AMERICA’S ARMY: THE STRENGTH OF THE NATION CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Four-Day Training Briefing Step 4: Develop Cost Estimates for Each Alternative Version 3.0 (Draft) Last Updated: 10 November 2011 Visit our CBA Website for more information regarding locations, signing up, upcoming training sessions, and more Key Learning Objectives CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Objectives: • Obtain an introduction to cost estimating • Understand cost fundamentals • Understand the cost estimating process – – – – – – – Prepare for the cost estimate Establish a framework for the estimate Establish the timeframe for the estimate Identify data sources and collect data Develop the estimate Identify cost of second- and third-order effects Prepare supporting documentation 2 Step 4: Develop Cost Estimates for Each Alternative 1. Define the Problem/Opportunity and Objective Cost Estimate: 2. Define the Scope; Formulate Facts and Assumptions • Captures the total cost of each alternative over its relevant life cycle CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED 3. Define Alternatives 4. Develop Cost Estimates for Each Alternative 5. Identify Quantifiable and Non-Quantifiable Benefits Cost estimate requires robust documentation to facilitate review and validation of the CBA. 6. Define Alternative Selection Criteria 7. Compare Alternatives 8. Report Results and Recommendations 3 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Outline • • • • • • Introduction and overview Cost fundamentals – a brief primer Principles and rules Tools Cost Estimating Methods Summary and conclusion 4 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Introduction and Overview 5 Cost and Cost Estimating Definition Cost: • The monetary representation of resources used, sacrificed, or liabilities incurred to achieve an objective. CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED – Example: The resources expended in acquiring or producing a good The resources expended in performing an activity or service Cost Estimating: • The process of collecting and analyzing data and applying quantitative models, techniques, tools, and databases to estimate the future cost of an item, product, program, or task. Cost estimating is thought by some to be difficult, but the skills and knowledge are logical and straightforward. It isn’t rocket science. 6 Purpose of Cost Estimating CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED • Enable managers to – – – – Make resource-informed decisions Develop and defend budgets Identify specific cost drivers Improve cost controls • Translate system/functional needs associated with programs, projects, proposals, or processes into costs • Determine and communicate a realistic view of the probable costs, which will be used to inform the decision-making process. 7 Characteristics of a Good Cost Estimate • Well documented CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED – – – Includes source data and its significance Clearly details calculations and results Contains explanations for choosing a particular method or reference • Comprehensive – Ensures a level of detail where cost elements are neither omitted nor double counted • Accurate – – Avoids bias and overly conservative or optimistic estimates Bases its assessments on most likely scenarios and assumptions • Credible – Discusses any limitations of the analysis deriving from the uncertainty/bias of the data or assumptions 8 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Cost Fundamentals A Brief Primer 9 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Examples of Cost Estimates This discussion will focus on cost estimating to support CBAs But … these types of estimates are not totally separate from each other. Concepts from other types can also apply to CBA. • Cost estimates may be used in any decision-making process, but particularly in: – Contracts and acquisitions – Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) • Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) • Economic Analysis (EA) • Business Case Analysis (BCA) – Independent Cost Assessment 10 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Some Characteristics of Costs Costs may be: • Direct or indirect • Recurring or nonrecurring • Burdened or unburdened • Variable or fixed 11 Direct vs. Indirect Direct Cost • Can be easily and conveniently traced to a specific cost element/objective CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED – Example: The cost of ammunition fired in a training event at the firing range Indirect Cost • Cannot be easily and conveniently traced to a specific cost element/objective – Example: Installation support to the firing range (utilities, upkeep, etc) 12 Recurring vs. Nonrecurring Recurring Cost CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED • Cost that is incurred regularly in producing a product or providing a service – Examples: Civilian and military personnel who conduct the activity, recurring sustainment of facilities, supplies, personnel training, utilities, equipment maintenance, janitorial service, office supplies Non-Recurring Cost • Cost that only occur once or infrequently. – Examples: Major items of equipment, major and minor construction, one-time training in new procedures, activities conducted in direct support of