Human Population Dynamics Test Review Vocabulary: Refer to your population vocabulary definitions. Population Population Ecology Population Density Birth Rate Death Rate Growth Rate Formula for calculating growth rate by natural increase Formula for calculating growth rate with Immigration Emigration Zero Population Growth Carrying Capacity Exponential growth (defines and sketch characteristic graph) Logistic Growth (defines and sketch characteristic graph) Density Dependent Factors (define and list examples) Density Independent Factors (define and list examples) Demographic Transition (definition and 4 types) Age Structure Diagram Population Pyramids-Age Structure Diagrams: You have to be able to answer questions about age structure diagrams. Write the name(s) of the countries described by the following statements. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Has completed demographic transiton. Austria, Denmark, Italy In the pre-industrial stage.Kenya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia Close to zero population growth. Austria, Denmark, Italy Has high birth and death rates. Kenya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia What precentage of the male population is 0-4 years old in each country? 7% 4% 3% Stages of Demographic Transition: You need to know the stages and characteristics or each stae of demographic transiton. Write the descriptions under the stage they describe. Pre-Industrial High birth rate and death rates Small population Transitional Death rate declines Population grows rapidly High infant mortality low life expectancy Need children to work farms Industrial Birth rate declines rapidly Death rate declines Population grows rapidly Children still necessary, families have more money Children are not a necessity but parents still want them Post-Industrial Low birth and death rates Large population Population levels off Elderly outnumber young Many families choose not to have children Sketch a population pyramid for each stage. Survivorship Curves: You will have to interpret data for survivorship curves. 1. Match the phrase with the term. Answers may be used more than once. A. Survivorship curve B. Type I Survivorship Curve C. Type II Survivorship Curve D. Type III Survivorship Curve 1. A Graph of percent alive at the end of each age interval. 2. D R-Strategist 3. B K-Strategist 4. D Most young die, but a few live to old age. 5. A Originally used to set life insurance rates 6. D Characteristic curve for of insects 7. C Death rate constant over life span 8. B Most offspring live a long life and die of old age 9. B Characteristic of humans and many other large mammals Survivor Graphs Curve A shows a white woman’s life expectancy in the USA. Curve B shows an Indian woman’s life expectancy in India. Curve C shows fish’s life which has an equal chance of dying at any age. Curve D shows an oyster’s life in which there are many young but few survive to adulthood. 10. Who has a better chance of surviving infancy - Indian or American women? American 11. At what age are most oysters dead? Approximately 10 years old 12. At what age are most fish dead? Approximately 50 years old 13. Look at Curve A. Notice that it levels off between the ages of 20-40. What does this mean? Most of the people survive into this stage of adulthood 14. Which has a longer life expectancy - fish or oysters? fish 15. Which organism best represents an R-selective species? Why? Oysters because few of them survive to adulthood 16. Which organism best represents a K-selective species? Why? White women in USA because they live longer lives and begin to die off at a certain age