Name ELA Homework due Friday, 09-25

Name ________________________________
ELA Homework due Friday, 09-25-15
Personal and Possessive Pronouns
I) Identify the personal pronoun in each sentence. (Use your pronoun study guide.)
1) He pinned his wrestling opponent and won the match!
a) wrestling
b) He
c) and
d) his
2) The other students think that she should audition for the spring musical production.
a) she
b) audition
c) for
d) production
3) Mrs. Thames reminded you to proofread and correct your rough draft.
a) reminded
b) proofread
c) Mrs. Thames
d) you
4) We are so thankful and blessed to teach at Red Bud Middle School!
a) are
b) thankful
c) We
d) teach
5) Coach Jones instructed them to do an upper body workout of 3 sets and 10 "reps."
a) instructed
b) them
c) Coach Jones
d) of
6) Students find this hard to believe, but I have never eaten a "Blizzard" at Dairy Queen!
a) find
b) to
c) but
d) I
7) Mrs. Hayes gave us wonderful t-shirts to wear on "Spirit Days."
a) us
b) Mrs. Hayes
c) wonderful
8) My friends saw him at the Jennifer Lopez concert in Atlanta.
a) in
b) at
c) the
d) on
d) him
II) Identify the possessive pronoun in each sentence. (Use your study guide.)
9) Our shiny, newly-waxed gym floor looks so nice and new!
a) so
b) gym
c) shiny
d) Our
10) The bowl of strawberries in the refrigerator is yours.
a) yours
b) bowl
c) strawberries
d) is
11) Mrs. White has graded your science tests.
a) has
b) graded
d) tests
c) your
12) The Cass Varsity Boys' Basketball Team needs to improve their sportsmanship!
a) Cass
b) needs
c) their
d) sportsmanship
13) Her family ate at the food court while shopping at the mall.
a) ate
b) while
c) food
d) Her
The Stinkbug
The stinkbug is a rather unusual creature. Originally found in East Asia,
stinkbugs were not even reported in the United States until the late 1990's! An adult
stinkbug grows to a length of 3/4 inch, has 6 legs, is triangular-shaped, usually a green or
brownish-gray color, and has antenna.
Stinkbugs eat leaves, flowers, fruit, and crops like soybeans. They also eat other
pests, such as caterpillars and live in orchards, gardens, and woods. This interesting
insect does not hurt or sting humans, but they can cause a lot of damage to crops and
Lots of insects use camouflage or color to protect themselves, but stinkbugs have
an unusual way of deterring predators; they stink! When they are disturbed, these insects
release a foul-smelling liquid from "stink glands." The bird, toad, or spider that thinks a
stinkbug looks like a good snack is immediately repulsed by the smell, and it leaves the
stinkbug alone. They also release the foul odor when they are protecting their homes and
when they are crushed.
In the spring, a female stinkbug lays 10 to 40 green eggs under a leaf and then
guards them closely as she waits for them to hatch. After the eggs hatch, in about a
week, the female protects her nymphs, or babies, by shielding them with her wide, flat
body. After about a month, the baby stinkbugs have developed their own stink glands
and are able to protect themselves. Perhaps you will encounter stinkbugs this spring or
1) Where were stinkbugs first found?
a) in the United States
c) in a peach orchard in Middle Georgia
b) in East Asia
d) in a science lab
2) Based on the context clues in the 3rd paragraph, we can infer that to be repulsed
a) to be attracted to someone or something. c) to get revenge against your enemies.
b) to get angry.
d) to be turned off or disgusted by something.
3) Which of the following animals has a defensive strategy similar to stinkbugs?
a) porcupines
c) polecats (skunks)
b) possums
d) kangaroos
4) How long does it take stinkbug eggs to hatch?
a) about one week
c) one month
b) 10 to 40 days
d) at least 3 months
5) Cite the textual evidence (give the proof) that stinkbugs are a nuisance to farmers.
6) Cite the textual evidence (give the proof) that stinkbugs are predators.
7) Cite the textual evidence (give the proof) that mama stinkbugs are good mothers.