individual process improvement efforts 13 Burdened vs. Unburdened Unburdened Cost CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED • Cost of a product/service that does not consider other related costs necessary to provide that product/service. – Examples: Direct compensation, cost of a gallon of fuel in a theater of operations, etc. Burdened Cost • Cost of a product/service plus an apportioned cost of other related costs necessary to provide that product/service. – Examples: Salary plus the cost of benefits (health, retirement, etc.), facilities support cost allocated to an activity or personnel – There are degrees of burden in a CBA. For example: • Direct compensation for military and civilian personnel is always burdened with the cost of personnel benefits • Facilities support cost is allocated to a COA only if it can demonstrated that the COA causes the cost to be incurred 14 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Variable vs. Fixed Variable Cost • A cost that varies based on the level of activity or output. This can be either a linear relationship or a step function. – Examples: Fuel cost for vehicles varies in a linear fashion relative to the number of miles driven. The number of instructors needed to teach a class can vary in a step function based on the number of students (e.g., 1 instructor for 25 students, 2 instructors for 26-50 students, etc). Fixed Cost • A cost that does not vary based on the level of activity or output. – Example: At an Army installation, the cost associated with the commander and his/her immediate staff is unlikely to vary as the installation population or other variables change. Fuel Cost as a Function of Miles Traveled Instructors as a Function of Class Size 100 5 80 4 60 3 40 2 20 1 0 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 100 200 300 Variable 400 Note: Most costs are semivariable Cost of Cmd Gp ($K) as a Function of Installation Population 5 9 1317212529333741454953 Semi-Variable 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 Fixed Cost 15 Cost Drivers CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Organizations perform work activities to deliver products/services to a stakeholder. Definition: Factors, activities, or events that cause costs to be incurred Usually can be quantified/measured (e.g., number of hours spent on a task, supported population) Analyst should identify and focus on the primary cost drivers that affect total cost Helps to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the cost estimate Makes it easier to control costs within the organization Examples: The labor cost associated with assembling a HMMWV at a the factory would be driven by the quantity of vehicles produced Energy consumption at the PX is driven by the square footage of the building and the operating hours The cost of printing budget documents for the Office of Management and Budget is driven by the number of pages in each set and the number of sets needed 16 Second Order Effects CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED • The cost of second order effects—the effects of the COA under consideration beyond the immediate effects—must be taken into account in the cost estimate. 17 Normalization and Inflation CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED • Adjusting for inflation is a specific form of normalization, an adjustment intended to make a given data set consistent and comparable with other data sets • A frequent use of simple normalization is to adjust based on quantities. For example: – In a manufacturing process, COA 1 produces 17,000 widgets per year at a total cost of $33,765 and COA 2 produces 14,500 widgets at a total cost of $28,725. It’s difficult to evaluate these COAs unless we normalize by computing a unit cost, which shows us that COA 2, with a unit cost of $1.95 per widget, is preferable to COA 1, which has a unit cost of $1.99. 18 What is Inflation? Definition CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED • A rise in the general level of prices • Measure of change in the dollars’ purchasing power • In other words • • A given dollar amount will have less buying power next year than it does this year To maintain consistent buying power, we must adjust this year’s dollars with the inflation factor from year to year Common methods for normalization: • Discounting • Constant (Base) Year Of all the topics discussed in cost analysis, none will be encountered more frequently than inflation. 19 Inflated Dollars – Terminology and Uses CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Type of Dollar Other Terms When Used Constant Base Year Uninflated Used in the cost estimate of a CBA to compare COAs and to make the decision Current Then-year Inflated Used to determine the POM/budget resourcing impact of a COA. For the approved COA, the current dollar estimate is the amount that must be funded in each year. Therefore, it is also used to determine the dollar amount of required billpayers. Constant-dollar values must be accompanied by a base year: The fiscal year in which the program was initially funded or the analysis was performed. Constant and current year data cannot be used in the same analysis. 