Name: Injury Physiology and Psychology Test Review Sheet (Turn in for 10 points the class day before your test!) 1. What are the reactions follow a chronic injury? 2. Loss of identity is the reaction that typically follows what kind of injury? 3. What is a negative stressor that can result in injury? 4. Name 3 characteristics of an injury-prone athlete. 5. Name 3 sign and symptoms of depression. 6. When should a coach return an athlete to participation? 7. Name 3 symptoms of burnout. 8. Name 3 functional tests for an athlete with an ankle sprain. 9. When are athletes given specific dates by which their rehab goals have to be met? 10. Is body language important in dealing with an injured athlete? 11. What is a way to make an athlete work harder during rehab? 12. What are 4 characteristics of the athlete that can influence his/her reaction to injury? 13. Is there such a thing as positive stress? 14. Burnout is characterized by what 4 symptoms? 15. There are two aspects of an injury. One is physiological, what is the other? 16. How can anger of frustration negatively impact an athlete’s performance? 17. When should an athlete be off of crutches? 18. Is venting important for the athlete’s recovery? 19. How does the practitioner ensure maximum positive response in the athlete during rehab? 20. How does the athlete typically feel during the anger stage? 21. What is the best thing the coach can do for the injured athlete during the rehabilitation process? 22. What are some long-term repercussions for continuing to play on a poorly rehabilitated injury? 23. Non-health care providers can use which 3 modalities? 24. When does the rehabilitation process start? 25. When are isometric exercises used? 26. Name two benefits of isometric exercise. 27. Exercises done at a fixed speed are referred to as what? 28. Describe plyometric exercise. 29. Define functional progression. 30. What are used to determine athlete’s ability to perform a specific activity? 31. When should ice be used a modality? 32. Which component of the rehab process is most commonly neglected? 33. Name 3 functional tests. 34. Who makes the final decision about an athlete’s return to competition? 35. What is the long-term goal of every rehab program? 36. Is full range of motion a major or minor criterion for return to play? 37. What is different about a plastic ice pack and an ice bag? 38. Is balance often a primary focus of rehab? 39. What is the purpose of friction massage? 40. What are 3 signs of major inflammation in the body? 41. How many bones are in the human body? 42. What is the main mineral found in bones? 43. Name the two parts of the skeleton and describe them. 44. Name one example of sesmoid bone. 45. Name the four groups of special populations. 46. What is atlantoaxial instability and what does it mean for athletes with this condition? 47. What is the decline of strength in the elderly caused by? 48. Name 4 examples of physical impairments. 49. Name an example of a long bone. 50. Name an example of an irregular bone.