.1 ps-1 [CDF] Next step: measure the phase of the oscillation, using Bs J/ decays (Bs counterpart of B0 J/KS), cleanly predicted in the SM: s = 0.04 Roger Forty Physics challenges of the LHC (III) 62 Penguin decays • These are another category of decays involving loop diagrams New particles might appear in those loops • Some indication from the B factory experiments that their results for penguin decays do not agree with expectations might be a hint of new physics? Experiment Theory • LHCb should reach a precision of ±0.04 on the asymmetry of Bs Roger Forty Physics challenges of the LHC (III) 63 Rare decays • Profit from the enormous statistics to search for very rare decays such as Bs mm Branching ratio ~ 3 10-9 in the Standard Model • BR can be strongly enhanced in SUSY [G. Kane et al, hep-ph/0310042] • LHCb can reach the SM prediction in a few years BR (x10-9) SUSY models LHCb 5s SM prediction 3s Integrated Luminosity (fb-1) Roger Forty Physics challenges of the LHC (III) 64 Topologies in B decays Trees q1 b q2 W− Bq d, s Penguins W– b W− W− u, c, t q b u, c, t d (s) b u,c,t l+ Z, γ g l− Bq Viq q u,c,t b W− W+ u, c, t q Viq Bq b V*ib q q Boxes V*ib d (s) Search for NP comparing observables measured in tree and loop topologies (tree+box) in B J/ Ks (tree) in many channels (tree+box) in Bs J/ (peng+tree) in Brr,r, (peng+box) in B Ks (peng+box) in Bs New heavy particles, which may contribute to d- and s- penguins, could lead to some phase shifts in all three angles: d(NP) = (peng+tree) - (tree) d(NP) = (BKs) - (BJ/Ks) d(NP) = (Bs) - (BsJ/) ≠ 0 B → K* μμ ? A very important property is forward-backward asymmetry.. ..and position of its zero, which is robust in SM: AFB(s), fast MC, 2 fb–1 2C7eff s0 eff C9 ( s0 ) s = (mmm)2 [GeV2]