20 Inflation Calculation and Examples CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED • Basic calculations: – (Constant Dollars) * (Inflation Factor) = Current (Dollars) – Inflation is compounded from year to year (i.e., multiplied, not added). • Example: A loaf of bread in 1950 cost $0.25. In 2011, it costs $3.00. Supposing that the price of bread is a good indicator of the general price of goods, then FY1950 $0.25 is worth $3.00 in 2012. In other words, $0.25 could buy in 1950 what $3.00 buys in 2011—and between 1950 and 2011 there was 1100% inflation (12 x). The average annual inflation rate can be calculated to be about 4.1% (12 raised to 1/61 power, so that 1.041^61 = 12). • If between 2007 and 2011 there was 3% inflation each year, then $1 in 2007 could have bought what $1 x 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03 = $1.16 can buy in 2011. 21 Example—Current Dollar Calculation • Data: We’ve calculated the annual cost for a given COA in FY12 constant dollars: To implement this COA in the POM/budget, the dollar amounts in the three righthand columns would be used. To cost the COA in the CBA, the Const. Dollar Cost column should be used. – Civilian personnel: $145,000 – Contract support: $100,000 (paid by OMA appropriation) UNCLASSIFIED • Applicable inflation factors: – Civilian personnel: 2% per year – OMA appropriation: 3% per year • Calculation for the first three years of the life-cycle: CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES Cost Element Const. Dollar Cost Infl. Factor Current- Dollar Calculation Current-Dollar Cost FY12 FY13 FY14 FY12 FY13 FY14 150,858 Civ per 145,000 2% 145,000 145,000 * 1.02 145 * 1.02^2 145,000 147,900 Contract 100,000 3% 100,000 100,000 * 1.03 100,000 * 1.02^2 100,000 103,000 Total cost 245,000 245,000 250,900 256,948 22 UNCLASSIFIED CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES Cost Estimating Principles and Rules 23 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Cost Estimating Principles and Rules • Use authoritative data sources • Ensure that cost estimates support “apples-to-apples” comparison among COAs • Ensure the cost estimate is well-documented, comprehensive, accurate, and credible • Constant vs. current dollars – Use constant (uninflated) dollars for even comparison for COAs in CBAs – Convert estimate to current (inflated) dollars to determine POM/budget resourcing requirements 24 Cost Estimating Principles and Rules CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED • The timeframe for the cost estimate is the life-cycle of the COAs. For example: – If the CBA seeks the best solution for housing Soldiers at a CONUS installation, one of the COAs might call for constructing a barracks with a 50-year useful life. In this case, the life-cycle timeframe would be 50 years. – If the CBA addresses a requirement that will exist for only three years, the life-cycle timeframe would be three years. – Must use the same timeframe for all COAs • The timeframe for the POM/budget resourcing estimate is the full POM/budget period* or the life-cycle timeframe, whichever is shorter. * The POM/budget period includes the year of execution (current year), the budget year (next year), and the POM period (four or five years beyond the budget year). 25 Cost Estimating Principles and Rules UNCLASSIFIED • Timeframe example: – Two weapons systems being compared in a CBA have different life-cycles. The system in COA1 has a life-cycle of 5 years, while the one in COA2 has a life-cycle of 7 years. – The timeframe should be the same for both cost estimates—in addition, it should include a whole number of life-cycles for both systems. – The appropriate timeframe in this case is 35 years. This would allow for 7 complete life-cycles for COA1 and 5 complete life cycles for COA2. COA1 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 COA2 7 7 7 7 7 35 years 26 Sunk Costs CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED • In general, sunk costs—costs that have already been incurred regardless of which course of action is chosen—should not be included in a cost estimate. • For example, in a CBA evaluating options for which weapons system to deploy: if COA 1 deploys a weapon system that has already been procured (procurement cost is a sunk cost), and COA 2 uses a weapon system that still needs to be procured, then the procurement costs for the system in COA 1 should not be included in the cost estimate. • In certain cases, sunk costs can be included in an estimate, but should only be used as a baseline—it should not factor into the analysis for comparison between COAs. 27 Include Supporting Documentation CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED • After a CBA is submitted, the analyst who prepared the cost estimate might not be immediately available to answer questions. • How supporting documentation is used: – A CBA reviewer should be able to use the supporting documentation, with no additional input, and arrive at a cost estimate identical to that in the CBA. – If an analyst must consult the estimate several months after it is finalized, the supporting documentation will eliminate the need to reconstruct the thought process, data sources, and calculations supporting the estimate. – If the analyst is no longer available, subsequent analysts can use the documentation to understand how the estimate was prepared so that adjustments can be made if needed. 28 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED What to Include in Supporting Docs • Identification of all data sources • Rationale, assumptions, and the thought process that produced the estimate • Points of contact for all data. 29 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Guidelines for Excel • List cost elements in a spreadsheet • Include POCs for all preparers/analysts • Hyperlink websites • Reference all data sources • Use comments to document and explain costing methodology • Cells that contain equations should be free of constants— link to other cells instead, so that it is clear what data is being used in the calculation. 30 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES 31 UNCLASSIFIED CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Tools 32 Available Tools and Models for Cost Data Data Sources CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Personnel Facilities Equipment Modeled costs AMCOS must be used for military and civilian personnel compensation and benefits Form 1391 – MILCON construction costs Unified Facilities Criteria Army Equipping Enterprise System Equipment costs by LIN Facilities sustainment costs estimation FORCES OPTEMPO, equipment, force structure, transportation, CONOPS Services, leases, and equipment Electronic Document Access Contract data 33 Available Tools and Models for Cost Data Some of the websites listed here require user accounts. In most cases, anyone with a dot mil address can obtain an account. You are encouraged to scan these sites and request an account to any site that you think will be useful to you. This will save time when you need to use any sites to support a CBA or other projects. Tool/Model URL Suite of models that provides quick and reasonable unit cost estimates to a wide variety of users Personnel costs for military, civilian, and/or contractor ASA(FM&C) Website rates/indices.xls Inflation indices Capabilities Knowledge Base guidances/ckb-ui.pdf Research, development, and acquisition costing for major weapon/material systems Operating and support information for major weapon/material systems UNCLASSIFIED FORCES Cost Models CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES Purpose Army Military-Civilian Cost System (AMCOS) Operating and Support Management Information System (OSMIS) Access links through the “Resources” tab in the CBA Portal at 34 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED AMCOS 35 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED AMCOS AMCOS ApplicationsAMCOS lite 36 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Capabilities Knowledge Base 37 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Capabilities Knowledge Base 38 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED OSMIS 39 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED OSMIS 40 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Cost Estimating Methods 41 Available Cost Estimating Methods Available methods: • Analogy CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED • Parametric • Engineering • Actual Cost • Expert Opinion • Learning Curves Most CBAs utilize all cost estimating methods. 42 Cost Estimating Methods CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED The use of each method is based on the information available to support it. GROSS ESTIMATES Parametric DETAILED ESTIMATES Actual Costs Engineering Analogy Figure 1: A summary of the usual application of each technique. Source - Acquisition 101 Lesson 8: Financial Management: Cost Estimation 43 Cost Estimating Methods: Analogy Method CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Analogy Method: • Estimates the cost, based on historical data, of an analogous system or subsystem • Utilizes a current fielded system that is similarly designed to the proposed system • Adjusts historical cost of the current system to account for differences – Adjustments should be made through parameters/scaling factors based on quantitative data These adjustments should show validity of comparison When is it used? • When an analogous case (that can be applied to a subsystem or component level) exists 44 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Example - Analogy Method Attribute Old System New System Engine: Thrust: Cost: F-100 12,000 lbs $5.2M F-200 16,000 lbs ? Q: What is the unit cost of the F-200? A: $5.2M * (16,000/12,000) = $6.9M Warning 1: An adjusted analogy is like a regression, but the slope is just a guess. Warning 2: An adjusted analogy is, by definition, estimating outside the range of the data. 45 Analogy Method Estimating with Factors CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 = (𝑂𝑙𝑑 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡) ∗ (𝐴𝑑𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟) Element Old Sys1 Old Sys2 Old Sys3 New Sys Airframe $500/lb $250/lb $750/lb 1.2 x Sys1 Engine 2M/Unit 3M/Unit 5M/Unit .8 x Sys3 Avionics $3K/lb $2K/lb $4K/lb 1.0 x Sys2 Payload 6M/Unit 8M/Unit 7M/Unit .65 x Sys1 46 Cost Estimating Methods: Parametric Method UNCLASSIFIED Parametric Method: • Uses regression or other statistical methods to develop a cost estimating relationship based on observed patterns of how specific parameters influence total cost. • Utilizes: • High-level Work Breakdown Structure (top down approach) • A database from elements of one or more systems CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES When is it used? • Historical data is available but not detailed • In earlier stages of the system or project life cycle 47 Example - Parametric Method CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED High Mobility Wheeled Vehicles Database Vehicle M274 M561 M656 M520 Cost of First Unit $ 9,585 50,002 93,262 147,889 Gross Weight 1,770 8,363 24,785 36,590 Curb Weight 970 5,363 14,785 10,500 Cubic Ft Shipping 81.6 732.3 1,227 2,368 Net Horsepower 12.5 93 183 176 Is ‘Cubic Ft Shipping’ a good predictor of cost? 48 Example - Parametric Method (Cont’d) Cost of First Unit vs. Shipping Capacity Cost of First Unit ($K) UNCLASSIFIED 200000 150000 100000 50000 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES 0 0 500 1000 1500 Cubic Feet of Shipping 2000 2500 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡 = 60.992 ∗ 𝐶𝑢𝑏𝑖𝑐 𝑆ℎ𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐹𝑒𝑒𝑡 + 7957.2 We can estimate the cost of any vehicle given the shipping capacity using the above equation. 49 Cost Estimating Methods: Engineering Method Engineering Method: • Breaks down the system of interest into lower level components, each of which is estimated separately CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED – Work Breakdown Structure • Uses algebraic equations (bottom up approach) – Most detailed of all techniques • Requires extensive knowledge of a system’s characteristics and the respective detailed data • Is expensive and time consuming When is it used? • All potential costs can be assumed or estimated Types of Army data sources (AMCOS Lite, MILCON, SRM, historical ,execution, travel, etc.). 50 Developing the WBS • What the WBS does: CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED – Ensures that all component elements are identified so that all costs are counted once and only once – Provides a systematic, standardized way to collect data. • Decompose to as many levels as needed • Example: The airplane cockpit can be decomposed into its subelements: – Instrument panel • Primary flight instruments – – – – Directional gyro Turn and bank indicator Altimeter Airspeed indicator • Avionics controls – Communications – Navigation – Radar – Flight control systems • Rudder pedals • Steering yoke • Trim tab controls – Seats • Seat and shoulder belts • Cushions • Head rest … and so on A well-decomposed process flowchart that defines/describes the COA is a useful tool in developing the WBS 51 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED WBS – Another Example 52 Cost Estimating Methods: Actual Cost Method UNCLASSIFIED Actual Cost Method: • If historical costs from experience or trends from prototypes, engineering development models, and early production items are available, they can be used to cost current goods or services. • Extracts costs that were actually incurred on same system during an earlier period CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES – Obtaining access to these actual costs may be difficult When is it used? • The actual data from the same system is present 53 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Example – Actual Cost Method a. The development process is nearing completion. b. The materials have all been procured at a cost of $20M. c. The labor cost to date is $30M. d. According to earned value cost performance reports (CPRs), the estimated cost at completion for the remainder of the labor is another $20M. Cost = $20M + $30M + $20M = $70M 54 Cost Estimating Methods: Expert Opinion Method Expert Opinion Method: • Obtains opinions from experienced individuals or group CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED – Document the sources of opinions – List attributes of the sources When is it used? • When availability of data is limited. Delphi Technique 1. Query expert opinion from group 2. Seek expert opinion from each group, and then summarize results to send in reports 3. Gather another opinion and summarize those results 4. Continue process until experts reach a consensus 55 Example - Expert Opinion Method Scenario: Three software engineers are recognized experts in ERP software development. CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED 1. You hold interviews to explain the Stakeholders’ Needs, sizing level, and development process for your new system. 2. Each member of the group submits his/her opinion of the final cost. 3. If all expert opinions converge to or hover around the same figure, that may be taken as a good cost estimate. 56 Cost Estimating Exercises CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED 1. The Army Corps of Engineers needs to estimate the cost of constructing a special type of portable, aluminum bridge. Data for past construction projects for an analogous type of bridge is given in the following table. Bridge 1 Bridge 2 Bridge 3 Bridge 4 Bridge 5 130 130 180 200 300 # of Cables 5 used 7 7 9 3 Total Cost $281K $381K $427K $609K Length (ft) $275K Give a cost estimate for a bridge of length 450 ft built with 8 cables. 57 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Cost Estimating Exercises 2) A new type of MRE is being manufactured by a contractor, and the Army is looking for its own cost estimate in order to compare price quotes. A WBS reveals the following information: each MRE contains ¼ lb of dehydrated lobster, 1 lb of 90% lean beef jerky, ½ lb of pasta, ½ lb of dehydrated carrots, and a self-heating pouch. Historical costs of the heating pouch, pasta, and carrots are known: they are $1.50, $3/lb, and $1/lb, respectively. You have consulted 3 fisheries experts, who have given you estimates of $7.25, $6.80, and $7.05 for each pound of dehydrated lobster. Costs of beef jerky and labor, by certain parameters, are given below. Give an estimate of the production cost per MRE packet. Jerky 1 Jerky 2 Jerky 3 % lean 75 80 85 Cost/lb $1.50 $1.60 $1.70 MRE 1 MRE 2 MRE 3 Edible weight 1 lb 2 lbs 3 lbs Labor Cost/MRE $0.50 $1.00 $1.50 58 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES 59 UNCLASSIFIED CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES 60 UNCLASSIFIED CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Summary and Conclusion 61 Closing Thoughts CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED • The cost estimate is a critical part of a CBA and is likely to receive significant scrutiny • A cost estimate that is clearly presented, logical, and welldocumented will help send a positive message to users of the CBA • A wide range of tools is available to support the analyst. • Cost estimating requires logical thinking and a some understanding of resource management concepts, but it’s not rocket science. Most people should be able to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge. 62 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Cost Analysis is NOT Magic Cost Analysis is not magic! An effective cost analysis is well documented, comprehensive, accurate, and credible. 63 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED Review Exercise: Henry Ford • In a rented garage at 58 Bagley Street in Detroit, Henry Ford completed his first gas-powered car on the morning of June 4, 1896. He had spent $250 FY1896 dollars on equipment to build the car, and $100 on labor. The garage cost $15 per month to rent. After the car was assembled, it was clear that it would not be able to fit through the door of the rented garage. The car was to be used as a model for the two-year long test-driving phase of his R&D process, with the final goal of arriving at a model for mass production and sale. After negotiating with the landlord, it was agreed that the garage door could be widened for a onetime payment of $25. 64 Review Exercise: Henry Ford CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED • Provide a cost estimate for each of the following COAs: – COA1 (Status Quo): Leave the car in the garage, do nothing else. – COA2: Disassemble the car and reassemble it outside the garage. – COA3: Widen the garage door. 65 Mini-case Exercise #4 or “how much can I spend again?” CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED • U.S. Army Special Operations Command has scheduled the procurement of seven “Longbow Apache 2” helicopters with a preliminary delivery date of 15 May 2013 (with 95% certainty). Normal procurement cost per Apache is $35M. Each of the new Apaches has been ordered with a classified modification to suit the customized mission requirements of USASOC, at an additional cost of $7M over the normal procurement cost for each Apache. All seven customized Apaches are necessary for mission effectiveness. It is known that to achieve the delivery date of 15 May 2013 at the given degree of certainty, the required production rate must far exceed normal capacity, and that this contributes as a cost factor. An analysis of past production performance has determined that the relation between cost and risk can be approximated by r = 0.09c2 – 1.24c + 4.32 (for values of c between 3.64 and 10) where r is the risk (expressed as a decimal between 0 and 1) that delivery will miss the deadline, and c is the cost in millions of dollars over the normal procurement cost per Apache. After setting the delivery date at 15 May 2013, USASOC receives an order from SECARMY restricting total procurement costs for the Apache procurement program to $280M. USASOC now needs to determine the optimal value of c. Perform all 8 CBA steps to determine alternatives and recommend a course of action. 66 Mini-case Exercise #4 CBA 4-DAY TRAINING SLIDES UNCLASSIFIED or “Apache Part II: who should I listen to?” • Due to a last minute change in mission requirements, the original modification has been scrapped in favor of one with a wider range of alternatives. As in part (a), a maximum of $5M per helicopter may be spent on the new modification. The modification can be customized according to two dimensions: survivability and lethality, each scored on a scale between 0 and 1 (1 being the best possible). The associated costs are $5M per point for survivability, and $10M per point for lethality. Suppose that the benefit score may be calculated as LxSy, where L is the score for lethality, S is the score for survivability, x is the weight (as a decimal) placed on lethality, and y is the weight given to survivability. To determine the relative importance of these two dimensions to the mission, you have conducted a survey within three separate populations: infantry, Apache pilots, and USASOC commanders. Among infantry, the consensus is that x = 0.8 and y = 0.2. Among pilots, the consensus is that x = 0.3 y = 0.7. Commanders believe x = 0.6 and y = 0.4. State the problem, objective, constraints, and determine alternatives and the recommended course of action. 67